Republicans are whining and the NYT is typically "both sides-ing" this, but it's a good to have them constantly playing defense and by proxy amplifying the criticisms Walz is making to a broader audience
this has been a cornerstone of right wing messaging success
this has been a cornerstone of right wing messaging success
say something inflammatory (but true) to troll republicans, force republicans to outrage reshare your messaging to a broader audience on socials and during the fox 8PM hour
keep them on perpetual defense, starve the cycle of their own attacks
Maybe Biden 2020, but that was a tight race that came down to COVID, not any brilliance on the part of the incompetent old fossils.
1) Smashing Tesla windows isn't a great strategy overall, vandalism is wrong, etc.
2) the appropriate Dem response is "lol"
They despise anyone not in their tax bracket or social circle. Let Walz run. They’ve got zero to hold over his head. Normal dude, Normal house, NO stocks!
YOUR job is to make THEM write outraged press releases about YOU...and then you respond to that with "tax the rich, health care for all".
If they're whining they aren't winning.
The issue isn’t the bad reporting (ok. It is a little). It’s that dems tend to back down with any sign of bad press. They need to stop that
This is elementary school-level argumentation.
Before the Ozempic weight loss.
Remind them that he takes ketamine for depression.
And that he called empathy our great weakness.
Musk & Trump try to sell themselves as macho 'alpha' dudes, but they are really as phony as Trump $100 bills.
they are weird fucking nepo baby tyrants fucking over everyday people
A 'gray area' only if you are a republican, apparently: