In 2023, the number of murders fell at the steepest rate ever recorded, according to FBI data.
That trend may be continuing, according to data from a mix of sources covering most or part of 2024. In some major cities, the numbers are at or below what they were before the pandemic.
That trend may be continuing, according to data from a mix of sources covering most or part of 2024. In some major cities, the numbers are at or below what they were before the pandemic.
Like the stock market was record high because of trump, f*cking obviously
Trump will be so hyper focused on being tough on crime (targeting jay walkers, racially profiling innocent people, and etc) that real criminals like some white incel shooting up a public venue will go neglected.
Pretty sure local news reports the same info, why wouldn't they?
A lie told a thousand times becomes reality.
Joseph Goebbels
Nazi Propaganda Minister
(Yeah, we know they were lying all along.)
Cost of $88B year one, unfunded. That's more than several government departments.
No Democrat is going to vote "yes".
and MAGA gets upset when Rubin tells the truth.
The race would have had an entirely different dynamic had there been a proper primary.
Sure, the facts were different, but we are much closer to the matrix than we care to think.