The Dept of Ed is still a federal agency under the executive branch
So the White House can do anything it wants to it.
Now, SHOULD they, is a better question. But this is an administration that's decided to say "fuck decorum and rules." So if it's within their scope of power, they can just do it.
I don't get it either. They can say whatever they want but why are people actually packing up and leaving? Are they blocking doors, shutting off the power?
They can't, but no one is stopping them outright. I don't understand why they just don't say absolutely not, come back with congressional approval. But they're not. It's insane to just roll over belly up to that fascist
Smart people get sucked into cults. When you’re raised in it you don’t even know it is a cult. It’s just normal life. I was raised in a cult like religion was homeschooled, all the things. They were right, that evil higher education showed me the way out 😈 I am not stupid
Now you aren't. There was a time you truly were and that's where I see every single Republican right now. I don't respect them and I refuse to have any sympathy for them at all. You can try to Dr it up however you would like but they are disgusting
I was ignorant not stupid. Stupid is when you see facts and refuse to accept. I never saw the facts. My environment was too controlled. Dehumanization is part of what got us here. It doesn’t matter which side does it.
Moderate Republicans left in 2010 after the tea party yahoos started getting elected. Some are independent still and some have moved to being a Democrat.
I think some of them stayed on, hoping to prevail against the TP whackos. The 2024 candidacy of El Pendejo Anaranjado was the final straw for the few that still remained.
So upsetting! My main concern is the funding and laws related to my students with special needs, schools that require Title 1 funding to run, and school districts that, right now, can afford to feed their students but soon will not. “The States” individually can not afford to do it all. 😡🤔🤦♀️
Same here! I teach kindergarten at a Title 1 school. And I live in a red state so it won’t even try to help. It’s going to get messy when federal and state budgets pass and school districts lose millions.
We are not going to sit by & watch the richest man in the world cut educational opportunities to the most vulnerable children in our country. Divest Parasitic Musk first! Get the DOGE HEIST out of OUR GOVT DATA! Cut Elon’s corporate welfare!
This is making a mockery of our education system. 1300 people and the majority were women or people of color! Stop these jerks and make the madness STOP!!
What they want is a mindless work force population, ants that only respond to obedience, their ideas, and the bare minimum of resources - that’s no way to live.
Finkelstein was right for calling the party out about watergate but he turned into an absolute POS republican. Helping demonizing liberals. Sounds like he fit right in. Thanks for sharing!!
I’m a veteran teacher of over 30 years. I’m not surprised. They’ve been running propaganda against us for over a decade. Teachers are the enemy. Ridiculous!
This is an assault on women and will have the same devastating effect on population growth as the one child policy (except we won’t kill our female babies so it will just be a lost and lonely generation or two like genx)
Elon’s AI says that between 100,000 and 250,000 employees have been laid off so far. Add these and you will have some more mad people at Tesla dealerships. Good luck Elon. FAFO.
I trained to be a teacher when I went to college and worked for 31 years doing something I loved. My second career has been as an education advocate for youth in foster car. Hearing about cutting the DOE hit like a punch to the gut. This administration has to be stopped.
Anyone who has the will to learn will do so anyway, on our own, etc. our own schools in our homes. When I was young, I can't tell you how much time I spent in the public library, just reading. Non-fiction, I didn't read much fiction novels. Mostly archeology!
Buckle up and plan ahead. Every single town, city, county and state taxes will increase dramatically. Dept of Ed provided funds to keep the dang school buildings operating. Buses running. Kids learning. Just disgusting.
Children will suffer in the short term. Everyone who would have benefited from a well educated population (hint, all of us) will suffer in the medium and long term. Even if we are able to reverse this is a few years, COVID learning loss should have taught us that we won’t fully recover.
The dumbing of America continues.
Please question why all of these things are happening and don’t take it for face value that what you’re reading and being told is the truth.
They’re going to shadow kill every agency they can. If only the republicans knew that all their poor rural county school systems are subsidized by federal dollars via rich democratic areas. But unfortunately all they think the Ed Department does is push trans agenda.
Veterans March on 14th. Stand with your Veterans who placed themselves on the line for our country, not the draft dodgers in office. Veterans are the ones to support in these times.
Places like Ethiopia, India, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and others, are taking high paying tech jobs by the thousands because their government is making sure they have a good education. And here? We ban books, don't pay teachers, charge thousands for college, and now this... America sucks.
Reduced pell grants and student loan access. Reduced funding to states which may result in small university closers. Increased illiteracy and ignorance—the perfect trumpian world.
They have already started sending Reduction In Force notices to employees tonight. Close to 1,000 people (a third of the agency) will be terminated tonight.
This is right from the playbook. Stop educating the people. Tell them they can only trust the great leader. Devalue & persecute the academics and the teachers… this is some scary stuff, neighbours.
We can’t help bc he’s already planning to invade us. Your elected reps need to REP YOU!!!! 💔
Guess that's why trump wants more intelligent "foreigners" to come to America & pay $5million to fill the seats of the most uneducated generation of American schoolkids - who's minding the classrooms while kids cut class, bring guns, drugs & mass shootings into schools - that's not America first!
