deputy chief of staff scavino posted this on his Facebook yesterday. The comments underneath are inciting violence against Democrats. Looks like a January 6 type call to action to me. Hope I'm wrong
All these records are going to train his AI and I won’t be surprised, if also, data mined by Russia and China. By then all is lost. America is owned in every which way possible with no means of defense.
DOGE will simply break in and kick out the workers like they have at every other agency. There is no "giving them information," they go ahead and take it whether they're allowed to or not. This is a hostile takeover. A coup.
You are absolutely not wrong.
But sometimes the employees with their heads in the sand, or "just give them this because it's not that bad and maybe it won't get worse" may need those reminders
There's been physical altercations between former heads of agencies/employees and DOGE. They've also refused entry, called the cops to help them and the cops kick the employees/former heads out of the building and allow DOGE in.
Actually, how the eff are they getting in the buildings after hours? This should be the questions asked as well. Because outside hours access is restricted and certain steps need to be taken to be allowed in. So which traitors, or ignorant fools, are allowing them in and breaking the laws...🤔
Trump/Musk and the cabinet appointees are the ones granting access. We don't have a legal administration anymore. Not since Jan 20th. We have a coup taking place by a hostile government. None of the old rules apply.
Hello, Congress?
Just gonna let this goon legislate via EO?
If so, you’ve relinquished your duties and should stop collecting your cushy $174k paycheck.
Might it be helpful to have good production value video explainers like " Why (under normal circumstances) a president can't do an executive order like this?" to pass around on social media? I don't have the skills but maybe someone else does? I do think we need to counter the narratives out there.
Nothing like unvetted, unaccountable tech bros without allegiance to anything but musk having access to our government’s documents. The eagle has fallen.
Dotard J Titanic can sign whatever the flip he wants. But if enough of us stand in his way, he WILL fail. Resist, dammit! Get arrested for freedom. Keep your stance!
The orange clown mentioned something about April 2nd the other day. Be careful. He's probably going to implement martial law at that point to head this off. You know how cowards are.
Doesn't that directly contradict the court order that was just given? Which would put Trump directly in contempt of knowingly and deliberately violating that court order?
The problem being that while the Judicial Branch may make rulings on legality and constitutionality ... It's the Executive Branch that's responsible for enforcing those rulings. 🤦🏽♂️
No! Don't do it! That's just a executive order. No proper background check or clearances. Conflict of interests with his Chinese contacts. Totally improper to just do it.
When this shit blows up, and it turns out that Musk and his toyboys have been inserting mallard into government computers in order to hold us all ransom, the entire administration gets punished for treason.
Reads to me like they want to cook the books re: unemployment along with all of the other nastiness: The Secretary of Labor will gain access to unemployment data and payment records to strengthen fraud detection efforts.
The mental exhaustion people are feeling after only 2 months is almost unbearable. Somethings got to give, and soon. Most of us won’t be able to sustain this level of stress much longer. 😵💫
CITE YOUR GODDAMN SOURCE, PLEASE!! Saying things like this without posting an accompanying link to credible evidence is how we got ourselves in this mess in the first place. We must do better. I'm sure it's out there, but I can't find it.
He isn’t a real government official, he would never be given a security clearance with any kind of vetting, and he sure as hell shouldn’t be sitting in on security briefings. Him and his teenage “deputies”
No, Trump deputized these people! they were employees of Elon Musk, they were his private firm that he hired to be his bodyguards, and Trump had them deputized. How fucked up is that?
Are there no clear limits to executive orders? WTH? (and yes of course there are limits; otherwise we wouldn’t need the whole bill becomes a law thing)
What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business, and releasing that video would be meaningless as far as whats going on in the wider scheme of things.
Take your whatever phobia that's on display here elsewhere.
I don't care? It doesn't matter. It literally does not matter if that exists, except to people who think somehow consensual acts between adults behind closed doors is somehow dirty/wrong/shameful.
DOG-E is a fictitious government agency, neither created nor approved by the U.S. Congress. Any and all pretense of acting in the federal government's behalf and with its explicit authorization is a criminal fraud. Full stop.
This was especially disturbing to me because the Institute of Peace is a private, independent, nonpartisan organization. They even own the building and land it sits on! Yet the DC police they called for help let in DOGE and kicked out the officials who worked there.
Its extremely disturbing that the police responded forcefully against the Agency
Especially since Musk is actually a No-body. He is just appointed by treasolini as a consultant. Musk should weird no power that anyone must obey.
Why are Americans so easily manipulated?
Then they are complicit and should face criminal charges for negligence.
More importantly, Americans should be writing their elected representatives and telling them so, once a week, with examples of their failure to perform their duties.
Find 9 other folks who share your kinetic conviction that you know well and prepare your defenses with alternative comms and multiple tiers of staging/fallback. Make sure everyone’s kit is sufficient and who has primary to tertiary roles.
So, an executive with no executive function just ordered duly legislated and funded agencies to permit a wholly illegitimate group access to records that their own employees must be vetted to see, let alone "access" (assuming that entails copying and/or altering)?
Don’t let him fool you into believing this does anything. Court orders still rule. This is him playing bullshit games. Ironic that he continues to show that musk is in charge while they deny it in court. Bunch of morons.
True, nothing is irreparable. But "when the next president is in office" - barring the current being physically removed - is 4 years away. By that time, the EOs simply being revoked won't be near enough to fix everything if the current trend continues.
F&CK his Executive Orders. Someone should start shoving them up his ass, Musk’s ass, Stephen Miller’s ass…. The list goes on, cuz there are so many stupid one….
👋 Just something new and different in the political media monitoring realm from us. You can now find track every interview and every commercial spot of any candidate or issue anywhere in the U.S.
