An important and sobering look at Trump’s plan to use the military to go into towns and forcefully remove immigrants, written by former DOJ prosecutor Harry Litman.
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The simple answer is that he can't. The posse comitatus law that came out of the civil war prohibits the use of federal troops against the citizenry of the United States.
Like so many laws, there are exceptions. I'm sure Trump doesn't know them but someone in the administration does.
If the military refuses Trumps orders what could he do exactly? Send the police after the military? Send the proud boys, no. He has to hope the military will follow his orders! Might be time for a General to take control! Wonder what he does then🤔
My Petition
No Man Is Above The LAW is not campaign slogans it is the Constitution.
If Trump being President was to become immune to his convictions, indictments & other liabliites then - is he Fugitive From Justice?
Everyone says he can't do this because of the Constitution. They forget he wants to trash it and make his own rules. This is going to happen. Make no mistake we will have a Police State! Fight The Power! Take Back The Power!
Maybe Joe Biden with immunity powers of a king with his official acts could grant USA citizenship to the people already here. That would screw Trump and his mass deportation people. It would not apply to people trying to come here illegally though but those already living here to counter GOP talks
Once Trump turns our military into his Nazi stormtroopers, I will no longer participate in thanking my military for their services. I deem them them as traitors.
It’ll be like DC in summer 2020. A bunch of people recruited from whatever agencies has armed men willing to remove their names and wear masks and assault Americans assembling to protest police violence.
Anything to get the illegals off the road. Driving in Las Vegas is beyond insane with the illegals cutting across three lanes of traffic to make a left turn on red light. So many Americans are dying on the roads because of the illegals
Yeah the very last thing you want is the actual military doing this, and doing this on American soil.
The _oath_ states about foreign and domestic.
But like all the bullshit when Obama was elected, once the chief Justice swears him in .....pretty bad dilemma right there
I understand the logistical and theoretical constraints, but man - haven’t we all lost so much faith in the “system”?
I’m having a hard time rationally constraining my fears and having ‘faith.’
No. He hasn't said that. He's talking about birthright citizenship and that doesn't count here. If you have one citizen parent, you are a citizen. You're not a naturalized citizen, you are a citizen.
Well Musk-rat and Rama- lama-ding-dong, wants to gut the Federal Workforce. So, who is gonna collect the tax dollars needed to pay for all of this crazy?
Has anyone discussed how he might draft American men and women to help his favorite friend, Putin out? Ukraine isn’t backing down. I’d imagine that it probably won’t go there, but wouldn’t you think young men might be looking at their futures instead of the next video game and get involved here?
This won't happen if the military is used to keep him, traitor who is pulling off a coup dressed up in a suspiciously winning candidacy,from taking office. Why are people so blind to what he is doing? His taking office is UNTHINKABLE! He said it 1st,stop the steal or we won't have a country anymore!
This will lift the spirit of the military (sarcasm). Considering the military is probably more diverse then any other operation in this country & is forced to go against the people it vowed to protect… what could possibly go wrong
Now, in Florida, DeSantis has his own “militia”- even though it’s not called that. So I’m thinking that if the Federal government doesn’t forcefully remove immigrants will States be allowed to? Very troubling.
If they had any sense, they'd refuse to follow the order and possibly face tribunals or resign in protest. This could turn ugly real fast should state NGs get involved.
There's no sense creating unnecessary panic and if it comes to it, violence.
I just wonder what would happen if a native/naturalized citizen gets swept up in these and potentially gets deported. This could be very bad. I see lots of lawsuits coming soon.
I think at this point we just have to hope there's enough honorable men and women in the military to tell dementia Donnie to fuck off with those illegal orders
Well they won't have anything else to do as dump will have brought peace to the world! ending all wars, just as he did in his first term! his sons said!
I do know a lot of states are not going to allow local military resources to do Trump’s plan. If the military takes an oath to the constitution, they won’t participate.
That’s not how that works. Trust me; it’s not. He can kick and scream all he wants, but the system is stronger than him and designed with just such moronic attempts in mind.
and by the end of his term the people won't "love" him so much any more running over people to vote for him. I know people will get tired of being worse off then they were before he was elected.
It's literally illegal to use the military as a police force. Most service members with true loyalty to the constitution they swore ob won't obey the order. Immigrants are not invading soldiers.
