If you let the executive deport people to a foreign gulag just by pronouncing the word “terrorism,” then expect to be called a “terrorist” soon yourself.
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No. Trump really wants to be Stalin. But young Stalin was objectively an absolute bad-ass, without a single bone spur.
And he could not have become old, tyrannical Stalin without that.
No I am saying the pattern of how Stalins rule controlling the media, making enemies of neighbours. All things Putin did as well to solidify his rule.
If you know the handbook they are reading from you can fight it.
We must presume anyone deported to a foreign gulag could easily be found innocent if allowed to defend themself in a US court. This is the only reason for exporting people outside the reach of the US system of justice.
In the years before I was born the executive deported people by calling them "Communists."
How America has fallen.
Now the executive can't be bothered to hide their tyranny behind a proper noun.
Protests/general strikes are what’s most likely to be effective when numbers are large enough — which isn’t true yet. But if we keep protesting the numbers may get large enough to become a general strike. And keep telling stories to anyone you know who might be receptive. In the meantime call reps.
The Boogeyman of 2025 is Terrorism, just like it was Communism in the 20th century.
If a dictatorship wants to destroy you without cause or legal restraints, all they have to do is proclaim you a terrorist, just like they had to proclaim you a communist during McCarthyism.
Yes! How many different ways can we trumpet this message because his cult continues to believe everything he says with absolutely no desire to see evidence!
Fuck these worthless dems who allowed this to happen. Hey fucking worthless pile of shit Schumer is see how your plan is working Yeah give trump a big win to fuck the people. Then tell us all you did it for us. But we the plebeian masses don't understand his tactics. Well complete surrender working?
What happened with the bill the House was trying to pass that would label "Antifa" 🙄🙄🙄 as Domestic Terrorists?
I figure that will be the end of civilization.
Yep…it will get to the point of deporting people because
- You look Venezuelan
- You have a V in your name
- You have a tattoo and only gang members have them (oopps for SecDef)
- You once lived next door to an immigrant
- You bought unusual foods
- You eat spicy foods
- You had gender reassignment surgery.
- You look vaguely "trans" or "liberal"
- Your hair is a color different from that you were born with and not the per-ordained bleached blond.
- You don't look "straight enough".
- You once donated to the ACLU
- You once criticized the state online.
yep the 1993 anti terrorism bill ole slick willy passed when he was pres turned us all into terrorists then and there way back then so it's just a matter of them writing it down. If you see your neighbors being taken stand up fight stop them from taking people away RESIST!
We are in a full-blown constitutional crisis with the executive openly and notoriously defying court orders. We The People are going to have to enforce the Constitution if all the branches of government simultaneoisly fail
Are there details on who they took? Where they found them? Were they already in jail? I know there are gangs but if it was this easy couldn't police have been making arrests all along? The speed is so suspicious for every single thing they have been doing. Like Musk ...oops. Of course oops.
I think a sham...
He raved about gangs in a Colorado town.. Police said not true.. So they get some people to believe it and people will accuse people of false things, that law was where people could turn in someone and then no rights for investigations or trial etc
Resist "terrorism." Get on the phone or e-mail and tell your reps in DC what you think. Resist. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
Please explain why the vast majority of Americans are sitting on their hands? The worst kind of world terror will come from the consequences of ordinary Americans being content to sit at home and watch March Madness or Americas Got Talent. I don't understand.
Americans are unwilling to risk their comfortable lives and tcan easily wave away the suffering of others as long as they get to keep their iPhones and Dodge Rams.
Could be many things, no faith things will change, some are scared, many are depressed, but I imagine most are stressed and just trying to get through the day. In 2020 only 0.727 percent of Americans served in all Armed Forces. Fight is usually done by the few for the many.
When I think of how tired I am of all of this; the daily onslaught of what to me is both insane and frightening it is not hard to imagine what Americans are feeling though for millions of Americans it would be much worse. I don't know what to say this morning as I am just rather depressed. Cheers.
I don't get it either. A few of my friends and family members are resisters but others have their heads buried in the sand. It's frustrating. All we can do is activate and push back as best we can.
