Dear World,
Please have faith is us
Not all Americans voted to hurt our people
Not all Americans voted to hurt other people in the world
We will be back -Jen
#SheShed 🇺🇸
Please have faith is us
Not all Americans voted to hurt our people
Not all Americans voted to hurt other people in the world
We will be back -Jen
#SheShed 🇺🇸
Many of us felt like this during Brexit, albeit not so many lives were on the line.
89 million Americans didn’t bother.
And millions voted for the return of a king because…eggs.
Thanks for those who DID vote for democracy, but sadly, faith is gone.
It wont be back for some time.
Apathy contributed massively in both those catastrophes so I do hope Canada turn out in force come election time.
Best regards, someone from a country small enough to sacrifice to a despot's vanity.
Until you have hundreds of thousands of people bringing everything to a halt and removing president musk and your diaper wearing leader - we are all done with you.
Canada will never forgive what you have done to us.
It is up to Europe to rescue Ukraine. Russia too is a sovereign nation. If Russia wants freedom, it's people can do 2 things. First, rise up, Navalny showed them the way. Or, they can hope Finland will let them in. Which won't happen now.
Why is no one talking about this? Russia has publicly revealed that #KRASNOV is in debt to them for helping him "win" the election and that they are coming to collect. PLEASE SHARE THIS!!
No, it wasn't, but you have to deal with where you are. And where you are is a fascist regime.
I don't have answers on how you get out of it, but you need to build community, and protect the people who are in danger.
I think it's best if all of the US has a little shut mouth time.
From the countries being dumped on
Ukraine, Mexico & Canada
Meanwhile, more and more Canadians are finding alternatives.
52% support Ukraine
4% support Russia
The rest, "undecided."
This, and the ongoing protests (#TeslaTakeDown!) give me hope.
Looking forward to the nation scraping the 🍊🐷 into the hog waste lagoon of history.
All the stuff Trump is doing - forcing a ceasefire - it's to give Putin time to regroup so he can attack again when Russia has recovered.
#Resist Anyway.
I'm sorry for what your country (& by extension, many other parts of the world) will have to endure
All empires end, friend
Best to prep for the downfall & aftermath
In my country, around 30% of people voted for the illiterate, liar and looter govt.
Perhaps the weaknesses of our democratic process and greed filled systems (that the majority opposition parties fight within themselves with greed for power is a major factor)!
..would be better 😎
You have to earn that faith.
Remove MAGA.
The sooner the better.
Faith in the people of the US may be restored when those people demonstrate that they deserve it.
The whole world
Knows Russia invaded Ukraine and they are stepping up with support, money , military equipment and a peace plan with their security!
#Europe4Ukraine #SlavaEurope #SlavaUkraine #Zelenskyy #UkrainePeacePlan #USDemocracy
Bad actors are often encountered
Who knows what is thought by the millions
But we see what is wrought by the minions
Kill thre virus, not the bird
Until then, no longer heard.
Action speaks louder.
Your inaction is a roaring declaration that the world understands perfectly.
I’ll answer for you: There is ABSOLUTELY nothing the American people can do until then.
You don’t know our system well enough to be offering a critique…
So yes. Violence is the answer
This is America's mess.
75 million of you voted for a rascist, bigoted, sex offending criminal. It's because America is a greedy racist nation.
As a European.
You are our enemy!
You have never really been our friend.
Potus had made that clear.
Fuck America..
And overthrow your fascist government
Its not like they’ve taken away your guns yet
Call out those who lie and cheat.
Champion those who are oppressed.
STOP saying sorry.
Don’t buy a Tesla.
Listen to news from around the world.
Speak intellectually with fact.
Be empathetic.
Call out falsehoods.
But most importantly be the people you truly are.
Elbows up!
I’m sorry
I love and understand the sentiment.
Unfortunately that is not what history will remember.
Hand winging and worrying without action is meaningless.
- US elected Trump. And by a far larger margin than Hitler ever got!
- Ending MAGA is the responsibility of ALL Americans!
- See the threat? Protest! And far too few Americans are protesting!
Trump got 49.3% of the popular vote.
Last free election in Germany (1933) Hitler got 33.1%.
The world didn’t care about the “I didn’t vote for Hitler” Germans. We remember “no one stopped him”. We remember a couple of resisters.
Same w US and Trump.
I've not been polled, have you?
The ones that didn’t vote enabled Trump.
I hold them more directly responsible than the ones that voted Harris. Which, as you highlight, was only approximately 1/4.
