Me: I dunno, feeling a bit weird because it looks like that CEO Murderer's been Milkshake Ducked?
11yo Me, backing away from the time machine: No, I mean, are there flying cars? Did we fix the ozone hole?
11yo Me, backing away from the time machine: No, I mean, are there flying cars? Did we fix the ozone hole?
I have advised brit/Irish visitors that no, they do not want to "get a burn in for protection on the first day," who have then spent two days in bed with sunstroke...
also I feel "leave the house without sunscreen in australia" has been a death sentence for like the last 15,000 years
* Snakes
* Spiders
* Sharks
Three things foreigners aren’t scared of in Australia that they should be:
* Sun
* Surf
* Getting lost
three venomous spiders, zero that could kill you (unless you're very frail)
zero snakes :(
zero sharks