Corporate media has been compromised for quite awhile now. We’re essentially in a blackout of information so you may not see the dozens and dozens of protests/marches. There also are town halls across the country with Bernie, AOC & Tim Waltz. Lots is going on, they just don’t want us to see it.
Good point. This past few days saw dozens of people killed by a weather system over 3 days that was extreamly dangerous with numerous tornados on the ground and what used to be seen as a public service on CNN recieved little to no attention, just wall to wall the imbecile in the White House.
But everyone can film it and post is on social media. I keep seeing people say this and then I look at their profile and I see no protest photos or films. You have to be the media when the media does not support your cause
While true, the problem is that not enough people are showing up to the protests and town halls.
There have been a couple of large-ish ones, but overall, it's not nearly enough to get the job done. I'm worried.
Americans who have no reason to believe that detainment will result in deportation should consider picking up signs and protesting in place of those who fear they will be.
I've been thinking self-defense as a perfectly reasonable thing since he was 45. I didn't want to be right. I wanted to be wrong but here we are. Most people seem to still be under reacting or not hoping for the best but preparing for the absolute worst. He is insane.
Trump is demonstrating the Tactics of Fascism as called by Pastor Niemoeller.
He picks on easy targets to isolate and victimize then has the tools to expand his reach.
Also do remember, anything this Administration does - sets a precedent. These actions may very well prove to be a double edged sword. It's only a matter of time.
"Terrorism" is the use of terror for political purposes.
Therefore, if you can declare someone's very existence to be "political" in nature,
and you can convince others or convince yourself that you are in terror of them,
then anyone and everyone can be a "terrorist".
Your books were pretty prescient Timothy... You called it.... the chapters On Tyranny are unfolding as we speak...sadly. However one bright light. Mother Nature has other ideas about humanity if we don't wake up soon and address them.
No doubt there will be mass arrests of
citizens who’ve failed to conform to
the Co-Presidents’ political
I’m expecting them to send out a
letter from DHS eventually demanding
that everyone register as either
[R] or [D] with a harsh punishment for
anyone who refuses.
The reason there are laws to protect the rights of criminals is to prevent the State from declaring that you're a criminal without due process in order to deprive you of your rights.
Totally…Habeas corpus originally stems from the Assize of Clarendon of 1166, a reissuance of rights during the reign of Henry II of England in the 12th century.[9] The foundations for habeas corpus are "wrongly thought" to have originated in Magna Carta but in fact predate it….
I was quoting when it was written into English law from which it was adopted by USA…incidentally, it was included at that time, to make it clear that no one was above the law, including kings, after a certain king said he was, which resulted in his head being cut off…just sayin’
Very true. Elon is using AI to create a list of enemies of the state. They will come for you in the night and take you away never to be seen again. I won’t go quietly.
The principal requirement of the new ethic is not that the individual should be "good",
but that he should be psychologically autonomous ‐
that is to say, healthy and productive,
and yet at the same time not
psychologically infectious.
* https://sites.google.com/view/somnus/psychoanalysis/erich-neumann
Already maga extremist state senators are calling peaceful protesters at the Tesla dealership in our area ‘domestic terrorists’ and it is being supported by local media
And are being investigated by the FBI.i ts already here.
Violence and destruction of property that isn’t yours isn’t a peaceful protest. Tik tok MFers. The hammer of justice is coming for the “peaceful protesters”. Hahahahaha
That is false. Those people were perfectly harmless morons before Trump and the entire oligarchy machine started manipulating and conning them. If morons can ruin the country, then it wasn't very strong to begin with.
Why are y’all so obsessed with giving the people in power a pass to blame scared people who are latching onto the only hope they’ve been given in decades?
The falsity of the hope is his fault.
The EOs are his fault.
Foreign prison gangsters are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans and here Timothy is crying a river about tossing them in into our prison for foreign gangsters.
