The truth is hiding in plain sight. We’re being taken over by an oligarchy dictatorship. But the answer is in front of us. We fight. And we don’t stop until we win.


Absolutely we don't stop fighting until we win on both fields of this combat
Not within the framework of the democratic party, which runs on corporate money
capitalists will prevent the drop in wealth that is absolutely necessary to ever even scratch at the surface of the problems we are facing
which are inherent to capitalism
Fascism IS capitalism
Capitalism IS oligarchy
Umm, I disagree

Your talking about the current chronic capitalism, where govt colludes with big business to manipulate the economy, true capitalism which we don't have currently is a good thing
No it isn't its foundations led to this
This is capitalism you can slap as many more labels as you want on it its still Capitalism

No capitalism does not mean free markets
Capitalism is
A class system that divides society between 2 classes owners and wageslaves its designed to work for capital
Where the hell did you go to school

That is textbook communism

Go back to school man, I really can't have this argument in good faith

And just so you are awaren, I was clear thay the current so called form of capitalism is not actual capitalism by definition, it's more socialism
Communism means stateless classless moneyless society
Your not arguing anything in good faith

socialism means workers own and control the means of production

This what we have here is a fascist political system controlling a capitalist economy

What you learned in school was clearly lies
Hey Chip!!!!
Oligarchy dictatorship or Oligarchic Car Dealership?
Good 1 1/2 minutes!
Speak out. Rise up.
They need to go where they can actually do something. They need to help bring attention to Wisconsin and Floria races. We need VOTES
sorry i am to tired to fight a pointless war and let these morons continue to walk among us. unless the end goal is banishing or imprisoning them all then count me out. i only have 1 fight left in me and im not wasting it on a pussy solution
He called Trump “Captain Cock Waffle”. Fucking hilarious. 😂😂😂😂
It's hard not to love Chips unvarnished brain farts
Make no mistake. These people have been planning for pushback & have a plan to deal with it. If Bernie thought the Clinton political machine played rough this is an opponent several orders of magnitude more dangerous and vicious. AOC helps. But they need some dogs. Because this is going to get ugly
I'm in😡The outline is clear!!! Stop buying ALL that is associated w/ #Trump & #musk....destroy their properties.....then... #generalpatton time...his killing machine? a .357...Mine?? Glock 20. Fuck the 3rd Reich!!!! Change is a Comin' - a song by Main South CITIZENS OF #AMERICA ....unite!!!😡🔥😡👍
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❤️🙌 luv it
Yeah, I think we need to alien the Center even more.
Oligarchy implies that there's a single, simply identifiable (& easily fixed) reason for our problems, when in fact the underlying causes of the situation we're now in are many & distinct from each other.

Bur wrt Billionaires, we continue to ignore the social environment in which they prosper.
YuP 🤮👹
Millionaire Sanders is the answer to oligarchy? 🤣
Bernie has been fighting this fight his entire adult life. We have no reason not to trust that he means it. He has no problem being taxed more, he has said clearly, that he would like to be taxed more.
But that’s just talk and the time for talk is over. It’s time for the Democrats to take action and to play hardball. That’s blue state secession.
Secession— hit them with the big hammer.
Secession isn't the answer, it's what made the US south full of Bible trumpeting inbred bigots. The majority of trans people in the US live in red states. So yeah it's leaving them to die. Thanks but nah.
Trump/ Vance = trojan horse, ready to destroy all what is left of America
fight the oligarchy by electing oligarchs of the right colour. That will solve everything!

brought to you by Pfizer and other OLIGARCHS
What's going on
Trump is a man baby!
Well…the past and the future. Dude is 83…he should be almost done with his service.
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This is one of the best things I've seen to tie things together 💙
I’m ready!! #LFG! 👊🏻🔥
Should the #SSA miss a #SocialSecurity payment there WILL be an 🇺🇸 ignition.🔥

This THEFT would affect recipients AND their younger family members as most would be forced to step in to financially care for previously fully or partially independent parents.

