Question: what would it take for Trump's MAGA GOP members of Congress to be expelled and charged with violating their own oath; abuse of power; being under the control of foreign anti-American influence and attack on the American people?
Great, another racist, homophobic scumbag being considered for the state supreme court which is supposed to follow our Constitution. I'm so sick of these pathetic scum.
What the actual f*ck is wrong with these people?? I agree with the people saying he should just stand up, get on the mic and say “I’m a huge racist and I hate non white people.” Say the quiet part out loud you coward.
Why do these conservative types so freely wave around "liberty" and "freedom" when they believe in so little of it? Seems like the only time they don't have a problem with government is when it is hurting people.
Ummmmm if Brad is talking, he is lying just to get votes. He will impose the Trump Fascist agenda on us all here in Wisconsin. Why don't the ads say that. An ad every 30 seconds. Same old crap Dems use to lose all the damn time. We are F*cked
After Trump is done "eating* the poor, the middleclass, the well off" running out of things to devour TRUMP WILL COME AFTER THE MILLIONAIRES, BILLIONAIRES, THE POWERFUL. Displease him now while you still can
By EATING I mean devouring our rights to freedom, to vote, to speak out, to live our lives
Sometimes people like him who have these views are hiding their reality. The writers of Two and a Half Men in a later years episode while Charlie Sheen was still a cast member, wrote about his fiancée Chelsea’s father who raged like this publicly & privately loved a black man and left his wife.
Here's my rule. Anybody backed by Musk and/or Trump is nothing but a corrupt piece of crap. Somebody who would wipe his feet on the constitution of the United States while saying he loves this country.
Ya know, there was a time when assholes like this would start the sentence with "I'm not racist,but...." Now! The white sheets are flying off the shelves. Geez!
Clarence Thomas already said he'd overturn cases that relied on the same legal precedent used to protect interracial marriage. Maybe he wants a way to get away from. Ginni without paying her alimony. After all, it's not a divorce if your marriage is dissolved as improper.
But you have a choice. A binary choice. The only rational and adult thing to do is to vote for the party that hasn’t gone Nazi. To refuse to deal with that reality is dumb beyond belief.
Sure. And this is what I'd do if I were USA citizen. But multi-party system would simply make it much harder, or impossible, for MAGA to take control over the country.
Oh ok, I understand now. Well, the American electoral system is deeply flawed. It’s to be seen if the distress the country is facing now will lead to reform. I doubt it.
Absolutely not. The mostly small backwards states that are predominantly led by right wing religious nutjobs benefit from it. It’s not going away. They hold the entire country hostage with their senate advantage (and huge gerrymandering in the House of Representatives). They cling while declining.
By the actions (or inactions) of the democrats, they are either ok with Musk's coup or, worse, they are complicit. Based on Jeffries, Fetterman, the 10 dems voting to censure Rep Green and the senators willing to vote for cloture on the budget CR, I'm leaning on the side of complicit.
How about we ban the admitted racist, seeming fascist, Brad Schimel, & any other probable fascists from further infiltrating our government at all, instead...
Don't complicate it.
Racist is the answer you're skirting around.
Homophobic is the other description you're avoiding.
Altogether it means you are the unelected judge of mankind.
Nobody elected you 👿
Yes, but Brad Schimel is a creep, and so the filth he projects to others is all within himself. Reporters should find the dirt and expose this pudgy orc.
A Wisconsin legal team is suing #cincinnatichildrenshospital #cchmc in Ohio for giving grants & scholarships to minorities becoming nurses it's #1 for most specialities in the country why does Wisconsin hate POC so much? #wisconsin why so racist?!
Early voting in person in Wisconsin starts March 18.
Wisconsin, this is your first chance to fight back against Musk, Trump, and MAGA at the ballot box—by defeating Brad Schimel, and electing Judge Susan Crawford to the WI Supreme Court.
I'm in northern WI. Thankfully haven't seen 1 yard sign for the Schmuck up here. All are for Susan Crawford. I wrote over 100 postcards to WI voters urging them to vote for Crawford. Saturday I'm out knocking doors trying to keep this racist loser off the WI Supreme Court. Keeps me sane too!!
Come on, Wisconsin!!!! Voting is like a hundred town halls. Elect Susan Crawford!! Tell your family. Tell your friends. Make sure older folks have a ride and vote!! Don’t let Musk buy another f ing election!!!
WE would have sent
$5m worth of rubbers
to your parents'.
Actually, I know the answer: they train them. Decades of brainwashing courtesy of the Heritage Foundation and co.
VOTE CRAWFORD for Wisconsin’s Supreme Court!
Hopefully there's enough intelligent voters to vote against him.
He's exempt from EVERYTHING, like the rest of the lying fucks on the supreme court.
That's intentionally not capitalized.
By EATING I mean devouring our rights to freedom, to vote, to speak out, to live our lives
Oh, he means people who have different colour skin.
THREE pro-Schimel postcards Monday! To boot Musk $$$ from WI politics, please:
Vote for Susan Crawford for WI SC on April 1.
Polls open 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Voters required to show acceptable photo ID.
Early voting: March 18-28.
Absentee ballot: deadline to request is Thursday, March 27.
I don't make the rules.
Love is love.
Outlast them.
Late for that. :-)
And of course backed by apartheid raised elon musk
Racist, homophobic, corrupt, Nazi....
I'm ordained, and I officiated at the wedding of my sister in-law, who married a man of Mexican descent. They are infinitely better people than he is.
Racist is the answer you're skirting around.
Homophobic is the other description you're avoiding.
Altogether it means you are the unelected judge of mankind.
Nobody elected you 👿
Wisconsin, this is your first chance to fight back against Musk, Trump, and MAGA at the ballot box—by defeating Brad Schimel, and electing Judge Susan Crawford to the WI Supreme Court.
Find your early vote location at:
Don't let Musk buy our State!