It's all about terrorist control and going down the path of fascism as well as the cult of the individual, making people too scared to speak out, which is a complete departure from our democratic will
Exactly how Hitler started with the Nazis Party. Invades and mass deaths will follow over the next four years if he isn't impeached and put in prison. After his post on Truth Social last night he has no more immunity because he is president. No pardons or plea deals. Prison for life!
Everything will be labeled that way protests etc America it's here dangerous and sad we are not a democracy. Interesting dictators label Everything terrorists
Environmental activists and protesters have been called “eco-terrorists” since the 80’s. I remember a soundbite on NPR during Dubya’s administration where his sec of homeland security Chertoff when asked what is the greatest domestic threat and his answer was “eco-terrorism”. So have no doubt /1
/2 these soulless fascists will have NO problem calling protesters terrorists. “Terrorists” is a magic word much like “communist” and “Jew” were for the German fascists.
Also, if the executive deports people, what do the legislative and judicial branches do? Because there clearly is a role swap. I guess the legislative is involved especially in arsekissing. Still hesitating about the judicial.
Thank you for this history. I had an elderly neighbor from Germany. He introduced himself when I first moved into the neighborhood. He said, “My name is [redacted]. I was not a Nazi.” Of course he had been part of Hitler youth, because there was no choice. His guilt endured for his entire lifetime.
Look, 2024 was our last and most important test. We failed. Now we fall. Protesting isn't going to get every deeply embedded person that needs to go gone. We protest in masses and they remove or force trump out somehow. All that does is get rid of the only idiot that was now a liability anyway.
The convicted🍊felon said he would be the one to determine which protests were “illegal” and “terroristic”. And since the 🍊felon thinks the terrorist attack on the Capitol on Jan 6 was a “day of love”, we know for sure that actual terrorist attacks on US citizens will be ignored.
Depends on the side you're on. MAGAts would be fuckin' happy with all the limp wristed, carpetmunching, crossdressing, transsexual, anything-else-but-white weak lib snowflakes being deported.
At first. Because then they have to do all things they wished upon their counterparts.
In 1948, intellectuals—including Albert Einstein (yes, that Einstein) and Hannah Arendt (who coined “the banality of evil”)—warned The New York Times: “Maybe let’s not support fascists this time?” Fast forward to today. https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/when-warnings-go-unheeded-how-to
That was the defense when 9 state police went on trial for shooting into a crowd of demonstrators at the Orangeburg Massacre.
They used pump-action 12 gauge shotguns, loaded with buckshot.
31 were shot, in their sides and backs. 3 died.
All 9 cops said they were following orders. All were acquitted.
Shutting down major airports, disrupting shipping and transportation of goods and strikes at manufacturing plants, factories & warehouses might be a good start.
Civil disobedience on a mass scale that hurts the margins of the oligarchs is the only way to resist a fascist kleptocracy.
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔I know this sounds nuts but I wouldn’t put it past Donald Trump to gather these supposed “illegals” and force them to join his make-believe “army” to fight for him.
He thinks he wields as much power as Putin FFS!
Part of the problem is the complete lack of any mention of the reality of our situation in our current media. It’s keeping most of the country in a hypnotic trance.
They’re also owned by billionaires who, I’m guessing, have a tight clamp on what gets out to the public. Even if this madness ever gets resolved, how can we ever trust this media again?
He already called protestors terrorists! I looked around a protest on Saturday, and all I saw was a lot of ordinary people pissed off at having our country destroyed. #teslatakedown #resist
The guy has already called protestors, the media, and various law firms "enemies of the state." Repeatedly. Got up at the DOJ and straight up said places that negatively reported on him were illegal.
Also the Dead
Sittin' and starin' out of the hotel window
Got a tip they're gonna kick the door in again
I'd like to get some sleep before I travel
But if you got a warrant, I guess you're gonna come in
Busted, down on Bourbon Street
Set up, like a bowlin' pin
Knocked down, it gets to wearin' thin
a veteran complained to me about how little he is getting from the government. I sympathized with him and mentioned how many cuts are being done to veteran benefits. He said he was glad trump was doing these cuts!!!! I was AMAZED at the level of ignorance this veteran had.