This will be the case for #Medicare also.
They can be catalyzers of change.. one is too old to even embody change and the other one isn’t ready for prime time… though they are out there channeling people’s outrage and frustration better than the party’s leadership.. that has value
Bro keep this shit up. This is a great format!
If by "fight" you mean vote for Democrats, no. Fuck Bernie and AOC. Their only purpose is to prevent people from actually embracing socialism and communism, which only serves fascists and imperialists.
Mate, if you don't think it's been completed then you haven't been paying attention.
And that means unite! Not throw a hissy at the Democratic Party - the only way to defeat the fascists is together and nice quashed- we can work on our differences
AOC for President and Bernie for VP. They’re the ones fighting, they’re our leaders. They are our Tribunes of the People.
They’re not fighting shit. They’re just as in bed with the oligarch as republicans. Wake the fuck up yes. Bernie is an elder statesman.
Sure. Gimme a target, if that was all it was, Bernie.
America is so incredibly corrupt.

Swinging open our doors for the world's most craven and despotic tyrants.

We're a full-blown oligarchy and fascist regime.

Expect mounting "fell out of a window" dead bodies of innocent Americans and whistleblowers.
US citizens will soon be aware of the meaning of 'defenestration'.
She's Puerto Rican.
we are being overcome by a SYSTEM which created and put the oligarchy in place. The system was created to enable exploitation for the benefit of the few, and it continues to work very well.
We NEED a new system.
Bernard of Griftshire is not the leader you seek.
Those Genocider fucks are part of the oligarchy not the answer chip…
Well one way to fight is see how one could help Dems win those 2 House races coming up in early April
Did that ever come up
We dissolve and eradicate MAGA from this earth, that's where we fucking begin.
Don't be afraid to call things by what they are. MAGA is a terrorist organization, ICE is a secret police force conducting Ethnic Cleansing, Elon Musk is an oligarch, and Trump is a foreign backed coup d'état figurehead. This is not an administration, this is a regime, and your country is occupied. Canada appreciates the two of you wholeheartedly. For standing up to these evil men trying to destroy your Democracy and the close bond Canada and the United States have always had. We see you and have your backs❤️❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Haha..Captain Cockwomble!

We’re seeing who the real leadership is, regardless of titles. AOC, Crockett, Raskin, Bernie. Those are who I’m following. Strength over weakness!
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The time is now! Have all of Greenland in lock down and turn the Vance lady and whoever back to their place! This has to stop. Trump can't just bully countries anymore!! Oh, get Elon OUT of the white house!!!
No thanks. Bernie has been a Russian asset for over four decades. And AOC has been one of the least effective in passing legislation.
We fight, it may take a long while, but we will win.
Imagine being too fucking stupid to realize your side is also owned by oligarchy, and is actually more dangerous bc they pretend to give a shit about people’s live so they can control them more. Fuck both oligarch partiess and esp AOC and Bernie #VOTE3rdParty #voteindependent #FreeofStupidity
I follow every video you post. Thanks for doing a great job of telling the truth!
Captain cockwaffle got me. I’m seated for you.
You and your Government have already been overtaken by the Corporate Oligarchy and the Political Machine, The Corporate Duopoly, that it Runs. There is no "Fighting" a Socio Economic Political System you are Part of. #CorporateDuopoly #GreenParty #BlueMAGA
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Bernie and AOC are embarassing themselves, the Democratic Establishment is the Oligarchy and not interested in any of their Proposals and this has been proven over the last 50 Years of Neoliberalism Democrat Style as practiced by The Clinton's, Obama and Biden. #GreenParty #StatusQuoPolitics
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We need Wonder Bread Woman to lead us back to Democracy!
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What are the specific things to do, though? Vote, donate when possible, hold up signs, what else?
We haven't been taken over, Chip. It's always been an oligarchy. People will money have always had more power, louder voices, and seats at the table. Always.

They just stopped trying to hide it.
They can do it, but are they smart enough to overcome stupidity.
Are you?
Definitely not. To take all those stupid people with intelligence? You’d have to be an idiot, which I am, so I guess that makes me smart. Which is dumb.
the answer is like 78k non voters in the right precincts in 5 swing states voting for policies they already say they like
The elections were stolen, that's a fact and was WORLDWIDE TELEVISED! Harris, Biden and GARLAND chose to walk, why? THREATS?
Welcome to where I've been since Obama turned out to be the Compromiser in Chief.
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Unfortunately..too many of you are still sitting on your backsides and doing a wait n see approach.

