When my daughter was about 7, she said that our cat was "watching out for Fort Tiny" when she did that. It entered Family Lore as something cats all do, forever.
My recently departed boy Darrow used to have a specific spot on the wall that he was obsesses with. He would stare at it and then get on his hind legs and claw at it. If I believed in ghosts, it would have freaked me out
We have to close our bathroom doors as the cats love to try to get on top of the shower screen. My worry is that they'll fall down inside the shower and not be able to get out 😥 (the shower has a swinging door, not the sliding doors we could leave open always)
I swear sometimes I feel they are looking at ghosts or something. There is never anything there we can see with our eyes. Maybe its rising heat? Cats eyes are more sensitive than ours. I saw a documentary that cans can actually see smell.
He was about 7 weeks, apparently abandoned.