Rights are things that the government can not do. Rights only apply to US citizens if that is what the US Constitution says. Due process Rights are not limited to citizens.
That is not correct. I'm concerned about everyone who has paid into SS. The fact that I might rise hell about it doesn't mean that I'm not concerned about others. Your judgement of me is incorrect.
Before all media except Fox become illegal and are shut because Trump/Bannon have to follow Putin/Orban example it need to be out there. One by one channels are forced via threats to go away. So just by being a naturalized citizen (and there are many) we can all be deemed unworthy.
“Terrorist” is the current version of Joe McCarthy‘s “communist.” Instead of being confined to HUAC, it’s in the White House and installed at the DOJ, besting the felon’s mentor, Roy Cohen.
It's a long history repeating itself of using 'other' to create fear. This constant demonizing as if no one knows the difference between appearance and character.
In Minnesota they're trying to pass a law that defines speaking out against Trump as a mental illness so they can have people involuntarily committed. They've called it "Trump Derangement Syndrome".
Is The Onion into MAGA???
"(...) Symptoms may include Trump-induced general hysteria, which produces an inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology in Pres Trump's behavior (...)"
Check https://legiscan.com by state and subject or bill number. If it's legitimate, it will be there and you can read a pdf of the current draft of the bill. You can also set alerts to notify you when bills with topics of interest are pending in the legislature of your preferred state. Free #research site.
Nope. It's real. That is the state legislative website. I live in NN. This is real. It is only purposed, not law, but the fact someone felt justified in purposing it...oof
A definition of 'Terror'.
Someone who Trump is terrified of.
That's a very big pool of harmless people.
Avoid the USA if you can.
The act of breathing whilst not being MAGA labels you as a future victim.
Over reaction?
Every week it gets worse with no one stopping him.
A sun king in all but name.
Felon47 is a stochastic terrorist. That domestic terrorist fomented the January 6th Insurrection.
Correctly labeling terrorism is a good thing.
Always remember that the definition of terrorism is use of violence and the threat of violent action to drive political, social and/or economic change.
Blackmailed or paid off to retire. Trump only wants the illusion of Congress/Senate/Supreme Court having any independent say. For anyone that recalls during the BLM protests Trump had cops without badges/masks in black vans arresting ppl. I fear that this will return where he will "disappear" ppl
Being a registered voter opens up the dystopian adventure of Big Brother floating through the voter registration records and picking out the "terrorists". As a non-registered non-voter you have my sympathy. Being a "domestic terrorist" is a duty to overcome a dick-tater.
And if one of your neighbors hates you for whatever childish reason (such as not hanging the American flag in front of your home) they can report you for terrorism. Or for living wsomeone of the same sex. Or for rejecting his offer to date you. Or for...okay, I'll stop here, you get the idea.
Mmmm lately I have gone from 75% sure to 90% sure elon and felon stole the election. Felon has admitted it twice, blatantly so, and elon has insinuated it. He didn’t win and democrat leaders sat back sipping afternoon tea and din’t care enough to ask for ONE paper ballot re-count. 🤔 Wondering why.
We elected RWNJs to school boards, state boards of education & state legislatures. Which then gutted standards for history and civics education. Like starting 20-30 years ago. We now have a couple of generations with no critical thinking skills and no understanding of how this country works.
Yup! He sure did. I caught that then too. He always tells on himself - but the fucker won’t shut up to confront him (which, now 10 yrs later no one will do)
You don't need to steal an election when it's easier to lie and get people to vote for you. I think they won the election by legally spamming the TV and social media with millions of ads paid by Elon. This is all a result of the Citizens United decision made 15 years ago. Not possible before then.
It's not going to be interesting, it's going to be barbarism. They're already disappearing people. Just go read a book about Weimar Germany, by that point it was too late.
It's happening, yet I cannot believe it's happening. Not in the US. It's like the laws of physics stopped applying overnight. Disbelief paralyses as much as fear.
There's a ton of blue voters in this country STILL doing nothing. We have communities to protect, ICE to watch out for and report, people to educate and most importantly ELECTIONS IN FLORIDA ON THE 1ST THAT COULD HELP NARROW THE GOP MAJORITY.