Doing NOTHING is how the Nazis took over Germany!!!!!!!!!

Kudos though for those who currently have the balls to get out and protest.. but it NEEDS MORE
This summer is gonna be a national protest party…I’ll bring the chips and the frisbee…
Screw a summer or winter of discontent ... It needs to be A YEAR .
Yes needs to peak before mid terms next summer…
A steady increase and a differing change in tactics and actions to constantly catch them off guard., otherwise they get wise !
Yes. Need to recruit young voters ..that protesting is fun…
If you know anyone that doesn't want to take part, but is worried about what will happen/or just complacent. Tell them this clearly and plainly. If you don't get up, get out and protest.. YOU will be to blame for the fascist regime, no money, no healthcare, no social security and no pension!
America’s federal government HAS been taken over by an oligarchy. Don’t fool yourself though, the office of the American Presidency CAN be a dictatorship therefore it is. Until the current structure of America’s government cannot swing to fascism it cannot be considered a democracy.
Thus far in recent history Americans have been overwhelmingly supportive of a capitalist system which is essentially early stage fascism, and the majority still are. This only strengthens an oligarchy, and the wealthy know this… they bank on it.
No, they are not the future. He’s too old and she can’t win. If you run her, you’ll get the same result that Harris had. I like her, and I will vote for her, but she’s not going to win.
I said it about Harris. I was called a racist. I backed off, but I’m not backing off this time.
trump/musk demi-god hitler surveying the blitzkrieg damage in Poland...☠
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*have been taken over by an oligarchy*
There- I fixed it for you. Frightening times indeed… and it’s only taken <3 months. Sad truth is it will take decades to repair. 😩
More like we're being transformed into one. We need to unify, rise up, and END this takeover of our government NOW, or there won't be any future elections to "win." RESIST, ORGANIZE, PROTEST! DO IT TOGETHER!
I didn't expect to laugh but the stupid RFK falling down the stairs to phil collins got me.
Love AOC, Bernie, Jasmine Crockett and a few others...
Because you’re a moron who doesn’t realize you’re being lied to probably more by democrats than republicans. At least a republican lies to your face. #vote3rdParty #voteagainstoligarchparties
Well it takes one 2 know one... I'm an Independent voter and I hope you know that the Republicans are no more... It's now the Ass clown 🤡 party.
I have been a Republican all my life (64) and trump changed that for me... That man is crazy as f**k and is destroying our country... I never thought that I would se AOC as a voice of reason! It's time to stand up to the madness.
Bernie shoulda supported Hillary in 2016. We wouldn't be here today.
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Yeah, that’s what Kamala told us too. After we donated thousands of $$$, wrote and mailed hundreds of postcards, made dozens of phone calls. In less than 24 hours, she conceded and never asked for an audit or recount even though red flags were flying. She. Didn’t. Fight.
Sadly you didn't learn the first time. Fire up your civil disobedience
#trumpsanazi #dictatorship
No way. Too Liberal. and one is too young and one is too old.
We protest in numbers so huge they cannot deny
You’re on it, Aren’t you a 95 year old Democratic socialist with a cute parakeet. I’m thinking the lions in the corporate mafia are dreaming about pulling off her wings. Here pass a Bill to get equality, the lions are showing mercy.
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Last time you fought against a tyran on your soil, you defeated it.
But this time you face a hydra with at least three or four heads. And you will have a single chance to defeat it.
In case you fail, there will be arbitrary arrests, summary executions and dictatorship for long.
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Thank you Chip.
It’s really nice to see an older gentleman talk in no uncertain terms.
Go off Democrats and independent voters! Don't let the apathy win
Don't any of these people know that "fight" isn't a synonym for "flap jaws until we're all dying or dead"?
Democratic Leaders must be able to litigate before 2026-we may not have a democracy by then. We can rally protest and talk, but if nothing else concrete is done, all of those things are mute. It’s like protesting and burning down your neighborhoods and then don’t get out & vote-nothing changes! 🫠
tax wealth.. not work. That's a message I kind of like. The wealth inequality ( globally ) is driving the rise of the right.. billionaires funding their messaging because they realise they stand to lose money. but the fact that they 're bringing around economic collapse doesn't matter to them.
No we're not. Stop fear mongering.
Go Bernie
And don’t listen to Bernie he’s a grifter and loves Russia
I also think it’s honestly bs to sue, harass, bully or intimidate media outlets and corporations because on reporting things they don’t agree or like. Not to mention that framing us as corrupt, terrorists and wrongly detaining, ignoring negativity and the cowardice is pathetic. #Demvoice1 🤨😕😴
At least, leading us into the future
Zelensky is the best part of the video🤣
There's no debate about the intentions of Musk/Trump. Trump is a fool and his arrogant stupidity has endangered us, but Musk is no fool. The best strategy for deposing or disposing of them is not obvious.
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Bernie and AOC are just the Judas Goats that keep the Left from escaping the concentration camp of the Democratic party.