It’s going to be so weird in 2 years when republicans start celebrating public schools and democrats are homeschooling their kids to make sure they actually learn enough to be an adult.
Stupid. It's the people who really need equal opportunities that suffer if neglected. Do we want our disabled kids and poor kids further disadvantaged?
How many lawsuits will this one generate and the next? I feel like the plan is just causing stress and suffering for the average person and creating so many lawsuits - just giving money to the courts. More publicity while he does shadier shit in the background that we don’t hear about!
This is absurd. Emo is firing the workers. Reducing staff indiscriminately, in the middle of the school year. DOE works with states, districts and schools nationwide. What provisions have been made to ensure services aren’t disrupted for schools? Have responsibilities been re-assigned? 😡
I'm sure that is just the prelude to them shutting it down entirely. They want private christian schools and higher ed to only be accessible to the rich
Speaking of education, here are some fun facts purely for educational purposes. Linda McMahon was chair of this right wing institute (map included) before current role. Also her husband is owner of Alpha Entertainment LLC and they have an email address on their website
Get loud people. Most of Congress and Senate have 24 / 7 voice mail. Call any rep to express your approval or Disapproval of policy. call on Saturday or after dinner
The capital is open 25 / 7 / 365
Make the call. You can be anonymous
Action gives hope and power
Well, first the Republicans are going to get rid of all the IDD (Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled) kids. A Republican is a Republican is a Republican. There is no difference. All Republicans are complicit.
Starving, denying health care, and now denying and education for our nation’s children are policies to implement. Banana republics are better than this administration.
I just want to say thank you so much to provide this information to us because I can’t sleep at night and I don’t even know how you guys get any sleep anymore and I’m so grateful for you.
I detest this administration. Public ed is the cornerstone of our democracy and of course, that's what they're going after. Keep the town halls going. It would be hard for him to call for martial law if everyone is peacefully attending a town hall. Republicans, look what you have wrought!
The unemployment rate is going to skyrocket. What are all these people supposed to do for a job? It's not like there's open jobs they can just slide on in to. You're trained & have education for certain positions. It's chaos.
This will decimate the IDEA. Public schools are required to provide special ed services to students funded in part by the feds. When they fail, feds reimburse the state for legal representation to challenge that failure. Who will pay for services & then challenge the state's failure to provide them?
That’s next. The 2025 budget that the senate needs to vote on has that and Medicaid. So basically poor people can go hungry and have no access to medical care without self paying.
And yk what my mom said to this? "It won't affect me." Yes. Yes it will affect you, and it's gonna royally fuck you since you've been working in special ed for over 25 years.
Exactly my thoughts! When I initially warned her to look out about this stuff, she basically ignored it. So, when she realizes that the resource class she helps out in is gonna eventually shut down, I'm gonna do my best not to look her dead in the eye and tell her "I told you so".
Not to mention, when she needs nurses and doctors, and other specialized services, good luck in an uneducated society. You will scraping the bottom with the rest of us Mom.
Honestly her ignorance pisses me off. My step-dad has fucking liver issues and is likely never gonna get a transplant thanks to der fuhrer, and I'm 100% gonna tell her who to blame and where to place that blame.
Equally worse is that my mom voted for Kamala, and she STILL doesn't want to see what Trump and Elon are doing. Like, you obviously know what's right and you're continuing to put your foot in your mouth.
Like are there going to be any new good doctors 20-30 years from now ?
So the White House can do anything it wants to it.
Now, SHOULD they, is a better question. But this is an administration that's decided to say "fuck decorum and rules." So if it's within their scope of power, they can just do it.
The swamp never got drained, the pigs are still wallowing in it
We are not going to sit by & watch the richest man in the world cut educational opportunities to the most vulnerable children in our country. Divest Parasitic Musk first! Get the DOGE HEIST out of OUR GOVT DATA! Cut Elon’s corporate welfare!
Make America Dumb Again!
No F-ing way!
All firings of funded budgets are illegal.
Only Congress can legally reduce the work force which is why judges have been giving thousands of fired ppl their jobs back
Also, get this out to people who might not otherwise it yet. Not everyone is paying close attention.
Please question why all of these things are happening and don’t take it for face value that what you’re reading and being told is the truth.
! #Resistance BE LOUD!
He Cannot do this without Congress😡✊🏻💙✌🏻
Email your reps!
Our country is being dismantled.
To the armed service members now. Remember the oaths sworn and the cost paid time & again.
I'm thinking about buying all school materials for my son's future studies because....who knows if they will ever have that opportunity.
We can’t help bc he’s already planning to invade us. Your elected reps need to REP YOU!!!! 💔
We’re flipping sides in real time.
These people are all psychopaths
The cruelty of all of this aside, this will damage the US economy, wealth and overall future for decades.
The capital is open 25 / 7 / 365
Make the call. You can be anonymous
Action gives hope and power
After Hitler’s accession to power in 1933, the Nazis set out to reconstruct German society.
was infused with National Socialist ideology
and infiltrated by Nazi personnel in chief positions
sheer insanity.