We need more people to care. What will make them care?
Stalin did exactly that to sent "kulaks" and "wreckers" to the Archipelago. What I can't phantom is that the American people is as docile and subjugated as the Soviet Union population was then.
As a European I can’t interfere in US internal politics. Though I have US relatives that are concerned.
Fascism always need to create enemies to grow. Other countries, leaders or groups.
It also needs to make the own movement a victim.
Small lies don’t work, big lies do.
ГУЛАГ (GULAG) The Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps - The name of the central state body for the management of the penal system in the USSR in 1930-1956. The GULAG fully organized the economic and financial activities of places of detention, provided supplies and security.
Yeah, but we all agreed that Muslims are genetically antisemitic when Corbyn was leader of the Labour Party and elevated Kahanism as the definition of Jewishness because the right wing of Labour and the Democrats needed to be dominant against the evils of "left populism"
The neutral application of law by the state in due process is essential in order to protect against fascism - this includes those we think of as being the “bad guys” because if we don’t stick with the process then one day we will be labelled the “bad guys” and find ourselves on a plane or in Gitmo
The elected Republicans that are enabling him, do they not realize that it won’t be long before he comes for them?
A king doesn’t need a Senate.
Will there ever be a red line for them?
But that's the point. It will very much be us soon. They were never going to stop there. This was justva set up to come after the opposition. The opposition being us.
The problem Americans have very little knowledge on that history.
And he could not have become old, tyrannical Stalin without that.
Trump is Stalin cosplay.
This argument only holds water if you were saying Americans have /too positive/ a view of Stalin, which is a completely untenable stance.
If you know the handbook they are reading from you can fight it.
How America has fallen.
Now the executive can't be bothered to hide their tyranny behind a proper noun.
(and in all seriousness this is terrifying)
Shadow cabinet (as you suggested before)? Other?
Are the protests at all effective? The boycotts? Going to town halls or calling representatives?
If a dictatorship wants to destroy you without cause or legal restraints, all they have to do is proclaim you a terrorist, just like they had to proclaim you a communist during McCarthyism.
I figure that will be the end of civilization.
- You look Venezuelan
- You have a V in your name
- You have a tattoo and only gang members have them (oopps for SecDef)
- You once lived next door to an immigrant
- You bought unusual foods
- You eat spicy foods
- You look vaguely "trans" or "liberal"
- Your hair is a color different from that you were born with and not the per-ordained bleached blond.
- You don't look "straight enough".
- You once donated to the ACLU
- You once criticized the state online.
He raved about gangs in a Colorado town.. Police said not true.. So they get some people to believe it and people will accuse people of false things, that law was where people could turn in someone and then no rights for investigations or trial etc
Straight from Netanyahu’s playbook.
Here are the top 9. Each have restrictions and requirements.
This availablity could be subject to cancellation at any time.
United Kingdom
New Zealand
South Africa
Let that sink in."
Izzie Zenning.
There have been a couple of large-ish ones, but overall, it's not nearly enough to get the job done. I'm worried.
Many Americans are "fake angry." Meaning they bitch in their circles or online, but they take no action...
... They want politicians to save them.
The rest of us realize we can't wait on politicians to save us, and we #USProtests
I invite all the fakers to join me ✊
Playing short commercials during pro sports games and March Madness would be the most efficient way to find ignorant Americans.
I've been thinking self-defense as a perfectly reasonable thing since he was 45. I didn't want to be right. I wanted to be wrong but here we are. Most people seem to still be under reacting or not hoping for the best but preparing for the absolute worst. He is insane.
He picks on easy targets to isolate and victimize then has the tools to expand his reach.
Therefore, if you can declare someone's very existence to be "political" in nature,
and you can convince others or convince yourself that you are in terror of them,
then anyone and everyone can be a "terrorist".
citizens who’ve failed to conform to
the Co-Presidents’ political
I’m expecting them to send out a
letter from DHS eventually demanding
that everyone register as either
[R] or [D] with a harsh punishment for
anyone who refuses.