My wasband, who's never been w/in 2000mi of any combat during his 4y in the Army & 20+ USAR, would prob reenlist if he thought he could kill some liberals. He has no idea what "liberals" actually are, but he's absolutely certain they need killing.
Military deportations will lead to unrest. This will in turn fuel the fire and lead to people trying to turn in their neighbours. Divisions will widen and mistrust and hatred will grow, fed by nasty rhetoric from the top.
This is 100% how the holocaust was allowed to happen.
I wonder how the average guy or gal on the street thinks about this. I'm assuming the maga crowd are all for it but the more moderate Republicans are just toeing the line
The problem Trump is going to run into is authorities within Title 10 and 32. He is going to have a difficult time with Title 10 forces within the scope of posse comitatus. He may be able to do something with Title 32, but governors can limit that scope. /1
With 3 of the 4 border states having Dem governors, they will not be convinced to cede authority if their National Guard is federalized due to governors being able to limit the scope of operations.
He might. He may not. The question is, why is the military needed for policing the nation? And again all I can think of is that it’s a loyalty test. And another question is - will he get the generals he wanted. Remember - H’s generals.
And, while I don't see that he could do it on a massive scale, I'm sure they can stack some units and get compliant National Guards (like TX for example) to agree to be called up to do it.
My feeling is trump will recruit MAGA men for the army, first question to them will be.."do you have a problem shooting liberals?". And my fear is that some will be ok with it.
Last report was about 40,000 active US Military troops are immigrants. Don't think MAGA has this all planned out yet. Do they really want non-citizens enforcing law in America?
This won't happen...not because it's wrong...or inhumane...but because it's too expensive & logistically impossible... he'll need $ and congress, despite being red, won't approve. They'll figure out some way to spin it and blame Biden.
But a warning I always give: it's more fun to stab babies with bayonets than it is to get court martialed. They should refuse the order and face the consequences but they're probably going to kill whole families and rape the survivors.
As a former officer, there would be considerable discussion about the “lawful” order aspects of such a deployment. Our oath is to obey lawful orders, and federal forces acting in the State’s arena would probably create extreme pushback. Soldiers are not robots and must follow the UCMJ
I think he's been anxious to send the military in to anywhere. In his mind, it makes him more dictatory. He wants to be seen as the big, strong dictator when he's a weasely, incontinent senior citizen.
I’m wondering if outlets like Fox and the crazy amount of alt right pods on YouTube will show this with glee on their shows or will they avoid it to hide it from their viewers?
They need to all watch the horror that they signed up for and endorsed.
If they do, we should all call the snitch line and turn in the conservative business owners who hire, underpay and abuse illegals so their companies can be destroyed in the process.
American soldiers will be told to attack their fellow citizens on American soil. Not enough will refuse. Brown & Black American citizens WILL be caught up in the raids for undocumented immigrants. American citizens WILL be sent to U.S. Concentration Camps.
Like so many laws, there are exceptions. I'm sure Trump doesn't know them but someone in the administration does.
No Man Is Above The LAW is not campaign slogans it is the Constitution.
If Trump being President was to become immune to his convictions, indictments & other liabliites then - is he Fugitive From Justice?
Cheap labor for his hotels, while also competing with the legal workforce, lowering their payments too.
I will be surprised if his words are more than air…
— The Gowachin, a BuSab analysis
“Oh okay you’re a citizen you’re free to go”
After being there for 10 days and your job firing you.
We shall see.
The _oath_ states about foreign and domestic.
But like all the bullshit when Obama was elected, once the chief Justice swears him in .....pretty bad dilemma right there
I’m having a hard time rationally constraining my fears and having ‘faith.’
How funny would this be?
The destruction of MSNBC seems a deliberate move to negate any criticism of Trump.
There's no sense creating unnecessary panic and if it comes to it, violence.
And anyone following such an order would not be acting as a soldier; they'd be committing a crime.
Will neighbors stand by & watch something like that and be silent?
Will the local construction company wave the white flag when they come by military vehicle for your best employees
Our military doesn't work like that and commanding officers will stress that to those foolish racists
This is 100% how the holocaust was allowed to happen.
I mean really, what is the recourse when there's nobody that can help, or those who can aren't willing to.
It's going to be a shit show.
They need to all watch the horror that they signed up for and endorsed.
What are you going to do when it happens?
Now the military will only attract white supremacist.