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Wonder if Republicans in congress will understand when he decides to dissolve congress? I mean, he's only figuratively stripped them of any and all power that they had 2 months ago. Maybe they need to be imprisoned for daring to be part of that "traitorous" body?
That's what I mean. They are parasites feeding on the illusion of power that he is allowing them. Problem for them, a narcissist won't even share an illusion any longer than they absolutely have to. Do you think they will be singing his praises while he has them led to gallows?
Maybe I'm dense, but what actually are they doing with those records? Don't say they're going to email us all because they've already got that. What is the interest in those records ?
I suspect it doesn't need to be said but I'm going to anyway... Musk isn't trying to save money or streamline the govt. He's trying to steal data. The firings and defunding are just a distraction.
Let’s go back one step with why Elon Musk has deputies that’s ridiculous, and then also let’s remember he is a foreign entity, he is a foreign entity, he is a foreign entity!!!!!
Well I just came across Alex Jones, yeah I know, but he just said that Trump may hand US over to UK because what Trump on truth social and King Charles said. Elon’s citizenships (South America and Canada) is part of the British commonwealth
Rather it is true or not, it is the last thing conservatives want and they will definitely demand to have Trump impeached. Alex Jones thinks if we go this route, they will start taking our gun rights away.
Oh I gotcha, I was not following before, but now I see what you’re saying, they are getting this fake news and it will piss them off… that’s interesting, I wonder if that will impact them, we definitely need some type of counter, fake news, it’s the only kind they believe, so you may be right!!!
one easy thing to do, is ask yourself are any reliable sources, for example Reuters, reporting on this? If not, you can be confident it is illegitimate.
I always felt Trump never really have an attachment to United States (his families are mostly immigrants since his grandfather came to America) and as businessman , I can totally see him sell off USA
Spheres of power makes sense to him, it’s simple, he doesn’t value the existence of humans, he just wants to consume more and more, see his name everywhere. He far prefers the complement of Putin to anything a once great empire has to offer. He is out to remake the world.
They made sure a president must be born on an American soil for a reason. What Trump is doing is resigning himself as president because he is handling over his presidential power to someone else
Yeah, I don’t think he would suggest it. I think they asked him to do it because he is deep rooted Americans like me so it’s more forgivable if he suggested it. It is coming from Elon and his other Silicon Valley boys especially if they came here on H1B
Yes, it’s specifically why James Madison included the phrase “foreign fucking entity”, the fucking is my part, but I have it on good authority that, that was the vigor with which Madison wrote, power to the people!
I love the fact that when I asked for a link when a group posts random information, and your response is to immediately call me a nazi and assume I am on the other side. THIS, is what is wrong with our movement. YOU are what is wrong. We need to be smarter, or else we are no different that Qanon.
Wow, you sounds completely like a normal person. For the record, I am not a nazi cuckboy. I am fully on this side. I just would love it if there was some sort of, oh who am I kidding, you aren't going to care what I say, Go fuck yourself.
I never said it wasn't true. I am simply asking the people running this account to put a link or something to back up their claims so they lend themselves some credibility.
We read so much garbage daily. I am asking for integrity. List your sources or provide a link.
Feds do not allow unauthorized access into govt workspace This is drilled into our heads through security briefings. doge access should be cleared through supervisor and internal security. Doge has impersonated authorized personnel before, which is also a crime .
DOGE is the feds now. Trump is the federal government. We have to remember this is not business as usual. They're doing whatever they want, whether It's lawful or not. They'll have the info and access they want before anyone can bat an eye. They also replace the heads of agencies with their guys.
He signs whatever is in front of him and has no clue what is in the detail. Stephen Miller, et al is giving him high level summaries which should be called out.
Our non-leaders (most) are sucking their thumbs in the corners!!
Take it to the courts before you give them information
But sometimes the employees with their heads in the sand, or "just give them this because it's not that bad and maybe it won't get worse" may need those reminders
Just gonna let this goon legislate via EO?
If so, you’ve relinquished your duties and should stop collecting your cushy $174k paycheck.
Woody Guthrie singing Tear the Fascists Down about Hitler...
Today, we yell the same thing about trump, musk, and all the maga gop who enable them...
Use your voice while you have it together!
This is our United States, the Oligarchy can't just buy it!
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This release of personal data?
More like deputy dog
I have had enough of his Eos.
Evil + could not care less about laws or any of us
This is beyond egregious
Knee capping all institutions that help elders and sick people are on purpose.
He believes that people will die off as a result to achieve his goals.
Thus lowering the cost of doing business. Let that sink in. How much are you worth???
EOs don’t really mean a thing. Ask him.
Of course he did
Take your whatever phobia that's on display here elsewhere.
Because I'm guessing zero
Especially since Musk is actually a No-body. He is just appointed by treasolini as a consultant. Musk should weird no power that anyone must obey.
Why are Americans so easily manipulated?
Its horrifying that no 1 has the balls to call them out
More importantly, Americans should be writing their elected representatives and telling them so, once a week, with examples of their failure to perform their duties.
What don't you all get about treason.
Ook up the definition
Its not another day at work. People. It's TREASON
Legally and Physically.
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#nationalaircheck #news
The asshat doesn't see the irony of being law enforcement and backing a 34x convicted felon from New York.
Contact your reps. Keep the pressure on. They don't want to hear you, so turn up the heat.
This will drive him nuts
So he can’t and I’m certain he did not make any kind of offer.
Do better AltNPS. Because right now you come across as unhinged rantings.
1.) This gives Musk/DOGE access to all government databases.
2.) This attempts to require states to give "unfettered" access to them as well.
3.) It opens the door for DoL to cook the books with respect to unemployment data.
We read so much garbage daily. I am asking for integrity. List your sources or provide a link.
Gotta have them go through security checks like everybody else, jackass Orangutan.