.22 would be very easy for both of you. There is little to no kickback on any models. Most pistol ranges offer classes, and those guys are more than happy to help.
I'm really scared about the world right now, I want you to be safe. 💚
I don't want to own one, but if unidentified people can start arresting us and not answer our questions or tell us where they are taking us, then game on!
I got my first one during the Orange Rapist's first term. Definitely take gun safety classes and go for a CCL. The ranges should have rentals so you can try different calibers. Your mom at least should stick with a 22.
Second administration, I may need to add to my arsenal.
That's a good choice for self-defense. You just need to stop someone, not kill them. Sad that the world has come down to this. When I went through all of that in 2020, the classes were pretty much left leaning older people. You shouldn't need all the accessories either (red-dots, lights, etc.)
.22 would be very easy for both of you. There is little to no kickback on any models. Most pistol ranges offer classes, and those guys are more than happy to help.
I'm really scared about the world right now, I want you to be safe. 💚
Second administration, I may need to add to my arsenal.