ProPublica has released another study related to the effects of abortion bans in the U.S., this time showing a spike in sepsis cases in Texas following the implementation of that state's "heartbeat" abortion ban in 2021.
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The President of Mexico should put an end to those special quick little vacations that the wealthy women of texas are taking across the border. Where is a really good reporter or p.i. when you need a story busted open ???
So what happens when they have killed off so many child bearing women from illnesses caused because the doctors weren't allowed to help them and they died, along with an unborn child, leaving very little child births, how about circumcise all those innocent men
And not pay outrageous property taxes and have decent public schools. But they just approved the voucher so that my tax dollars can pay for the Christian Fascists to send their crotch goblins to private schools.
White non medically trained people (mostly men) telling women what to do with their bodies in the guise of religion is beyond comprehension. So, women in exchange …….Bobbitt- sounds like a great idea!
Dear Supporters, I need your help more than ever! 🙏
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗
I wld be curious to know the data on abortions per political affiliation. I wonder how many Republicans per democrats, you know all those trophy wives gotta get rid of that baby bump 🤣
Women, LGTBQT, black and brown people... they operate like the giant Procrustes did once upon a time on the border between Sparta and the rest of Greece: I had fashioned a bed of a certain size and all travellers had to fit into it. He would see to it. So if you're not snow white and male...
MAGA "Christians" are cruel and enjoying causing other people as much pain as possible. Then they choose who will be allowed into a peaceful afterlife! It's a crock of shit.
It's almost as though having politicians taking charge of health care instead of qualified medical professionals leads to worse outcomes. Gee, that's a head-scratcher.
It’s expensive to just pick up and move, especially when the economy is shaky. A lot of people don’t have that privilege. And those who do, some choose to stay and fight.
Do you know how much it costs to sell a house? Do you know how much it costs to pay for a move? What about destabilizing school age children? Let’s not forget without a job one can’t buy food or provide shelter. Dumb ass
I'm still stuck here and let me tell u it's absolutely disgusting driving down my own block and see all the yard signs that say 'pro-life' and 'I'm praying for you'. I wanna take an orange paint ball gun to every damn single one! They are only a God fearing Christian pro-lifer when it benefits them!
As more and more women die during childbirth, there will be less and less women of consenting age for men to have sex with. This will inevitably increase statutory rape within the country. We will soon see laws decreasing the age of consent and the legal ages for marriages.
Trump is a good friend of PUTIN because Russia is his latest provider of under age girls to have sex with
First was Epstein then Tony Lazzaro and later Madison Cawthorn talked about and Alex Jones and Roger Stone confirmed sex parties when Matt Gaetz was a customer
The sad thing is the republicans are trying to hide this by not tally them up for statistics so it can be used as evidence that abortions are necessary and good in some cases.
They did the same thing for mothers who passed away while giving birth when an abortion could have prevented it.
Of course it did because politicians are not doctors! They don’t care about the science or even the humanity of an abortion ban! “Do what WE say or else”. In this case “or else” is you die! Die!
They’re not only dying because they can’t have an abortion. People are having babies are putting them in dumpsters or in ditches because they don’t wanna have to deal with raising a child they wanted to abort! They’re making things much worse by not allowing abortions! This is only gonna get worse!
For 77M this seems no problem. They voted for Adolph Trump and his Republican minions. They must be feeling very comfortable and happy with the sepsis numbers.
And businesses keep moving to Texas. I hope people will start avoid employers that pick unfriendly states, just like they avoid living in dangerous neighborhoods.
Someone should explain to JFK jr that average life expectancy pre-modern medicine, all food and drink was organic, and most people already worked on “farm labor camps” was 33 years…
This is an issue that Texans must stand up for. They have been left behind as far as voting for more than 25 years. They are classed as a non voting state. The results are the Republicans are dictators in that state
Can we change the common Vernacular to Pro-Birth instead of Pro-life? If they're actually pro-life, they'd care what happens after the child is born. They'd care about the environment, social programs, vaccines, and so much more. But all they care about is that child being born.
Aziz from the Milwaukee County Zoo would be a better president of course. the world would love him more.
his beautiful smile predict that his children would do less demage to the americans then musk kids are doing.
therefore Aziz for president !
Absolutely horrifying and enraging.
There is no reason why these women should have to endure this level of abuse at the hands of old white men who sit in their ivory towers.
Doctors are the professionals here. They are prioritizing their convenience and fear above the health and safety of women. Depriving women of necessary care is malpractice.
The law is very clear: all medically necessary interventions are legal and permissable.
Wow it's almost like plenty of evidence suggested abortion bans were bad and could lead to death and disease was completely ignored. But why would anyone ignore that? Why it's almost like they don't care about the health and safety of women.
Republicans don't respect women. It's obvious when there are very few women representatives and senators in that party. What gets me is the few women they do have vote against the rights of other women yet make sure they get all they need and want.