The principal requirement of the new ethic is not that the individual should be "good",
but that he should be psychologically autonomous ‐
that is to say, healthy and productive,
and yet at the same time not
psychologically infectious.
And are being investigated by the FBI.i ts already here.
The falsity of the hope is his fault.
The EOs are his fault.
Stop excusing the bully.
And it's working, just as it did for Dubbya.
I’m sure you know how the rest of this goes.
There needs to be more of that again, now.
Thanks for posting.
He spent much of the war in a camp but survived.
The history of the Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt is a sobering thing. No one wanted to admit they had erred.
They’ve done a lot better with addressing their history than the US has done in regard to slavery, for example.
At first. Because then they have to do all things they wished upon their counterparts.
This should concern everyone.
They used pump-action 12 gauge shotguns, loaded with buckshot.
31 were shot, in their sides and backs. 3 died.
All 9 cops said they were following orders. All were acquitted.
In the near distance is the shadowy outline of a figure in Fedora with a pack of Gauloises cigarettes.
We need logistically doable actions - strategical, regional which can entice participants and demonstrate potential levers.
Civil disobedience on a mass scale that hurts the margins of the oligarchs is the only way to resist a fascist kleptocracy.
He thinks he wields as much power as Putin FFS!
How you gonna come?
With you hands on your head or on the trigger of your gun?
Kick over the wall, cause governments to fall
How can you refuse it?
Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
D'you know that you can use it?
In these days of evil presidentes
Workin' for the clampdown
But lately one or two has fully paid their dues
For workin' for the clampdown
Sittin' and starin' out of the hotel window
Got a tip they're gonna kick the door in again
I'd like to get some sleep before I travel
But if you got a warrant, I guess you're gonna come in
Busted, down on Bourbon Street
Set up, like a bowlin' pin
Knocked down, it gets to wearin' thin
Due process is how they prove people are or aren't citizens, not just terrorists.
The US Constitution isn't for citizens only, it's for everyone within US jurisdiction, this has been litigated many times.
Due process isn't just for citizens, if it was... well, how do they know one's not?
Guess you aren't thinking of the 73m getting social security, only yourself! Dang!
Just for
Illegals! It’s for
His political enemies too!!! (You, me and those you associate with)
cutting the line at McDonald’s makes you a terrorist.
"(...) Symptoms may include Trump-induced general hysteria, which produces an inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology in Pres Trump's behavior (...)"
Hoping they've thought about that for the future
Someone who Trump is terrified of.
That's a very big pool of harmless people.
Avoid the USA if you can.
The act of breathing whilst not being MAGA labels you as a future victim.
Over reaction?
Every week it gets worse with no one stopping him.
A sun king in all but name.
Correctly labeling terrorism is a good thing.
Always remember that the definition of terrorism is use of violence and the threat of violent action to drive political, social and/or economic change.
Democracy is built on ONE THING: due process.
When you take away due process, democracy dies.
Be afraid & act accordingly.
Let’s see if the judge has the power to stop him. Or to what extent the judge will try.
I fear this doesn’t end well and we are all at risk.
Just as concerning, US electoral infrastructure is apparently, easily exploitable. And that information is in the public domain.
I just cannot wrap my head around so many Americans being so mind-numbingly stupid.
I’ll never figure out how we ended here. It will never make sense.
The Band-Aid must be ripped off.
If the government refuses to obey the law, then - at that very point - we will all know that we no longer live in a democracy.
We need more people to care. What will make them care?
I've been speaking IRL and posting online about how this administration impacts EVERY American.
No one is immune from the BS.
He (the whole admin) doesn't give AF about you.
Read this & tremble...
NN soon to your neighbourhood...
Fascism always need to create enemies to grow. Other countries, leaders or groups.
It also needs to make the own movement a victim.
Small lies don’t work, big lies do.
God sent a criminal to save America,
and this criminal can make America great again.
Don't let it succeed!
So essentially
most of the country.
A king doesn’t need a Senate.
Will there ever be a red line for them?