I think Ariana Grande is one of the best young vocalist working today, her ability to mimic other famous singers is truly a talent. That said, I would love to see her hair down, I feel like between the tight bun and the high ponytail it's an overused look.
Incredible performance. I had goosebumps and cried throughout - it was mind blowing! Just like in the theater. This movie was incredible and should win Best Picture but I know the academy will give it to some stupid movie nobody heard of.
That does not change the fact that she looks like a skeleton, she is s very bad role model for young children and teens giving them anorexia... and an extremely unhealthy view of what a body should look like!
Her fans should help her, not let her die of starvation!
I really didn’t know who she was except from gossip stuff. I presumed she was a whole lotta hype. Now that I’ve seen her sing several times, we haven’t had a voice like that in a long time!
I’ve heard she was very much a diva. Had to be carried instead of walk like a regular person. Don’t know if any of that is true but it was very off putting. She has great talent.
Well, that’s sort of an interesting comment. Who do we believe? I believe the reports that people are losing their jobs in the govt. currently & suffering. I don’t know any of them personally. My relative, however doesn’t believe people died in the Vegas shooting however.
Her fans should help her, not let her die of starvation!