this is when you feel like your entire life is complete and can never get better than this. you have succeeded as a person and as a pet owner. no one can love you more than this cat right here
This is why I wake up with an achy shoulder sometimes. Depending on where Eleanor and Snowball decide to sleep on "their" bed limits the space available and position for me and my arms when I'm trying to get to sleep on "their" bed.
I had a Reiki session today, releasing lots of tension and tough emotions. Mid-way through, Juniper tabby-tortie curled up on my hips and purred her healing vibes into my tight muscles. Such loving therapy!
When I came home quite upset a few days ago, my cat meowed and pounced on my bedroom door until I let her in. She promptly crawled under the down comforter, put her head next to mine and purred loudly. What a great comfort after a crappy day!
I have a cat on my lap.
I turned sound on.
My cat was instantaneously looking around for the purr source. Ears went straight up.
Sweetest dreams, Francie!!
Thank you.