Well, Texas voted into office the people who are passing - and enforcing - these repressive laws. Now Texas women are going to suffer. I wonder how many of those women voted Republican; I suspect many of them did.
They do not care about women so they don't care if our death rate goes up. They were well aware that putting so many restrictions on women's health care would result in more deaths.
State and federal governments managed by christians are killing and oppressing citizens. But they are also hurting themselves these white christians. Ignorance and stupidity still exist, thank god.
Not only that, but if these evil idiots are 'pro life', then give the mothers maternity leave, give the kids later school meals, make sure they're housed, that they have healthcare. THAT is being PRO LIFE.
Professl negligence can have criminal implications, & officials immunity is qualified , not absolute. gr8 comm 4 jury : answer as if it was your daughter
Any pregnant woman in Texas is in grave danger if they have health complications. Who is going to replace Abbott? His opinions of health needs for women is zero. Time..past time to replace these evil people.
Women are the primary target of project 2025. It’s a war on women because mediocre white men can’t hold the patriarchy when we have equal rights over our lives.
Sepsis killed my mother too. Women dying is not a dealbreaker to them. They say they are anti-abortion but you know they mean anti-abortion if MALE children. They don’t even care about their own daughters.
They aren’t anti-abortion. That would imply that they care about the child after it’s born. They are pro birth. They don’t care what happens after it’s born.
They’d also give out free condoms and contraceptives like candy. No pregnancy mean no need for abortion. It’s that simple. But no, it’s not about abortion; it’s about control.
Isn’t killing the poors a right wing fantasy anyhow? That’s what ridding us of Social Security and Medicare will do. Because the #GOPRulingClass only cares about the rich. Prove me wrong.
Exactly. We have toll states, stop at the toll booth and pay on your way in and out. Now Texas will build Gyne booths. All women have to stop, get stretched and finger fucked. Texas is full of sick pedos too so they absolutely rape the girls and probably finger fuck the boys too just in case.
I. DID. NOT. VOTE. FOR. THIS!!! I'm blue as blue could be and I spread the word. I make my friends register to vote and nag the shit it of them around election time. Republicans have gerrymandered the shit out of Texas! If we get close to purple, they redraw the lines.
They watch Fox News, so odds are they won’t know about it. But even if they do hear about it, they won’t understand the link since they have zero critical thinking skills.
It is horrifying. Having experienced two miscarriages myself, I feel like I was lucky as I needed medical intervention to remove the dead fetus. If tis happened today, I may have died.
GOP (Grand Oligarchic Posse) doesn't abhor the mounting human sacrifices to its political agenda.
Women die because of ignorant anti-abortion legislation.
Children die because "gun rights" became a mantra.
People die from lack of medical care.
They shrug, life's tough for the hoi polloi.
And a reminder that the homicide rate decrease we saw starting in the 90s, carried out until now, was directlyt shown by freakonomics to be a result of Roe v Wade, iirc.
This is why our corrupt and evil governor wanted to stop all of that reporting
He knows exactly how many women are getting sick and dying bc of his barbaric extremism.
I don't think anyone is surprised that this is now happening in Texas. I'm sure Gov Abbott et al in the GOP will try to hide/dismiss this data.
I feel horrible for all of these women! 💔
That is really disappointing to know. These GOP politicians do collectively stick to their talking points / dogma for perceived, political benefit. Brutal!
This is truly what the 🍊 🤡 baby raping party wants. They want to kill women & children. Why do you think an AK & Glock have more rights than women or children?
And then they’l simply quietly have the women in their lives go to New Mexico or California for an abortion. Hypocrisy knows no bounds with Republican fake self righteousness.
Studies like this will disappear soon-because the data will be gone. They're deleting current data and not recording new data.
We won't have facts about how many maternal deaths could be prevented, that kids don't get sex changes at school, that guns do kill, that diversity can help a society...
Musk & his crew are coming for YOUR benefits!
He now WANTS to CUT Social Security and Medicare --
Call the White House!
Fire Musk!
But the unborn children! Hey it’s okay to let the mother die! This is the most ridiculous law ever! I blame the SCOTUS & KING FUCKFACE THE FIRST WHO IS SO PROUD HE GOT ROE V Wade TO BE REVERSED 🤥😈💩4brains will go down as the infamous SCUMBAG OF THE CENTURY
Well, except for the whole gerrymandering and voter suppression thing. I feel for those Blue voters that do live in TX and are forced to live with this nonsense.
Sad thing is that when a fetus dies, there is no heartbeat. Dr.s are afraid to perform procedure because it's the same AMA code. That could be remedied by introducing a new code of there is no heartbeat. It would be better to restore women's rights but it could help combat these unnecessary deaths.
Politicians are rarely doctors & don't belong in patient care. Further, abortion saves lives as most aborted fetusis are unviable & dangerous to the mother. These laws are hatred against women.
Resistance isn't futile.
Revolution is necessary.