Until you look beyond the Democratic party, indeed, beyond electoral politics, you will NEVER see and truths.
Look forward to seeing your segments everyday. Glad to see you here.
This is just as deranged as the worst of Trump's output.
Here here
My God, how does he still have a 13% approval rating?
Cult members.
Has to be! I'm not surprised but somehow still amazed.
Me too. I will never understand it!
AOC is so fuckin hot
Democrats are the WORST at messaging. Defund the police?? Black Lives Matter?? Tax the rich???
Reform policing and end police brutality.
Make taxes fair.
That’s how you say it.
Every single elected Democrat in office needs to be on this tour! Get your corporate eat the scraps off our table the fuck out of our government!
Call for an audit of the votes in all the swing states.

The results are odd.

None of the results triggered an automatic audit, almost as if the results were managed to be "normal" - even though it is unbelievable that they would all go for Trump.

Also Trump said many times he needs no more votes.
I'm in NC. In PA and here they called their win even though NC had 3 more hours of voters in line and PA had 2 more hours of voters,not to mention the mail-ins hadnt been counted yet
Wow. That's really odd.

They called the win with voters still waiting to vote?

Sniff, sniff, something smells .... off
That's why we are mad Harris didn't fight.
I truly think she physically collapsed after election night, as she'd pushed herself so hard to do so many interviews, meetings and town halls etc.

And fwiw, having to deal with the toxic hatred, misogyny, assaults, etc. of the opposition likely hit her like a brick to the head after results day.
I'm sure but I'm still mad.
Adrenaline will help in amazing ways, but the price is paid afterwards, and it can be at a deadly strength both physically and mentally.
Without The Silent Majority, which all of you called "irrelevant" and "obscure," that's kind of a big reason all of you LOST, you won't ever win anything from now on because all of you stand for nothing. None of you can even stand up for ANYTHING GOOD!
Leonard Cohen, the future.
What do you mean by “fight”? What is the plan? And, being Dutch, what can I do?
Until Jan 20, 2025 the US was the greatest country in the world. Then The Trump happened. The country has since been tainted with hatred and becoming a satellite state to Russia. Talk about a hostile takeover! Please get back to pre January 20!
This is why leaders who attempt a bloody coup are either executed or exiled. They should not remain to try again, after four years of plotting. While we did nothing.
I agree the sooner we can unseat the democrats the better
I’m curious as to what you think the answer right in front of us is. Voting for whatever right wing corporate shill the DNC chooses again? What does fighting look like to you? Because you can go to rallies until the end of time, but it won’t to amount to anything without radical leftist action.
Yes, we fight them until we win. 🖤✨️
AOC is the future.
Too many people are brainwashed by cable news and social media.

They think we're communists and satanists, and they're true Americans and Christians...

The coming economic collapse will be successfully blamed on "radical leftists"
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Amen, Chip! Bullseye!
Good luck selling it.
Could we *please* focus on now and surviving this current shitstorm before we even think about 2028??