In my humble opine we should discuss and face what went wrong with the democratic leadership and why they lost/disenfranchised/failed to inspire the gen Z vote in the 2024 elections.
I realize it's a painful topic but if we don't fix this, it'll happen again.
I realize it's a painful topic but if we don't fix this, it'll happen again.
If a Gen Z feels threatened by being told they have a person responsibility then they want to be infants.
I am more upset with the D party than anything. And I am not really “upset”, per se. Just disappointed that they are proving to be a working part of the problem.
I don’t engage very much, but I want to know what The Plan is.
I don’t think the D party actually has one.
Without that leadership we're not going to fix this anytime soon.
Approval ratings plummeted.
Throwing Millennials under the bus by stripping the reforms out of the big bill in 2021 was the turning point that put Trump in office.
Centrists never recovered.
Disrespecting younger left leaning freshman politicians. Disrespecting the deals struck with Sanders. Disrespecting reforms the younger voters were so interested in.
Centrists Working with Republicans rather than the left.
that is a fire in the belly call to PROGRESSIVE ACTION
the dems will continue to lose if they continue on their path of staid centrist decorum
and for the record: Pelosi needs to GO along with both "leaders" then some change may come, maybe
The old guard has NO appeal with the younger farther left voters.
Nancy Pelosi hasn’t been in a leadership position since 2023.
Hakeem Jeffries is the millennial that the younger generation voted in as minority leader.
Want to know where they lost millennials?
Look no farther than Pelosi threw them under the bus and notice there was ZERO effort to apologize or correct it. Just a lot of bullying and insults aimed at younger voters who felt disenfranchised.
The problem isn't messaging. The problem is our message didn't reach many young new voters, especially low information voters.
We make a mistake if we think voters see the same
Most voters do not follow the news and have no idea about the latest scandal or disaster caused by Trump. They don't even know the names of their Senators or how Congress works. They slept through high school civics if they even took it. It's not
There's a broad right-wing media ecosystem that blocks any information
In the EU many countries have multiple parties, providing diversity and choice. The US needs that desperately!
There's a deep bench of Dems in both houses. Raskin, Murphy, AOC, Whitehouse, Crockett.
Meanwhile, Bernie is out there engaging in conversations in deep red states.
Born into a world where they had access to unlimited rights & opportunities, 2-3 generations removed from those who’d fought for them, Gen Z didn’t get that those in power were the ones who’d fought against them.
They took their freedom for granted, & now we all lose.
And now we’re al gonna suffer.
That’s the definition of taking something for granted.
Miss me with that.
Same story in France, Italy, Germany... the USA is just further down the road.
Old rich famous women pushing female issues to young women who do not care about abortion because they will never have children because they are too poor.
These young women saw those rich women (Kamala/Clinton) inherit positions by pure chance from men.
Both lost.
It’s not meant to be leadership by the wealthy, of the wealthy, for the wealthy!
Adam Smith used the word 'education' EIGHTY Times in Wealth of Nations. He wrote "read, write and ACCOUNT" FIVE times.
When/where have economists been advocating mandatory accounting in the schools?
Ask ChatGPT the effect of mandatory accounting since 1950.
Don't tell Gen-Z!
So a book needs to be a +3 or better.
But school gives us crap like "Catcher in the Rye" and says it's Great Literature, -4.
Daemon & Freedom by Daniel Suarez
Of course that didn't exist when I was in high school.
l had hope in Kamala, but NOT conducting a Forensic Audit? A crushingly bad move, they told us what they were doing over and over.
For what? To not be like them?
Rogan, demonstrating he lied, via omission.
Schumer has to GO!!
You don't have to agree w/ every policy the Dems had, but anyone who thought silence was the best option against Nazis deserves what they voted for.
Their concerns never mattered to GOP. Nazis don't listen. Because they're fucking Nazis.
Apparently GenZ is a neofascist group and so self centered they wouldn't know Evil if it bit them.
In short, they lack fundamental values.
We need to fix that and fast.
Blaming the only political party who supports education perpetuates the problem.
Look what Finland does!
I approached my response to the answer by not what they said or felt but did. They failed the job as Americans to fathom or find actual truth.
They made Hitler's job easier and he is dead.
Fix it fast? Disagree. Let them burn. They need to remember, for the rest of their lives, what ACTUALLY happens when you listen to Conservative lies.
The dead don't vote.
30-40% of Americans are Fascist goons who want a 3rd Trump term.
But this is a generation that grew up online and yet fell victim to it.
They literally cared more about TikTok than repro rights or climate change.
The choice was very very clear. You can make excuses. I guess.
The only coordinated effort Dems have ever done was preventing Bernie from the nomination.
They offer no progress, only performative nonsense.
No one gave a crap what I was interested in in the 70s. I became interested in what was happening in my world and voted accordingly.
The Dems will never win if all they have to offer is "we're better than the alternative."
They need to return to being the party that takes care of ppl -- ALL ppl.
Haile Selassie I
'defund the police' was a chant from Trumps 1st term. Biden funded cops even MORE.
'river to the sea' chants were palestinian supporters. Who the Dems ignored.
'2% of the population' were used by the right wing to create a false narrative about Trans people.
And Lol Bill Maher.
What you saw was right-wing & social media constantly amplifying it, holding up the most extreme and saying this was everyone left of 🍊💩.
Just one tiny chance.
Go to far left and you guarantee more of what we have now. Can things be done yes and should be. But look at the full picture
Our "vote blue no matter who" campaign failed.
In the mid terms, there's better be a real message of hope;
or we're so screwed.
The octogenarian corporate centrists clinging with a death grip to the DNC and refusing to acknowledge or respect the will of the younger generation is what got us where we are today.
Yup, NAZIs are bad, but there's kids out there who don't even know what a NAZI is.
I'm a Dem because I am anti-war; I am pro civil rights; I am pro-worker and pro-union; I believe in character over wealth.
I know Trump is against those, but these are no longer universal Dem values, and Gen Z knows it.
2. Pretending the economy was working as 60% live paycheck to paycheck
3. Why would they vote for a party that has done nothing to reduce college, housing costs or raise the wage
Fwiw my red state cut tuition costs after Minnesota did.
Despite that, no way in hell Trump won all 7 swing states.
We voted Biden, Warnock, and Ossoff and the momentum was there for Harris.
We had bomb threats and other disruptions being called into democratic leaning precincts. It was not a clean election by any means.
From there we can win this thing.
We just need to support inspirational speakers who embrace similar goals.
Gen Z can have multiple prof. jobs & still no benefits & no home.
Women aren't having families cuz it would be irresponsible.
They probably think it can't get much worse. They just want off the train.
The problem is that made it sound like a coin flip and the ability to "do your own research" is largely controlled by oligarchs.
But then you have a majority voting far right???
Let’s be honest; those non-voters weren’t disillusioned with the lack of left messaging in the dems. They’d risk this for a good pout?
Look around the globe. Every nation is fighting a far-right rise. Left parties have been filling the void of centre.
Multiple parties offer coalitions, to add voices.
Me, my parents. Family gatherings and hearing that my parents were laughed at taught me that we all don’t think the same but that they didn’t follow the others and why
Phil Donahue was my afterschool parent who taught me to see the citizens who didn’t have a voice or were poorly understood.
Newspapers were spread out, every section.
But, we never had faux news enter our home. And we discussed why. It got blocked faster than porn!
And who told their daughters to tell their brothers, their classmates, to never act or speak like that around them?
But everybody posted a tik tok dance. Whee