Trump FCC (again) sides with big telecom: axes proposed rules that would have prohibited your landlord and your ISP from striking sweetheart bulk billing deals that result in apartment residents paying more money for broadband:
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Trump ALWAYS sides with shitty big telecom monopolies. It's why I find Matt Stoller's ongoing claim that Trump is a serious anti-corporatist to be a giant heaping pile of dogshit
that said, former Biden FCC boss Jessica Rosenworcel failing to approve updated broadband apartment rules despite having voting majority exemplifies that dem killer instinct I so know and love
Nothing further from the truth, Trump is always all in for corporations, white supremacy and death. I wonder if we’ll see him actively try to punish Microsoft and Google for having Indian born CEO’s, probably not but the racism is even more overt with this admin.
when we see her again she'll be kissing Trump's ring for T-Mobile or something