The husbands, boyfriends, brothers and friends should be marching along w/the women. Haven't seen much of that support. Guess the men in TX govt have no women in their lives. Ladies, they want to control you. Fight back, run for office, kick their asses out. Out of the house the Senate.
Republicans have devalued the lives of women, making women's lives disposable for the sake of their anti-abortion argument that isn't based on the science of medicine, law or religion.
Gopers cannot stand that women have a voice, that women get to vote, that women are intelligent and can make their own choices. The oppression of women is old, women have been fighting for their rights for many years. Gopers they want to bring back that old oppression... power and control...
There's medication to stop women that have miscarried from dying of sepsis.The Texas legislators wants the dead featus self aborted,while it rots in the womb,Sepsis sets in. The medication is withheld because it aborts a dead baby. Mothers die leaving their children motherless
Here's what I don't understand. Sepsis is a known problem. Why aren't women given massive iv doses of antibiotics if they show up in the ER with a miscarriage?
How about not having sex if you aren’t willing to take on the consequences. Sadly, my mother and father told me those were the consequences of having sex and I made damn sure I never got pregnant. What’s wrong with parents today that want women to abort their babies
How about not swimming at the beach or lake if you’re not okay with dying from an infection? How about not eating a cheeseburger if you’re not okay with dying from a heart attack?
This is how you sound. You can do better.
How old are you? Did you become a teenager before 1965 when the majority of States had criminal statutes against selling or buying any form of contraception? Are you aware that Clarence Thomas proffered a route to overthrow Griswald v CT in his concurring opinion on Dobbs?
Who cares what was. We have too many options to use this excuse today. I know people who
Proudly say they have expired several babies proudly. Wow
They are babies
The point of the post is not what was, it is what will be. What do you think will happen to the rate of unwanted pregnancies when your allies make using or buying contraception a criminal act again?
I don’t know how any woman in that state & the other banned states can go about their daily lives without the fear that they or someone they love might be in this deadly situation. Miscarriages are so, so common & the potential for infection can easily happen.
We've long understood that the only women of value to men are young women deemed sexy. Your value decreases with age, # of children and weight. It comes apparent to you when you become invisible around 40.
The Texas Taliban, ruling the roost in Austin like never before, don't care. Their fears ... of progressive change, of equality of opportunity ... compel running roughshod over any and all. Helluva way to go through life.
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗
Disgusting that America is letting this happen to the women of 🇺🇸
Greg just needs to figure out how to do it. Call DeSantis, he did it with Covid
First was Epstein then Tony Lazzaro and later Madison Cawthorn talked about and Alex Jones and Roger Stone confirmed sex parties when Matt Gaetz was a customer
They did the same thing for mothers who passed away while giving birth when an abortion could have prevented it.
This is not an exaggerated statement of the depravity of republicans
They shived
and sunk his boats
Problem solved
Out of her body
his beautiful smile predict that his children would do less demage to the americans then musk kids are doing.
therefore Aziz for president !
There is no reason why these women should have to endure this level of abuse at the hands of old white men who sit in their ivory towers.
The law is very clear: all medically necessary interventions are legal and permissable.
- Conservative Christians, probably.
Rolling pins are still affective.
Professl negligence can have criminal implications, & officials immunity is qualified , not absolute. gr8 comm 4 jury : answer as if it was your daughter
Absolute idiots is right
We'll need a supersized blue wave in 26 to clean out this mess... if it's not too late by then
A self pleasuring device for males
I live in the REAL world.
Women die because of ignorant anti-abortion legislation.
Children die because "gun rights" became a mantra.
People die from lack of medical care.
They shrug, life's tough for the hoi polloi.
He knows exactly how many women are getting sick and dying bc of his barbaric extremism.
Are Domestic Terrorists.
I feel horrible for all of these women! 💔
UNTIL this happens to their family members.
We won't have facts about how many maternal deaths could be prevented, that kids don't get sex changes at school, that guns do kill, that diversity can help a society...
Musk & his crew are coming for YOUR benefits!
He now WANTS to CUT Social Security and Medicare --
Call the White House!
Fire Musk!
For decades until Roe was attacked, Women & Girls of menstruation age received safe and proper medical care required for incomplete miscarriages.
This torture is brought to you GLEEFULLY by the GOP & bribed SCOTUS judges whose own conduct should remove them from the bench.
Resistance isn't futile.
Revolution is necessary.
Of course it did
I was fine with someone who can "grab by the pussy" and a #pedophile , so my thoughts and prayers for all those girls who were impacted.
Bad , but that is ok ! I hope these girls do not have my skin color!
DONZOM manual ‼️
I don’t know what links you’re referring to. This is at the bottom of the pages In looked at.
As long as they are quiet, wet holes. No brains.
Hate has a mansion in the MAGAt party.
This is how you sound. You can do better.
Proudly say they have expired several babies proudly. Wow
They are babies