Instead of inventing excuses - do something!
If you don’t protest and fight against Trump then you are complicit.
That is how authoritarianism takes hold over the resistance.
I think the democratic world needs to know that the three-headed monster: Musk, Trump, Vance; does NOT represent the vast majority of Americans.
That we ARE resisting.
That we are DETERMINED to rejoin the democratic world as soon as possible.
When will it be GOOD TROUBLE Time?
But you’re too indoctrinated.
All of Germany wears the stain of Hitler, regardless of whether their Omas & Opas voted for his brownshirts
America wears the orange stain of Trump, and all Americans. And no one else can fix it for you.
"I didn't vote for him" doesn't reverse the damage done
It is America that is planning to devastate my country's economy on a whim.
It is America that is threatening to wipe my country away.
Forgive me if I'm not in a mood to hear "Not my fault". On the world stage, your president speaks for all of you.
until then, we need to reorganize and can't count on the usa^^
but a great many of you *did* vote to hurt your own people and others, and it's going to be an ongoing problem until you break the stranglehold your billionaires have over public discourse.
You don't even hear about half your major problems, because they don't want you thinking that way. 🤔
Not all of you voted for the felon.
There’s be so many posts of apologies and ‘I didn’t vote for him’.
The sentiment is appreciated but the lack of action is frustrating and concerning.
Something must be done, now.
We’ll still be here for you on the other side of the madness
It is going to take some serious brazen action, and the sooner the better. If he manages to get the military on his side, and they start carrying out his illegal orders on Americans, it will be too late.
Get creative.
As to what to do,
I would look to those in history that have had a very very uphill battle inside America, gaining rights and freedoms. They can be your guide:
Every person will have different opportunities.
Be creative.
Do what you can.
Why was he even allowed to run? Why was he not charged and put in jail? Sure, people are mad now, but it was 4 years of complacency.
We all saw this coming, in canada at least. How could you not have?
As for the rest, we’ve been fighting like hell for something to happen. We’re fighting 60 years (since reagan) of the gop dismantling public education and a largely ignored russian propaganda machine to poison the discourse. Among othngs
The best news I can give you is that the most likely outcome for what’s happening over here is that it will devolve into a civil war. So hopefully it won’t involve anyone else.
Be back..,,
But if it comes down to it, it will be all of you. Effectively you're currently in the Russia of -20 years ago. It ain't over, but you're running out of time.
We can help with boycotts etc, but only you can get you out of it.
Meanwhile, no, we can't trust the USA
I would add that anyone that voted for Trump is UNamerican ,unworthy to be called patriots and all are insurrectionists ..
So please subtract 77 million from being called “Americans “
Only WE that defend our democracy and constitution and DEI deserve that privilege!
Most of Ukraine's mineral wealth is located in the "Ukrainian Shield," spanning territories like Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, and Dnipropetrovsk — regions that are largely under Russian control.
This is why MAGA followers blame Zelensky for not wearing a suit.
#SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦💛💙
You cannot change this via voting… Trump promised that.
Get creative. The longer you wait, the harder it will become.
Call your agencies… they *should* hold to their oaths, and not answer to this KING COUP.
Experts estimate Trump got 35% of the actual votes.
I know this shit show is not what most Americans want. The fact Trump is also shitting on his own people, I would love to think even those who voted for him deep down in their hearts they regret. I know I am wrong about that, but hey we have to have some hope right? 💔
You're already sounding Canadian.
Kindness, and politeness are gateway drugs....
Loving you right back.
Not helping that You voted him in not only once but two f’ing times!
The world is horrified for you. For your own sake, plz don’t waste time with sorries, but:
You know what might... what we saw people in Vermont do when Putins useful idiot JD Vance came to town
Canada strong 🇨🇦 Ukraine strong 🇺🇦
Trump is obsessed with crowds. Make that crowd symbolically big!
But those who can definitely should! Just don’t get discouraged, as long as we have solidarity…
They are not dumb though, they know it’s not all Americans who are MAGA, but considering that the cancer has spread from
Within the US…
But the hate for your leaders is global…
I don’t even live in the US and have no passport, but I would definitely be there if I could.
Truly hope this wasn’t some cheap shot snarky comment on your part
They'll only put up with his sht for so long.
The people have the power.
They won't sit back and watch an old senile rapist destroy their country.
Whenever I hear all he 'America first' rubbish - has there ever been a time in history when America *didn't* put America first??
Even in WW2 they waited to be attacked by Japan, and waited till Germany declared war on them.