What I don't get is antivax peppers.
MOTHERFUCKER WHAT SITUATION OF SOCIETAL COLLAPSE ARE YOU PREPARING FOR. You've got a bleed kit in every backseat pocket and you can't think THIS part through???
MOTHERFUCKER WHAT SITUATION OF SOCIETAL COLLAPSE ARE YOU PREPARING FOR. You've got a bleed kit in every backseat pocket and you can't think THIS part through???
I'm surprised Trump doesn't sell a bleed kit. It could be a wonky gold lunchbox filed with some bandaids that he sells for $99.99.
Sure, a "go kit" is a good idea.
20,000 rounds of ammo? Not so much.
Do they keep away MAGAts?
These people know they're causing more death, to everyone including themselves
These jokers have everything in life they need; the only thing left in life is the top of the pyramid - “self actualization”.
But that’s hard.
So they focus on making sure the bottom of the pyramid is “safe”.
Hoarding is easier than growing.
Conspiratorial thinking gives them the esteem they crave, and a sense of belonging.
Confronting that would take it away.
So they hoard water.