Empathy shows strength because despite our own pains and worries, we can still feel those of others.
Those who do not feel empathy are so weak that they cannot bear even their own pain and close their hearts.
Without empathy we are no longer human.
All psychopaths end up very badly.
I imagine there are experiments that show infants do (or don't) have it. Like an infant will cry when it hears another do so, or giggle together. However, I would think it would be very easy to nourish it by responding kindly, or to extinguish it with neglect, violence, belittling, etc.
Bernie sanders served as an inspirational path to true pure socialism. Debs marx lenin. It took lenin 30 to finally get rid of the czar. End the oligarchy freeing the people from poverty&oppression. Lenin brought the people into the 20th century. https://Pslweb.org walks the walk
So glad I haven't been to the US since 2000. Hasn't been worth my time or money in decades. Border states like ID, MT, ND are already barbaric, moronic and unlikely to understand the difference.
Hehehe it's hilarious because the end of empathy is Elons doomsday because that mfer will get slaughtered when people go rogue including his seals team.
Empathy IS THE HUMAN TRAIT that MAKES CIVILIZATION. Anthropologists agree finding a human skeleton with a healed fractured femur shows when humans started creating civilizations. They stayed in one place long enough to allow a fractured femur to heal! It means people had empathy for the injured
person and as a group chose to tend to this person throughout their healing time. Empathy is what keeps civilization alive and progressing forward.
Don't fall for their crappy narratives. #FLIPtheSCRIPT
As i understand it, other psychopatholgies have varying degrees of low or no empathy, but the absence of empathy is a defining feature of the sociopath / psychopath.
I saw an article during the last orange ass administration. It was some corporate babble article explaining how empathy is bad. Pissed me off then, pisses me off now. We are nothing without empathy. Nothing.
Our narrative: Democracy lives within the 💓 of EVERY PERSON yearning to be FREE & it can not be killed. It is an ideology, a standard to achieve, an aspiration to be attained.
Spoken like a true Nazi. Hitler & his genocidal thugs all believed the very same thing: empathy=weakness. That is why Hitler despised Christianity. He believed its focus on meekness, love of neighbor, & care for the oppressed had made Germans soft. Hence, his co-opting of it via the Reich Church.
This is far from my area of expertise, so I couldn't begin to give an intelligent answer. I wonder, though, if it is something like a spectrum where people can be closer or further away from either end.
the republicans want a world of only the wealthy they want the rest of the world to die so they can have all the land and live with all the money they've stolen over the years
“Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty.” Einstein, a real genius instead of a silver-spoon techbro who never invented anything. And he did not waste his life in the pursuit of $$$$.
Its sad to think what a scumbag Elmo is .... and how much good he could truly do in the world if he had a soul and believed in philanthropy and giving back to his community
Dark triad/tetrad (psychopathic) predators like Ketamusk are conscienceless, and are not only devoid of compassion and empathy, they despise compassion and empathy. All three human attributes are the foundation of human societies.
Exactly like STALIN dictator in chRussia
+more paranoid Syphilitic leaders even before
Best human "quality" was announced courage OF KIDS to Report parents to KGB for anti-state opinions🤮
=sentence them to DEAD!
No wonder such poor kids now live a life of desperate trauma+alco-robbery,like Stalin🔃
You realize he’s on the spectrum. Socially amd emotionally blind. ZERO understanding or care compassion empathy for how his action impact others. Perfect match for burning down the country.
The Republicans have no empathy, including trump. That is how they operate their corrupt practices & don’t care about SS, Medicaid, medical research or whether someone has a job or not.
I am not a Musk fan by any means, but I have to say I’ve read the entire thread that this quote was pulled out of, and he ended his thoughts by saying he would rather side with empathy. His actions don’t show that though.
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
"he has a total lack of empathy for anybody"=apparently, he has no feelings, according to google
Me too. I'd rather the day be roses. May our shared disgust and vocalization of it fuel the fire of resistance, so that one day the world knows a better way.
They are Russiapublicans disguised as Americans. They are chaos agents and chaos merchants dismantling democracy to set up the robberbarrons and Trump to be a dictator.
Don't believe every stupid “quote” on the net, Arendt never said this. She thought empathy impossible and attempts at it prevented critical thinking. She was criticised herself as devoid of empathy, largely because of her book, “Eichmann in Jerusalem”. That aside, Musk is undoubtedly an arsehole.
Those who do not feel empathy are so weak that they cannot bear even their own pain and close their hearts.
Without empathy we are no longer human.
All psychopaths end up very badly.
Bernie sanders served as an inspirational path to true pure socialism. Debs marx lenin. It took lenin 30 to finally get rid of the czar. End the oligarchy freeing the people from poverty&oppression. Lenin brought the people into the 20th century. https://Pslweb.org walks the walk
We may be no elite soldiers but we are legion.
The only weaknesses that exist in civilization are people like Musk and Trump.
Don't fall for their crappy narratives. #FLIPtheSCRIPT
Complacency will lead to the end of DEMOCRACY, for you and your children, and grandchildren.
The herd protects its youth, and everyone in herd's future.
STAND UP! in LARGE numbers and show your RESISTANCE!
Just sayin'
Our narrative: Democracy lives within the 💓 of EVERY PERSON yearning to be FREE & it can not be killed. It is an ideology, a standard to achieve, an aspiration to be attained.
Even forced KIDS to report own parents for anti-state opinions=sentence own family to death,gulag!
+more paranoid Syphilitic leaders even before
Best human "quality" was announced courage OF KIDS to Report parents to KGB for anti-state opinions🤮
=sentence them to DEAD!
No wonder such poor kids now live a life of desperate trauma+alco-robbery,like Stalin🔃
Under fElon, if empathy must die the death of a thousand cuts, pay attention to his words and understand their meaning.
Definition attached of
- Empathy
- Non-empathy
- With 2 pages of examples
Safe happy waves of understanding
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
"he has a total lack of empathy for anybody"=apparently, he has no feelings, according to google
Psychopath Musk should’t speak about and assess something he has no clue about - empathy.