Sorry Mikey you can not have it both ways. We plan to keep everything any of you do that is a crime in public view, so that the people want forget about the stuff you do against the law!!
Ahh, Moses Mike Johnson, the “holier than thou” fake Christian, who admitted he watches porn videos with his teenage son, Jack, but THAT family tradition started when Jack was still a minor. Wouldn’t that be considered … illegal and contributing to the delinquency of a minor?
It really is too much. Hopefully in January 2029 democrats will control everything and start investigating everyone. Right now Trump is putting together his cell mates that he wants to accompany him in prison after he leaves office.
I love that Johnson holds himself up as this paragon of morality, then goes out and acts in bad faith (pardon the pun) EVERY SINGLE DAY. He can’t get in front of a microphone without dodging, twisting or straight up lying.
This is flat-out kakistocracy.
Or, do they just not care that their hypocrisy is easily documentable?!
that they don't really believe anything that they say,
that everything is done only to achieve a goal
THEN it all makes sense
otherwise you are just chasing whatever bs they are throwing out today to distract