I would argue that it's somewhat the other way around, and that's part of the problem.
If you have two powerful, important people, fairly similar in their resources and positions, the whinier one is more important. They're making demands, exerting their power, getting concessions. They're visible.
When things work, they’re invisible. You don’t ever know the name of your city’s municipal sanitation chief unless he sucks at his job and the streets flood with shit.
I've become increasingly unclear about who really has power in our society. Politicians? Mostly not. Grade school teacher has incredible power, and the very small numbers of whiners are not using it for good.
The fundamental issue is that they have the power to do whatever they feel like but what they *want* is to be allowed to do whatever they feel like and not suffer public scorn for it.
Or better yet, where these people were the most powerful people because they had demonstrated their actual concern for and loyalty to the international working class and were rightly democratically elected to wield that power.
How can you possibly end up powerful and end up hating it so much? I’d enjoy the shit out of it. Solve people’s problems on a whim, do things I can only dream of like it’s a regular day. Power is wasted on the unimaginative
If you have two powerful, important people, fairly similar in their resources and positions, the whinier one is more important. They're making demands, exerting their power, getting concessions. They're visible.
When things work, they’re invisible. You don’t ever know the name of your city’s municipal sanitation chief unless he sucks at his job and the streets flood with shit.