Lovett & Hasan Piker talk through the hard questions about where the Dem Party needs to go from here, the liberal media landscape, & what the Harris campaign told us about why they lost
Then Jon talks to Mass. Congressman Seth Moulton about the House, his comments on trans athletes & more
Lovett & Hasan Piker talk through the hard questions about where the Dem Party needs to go from here, the liberal media landscape, & what the Harris campaign told us about why they lost
Then Jon talks to Mass. Congressman Seth Moulton about the House, his comments on trans athletes & more
really appreciate it. unironically building an echo chamber for myself after I've seen where coalition-building with hammersickles gets us (anti-lib leftists licking MAGA boot just to 'own the libs') 🗽
I watched videos of Kamala Harris for 107 days. Not only telegenic, but a true leader.
Please do chart a course toward a stronger Dem party so that we can galvanize behind the next candidate. No one knows who that will be, but we will know telegenic when we see it
I will never understand that.
This isn't real life. It's parody.
He should be completely ignored.
Hasan Piker is saying what I've been craving from Democrats for decades.
We need him here on BlueSky, and we need a hell of a lot more of him on non-MAGA media.
And he got invited to the DNC this year, so even though he isn't legacy media he is making some headway compared to years past!
This guy is not an ally lol.
This guy glorifies terrorists and even platforms them. He's a tankie clout goblin who hates liberal values and liberal soc dems. He probably laughs at people like PSA behind their back
This is why actual leftists don't take you guys seriously
Get back to glazing social democracy for being a still-extremely-but-slightly-less exploitative version of capitalism because working class people get a few extra crumbs courtesy of the third world nations being ruthlessly exploited for these additional comforts.
You're angry, and you're clearly a Destiny fan. So lets debate pervert this shit up.
Why don't we start from your evidence and we can go from there. Where do you feel terrorism has been defended?
Are you broken?
So I understand Hasan's argument as:
1) Apartheid is immoral everywhere should be resisted, regardless of context
2) Israel is an Apartheid state
3) Peaceful resistance hasn’t worked
Did you vote in the presidential election?
Who did you vote for?
& appreciate your vote!
and they freakin' want to save america?!?!
Yeah, the main one is "why the fuck do you invite on the pod person who doesn't give a single shit about Democratic party?" I mean what the actual fuck?
With Hamas Piker you are actively shooting Dems in the knee. Good luck. I will continue laughing from Europe.
But I do despise fucktards like you, who are cancer to society and political discourse.
We can't have serious discussion about anything, because you just shit yourself at the very beginning of one.
The media and party should be in lock step!
how does it feel to know he not only platformed a white supremacist but sucked him off too?
Also, Hasan glazers shouldn't be throwing stones about platforming.
I had sex with a tankie a good hatefuck is fun.
But I wasn't really talking about timhouthi, I was talking about all the groypers Hasan has been signal boosting.
Step2: Internalise it.
Step3: Follow Orders
Step4: Find a white supremacist or fascist and suck them off
It's simply that he's not really a liberal and didn't really support the democrats in 2024. Suggestions from him are pretty hollow IMO.
The problem is not that Biden did things differently than prior neoliberal dems. More labor friendly, more antitrust.
It remains he is captured by rent taking neoliberalism. Comcast refused to expand broadband into rural areas. We pay Comcast to do it with tax dollars 🧵
It’s not just about doing things for people. People want to change how this system functions. They want to shift the incentive structures and certainly don’t want to make corporation more powerful forces I. Our day to day lives. End of 🧵
Wow. So he hates, lgtq+, transgender, Puerto Ricans, black Americans, dreamers, immigrants, womens choice, native Americans, solar panels, poor people, Rosie, the view. All news but fox, blue cities.. Oops turkey coma
Being part of more than one group that Maga hates, would rather have Hasan on our side( mostly is) than his 7 million viewers going Maga before Don Jr becomes the next GOP nominee.
Seems odd for a socialist.
This is like Karl Rove interviewing Alex Jones to get new ideas for the Republicans
It's that someone with a concern about a person's sex shouldn't refer to that person's sex. That's a way to shut someone down, not listen.
If you think there are a subset of males that should compete in women's sports, say so and clearly.
You don't win that argument by arguing that it's dickish to refer to even a hypothetical person's sex.
B and H were nowhere to be seen these past 4 years esp. vs. omnipresent Trump. So yes, the working class has felt abandoned by the democrats.
Harris has no conviction. Her speeches sounded like checking off a list.
It must be super frustrating that you have to see clips of him proving us right.
Who did you vote for in the presidential election?
Hasan a lot closer to diagnosing the problems with the 2024 D-Campaign than Harris' own campaign were. PSA need to get other streamers on like this more frequently.
Instead of arguing anything, you guys are calling him a rape and terrorism apologist without any sort of nuance.
911 didn't happen because "they hate our freedoms".
Oct 7 didn't happen in a vaccuum.
Being afraid to talk about the historical context and huminize enemies is the wrong path.
His audience dismisses all criticism, while never addressing the point made.
What, specifically, did you disagree with Hasan on here? Instead of repeating the standard Destiny lines, try engaging. Practice what you preach
Hasan claims in the podcast that "centrists" don't resonate with people anymore. The problem is Hasan is the one radicalizing people against centrists/liberals.
I am more than happy to jump into specifics on any one of the points I brought up.
That's how he operates. It's why he's destructive to the party. He is the equivalent of the tea party/MAGA forcing centrists to capitulate to demands that will lose us every election.
Like I said: 1) dismiss criticism; 2) don't address point.
Hasan is fine in this interview. In fact a lot of the points he made I agree with.
But people seem to have forgotten how radicalization works. It's a gradual descent, not a binary. What about this podcast episode changes my worry that he's radicalizing 13-year-olds?
What specifically do you disagree with Hasan on here?
Supporting terrorist propaganda with young viewers.
Laughing at/denying rape victims.
Not supporting the candidate.
I can back all of these up with clips.
My issue isn't with progressivism. It's with terrorism, radicalization, laughing at rape, and not voting for the anti-MAGA candidate.
Your facts are irrelevant to the current discussion.
Stop clutching your pearls and maybe listen to someone who’s actually paying attention.
Anyone who’s watched Hasans stream knows he’s not a “terrorist loving antisemite”
It’s giving blue Maga
any candidate that speaks the truth, that want radical changes, are maligned and dismissed
Limousine liberals 😭
Why do laws exist if they’re only applied to poor, working class people? Isn’t justice and fairness supposed to be a critical part of the United States? Why are politicians exempt?
If you did.
maybe you can fool a bunch of college kids into voting dsa until they grow up.
The catered to moderate Republicans and progressive White women.
watch this vid and come back
Biden Declassifies Secret FBI Report Detailing Saudi Nationals' Connections To 9/11
Maybe do some research first next time. This guys been talking smack about the democratic campaign for months. While he laughed at insurrectionist Donnie and called him a meme.
Just look at his own chat in the latter half of this clip-
Where do you think they learned it from?
I don't care about ANY of the other horrific things Hasan has done on streams for kids without consequence.
But to have the gaul to invite him on podsaveamerica and let him talk like that.. after spending months actively working against the democratic ticket.
btw, if Hasan hates musk so much why isn't he even abandoning twitter and coming over here? with his followers that could actually make a dent. can someone one ask him over at twitter (I'm nit going back to ask)?
^ the charitable version.
Except... oddly, Hasan seems to be radicalizing Americans to embolden that punishment to happen again. Not concerning?
More episodes like this please!
Dems/MSNBC heads was mad at Sanders for taking it to Manchin in his own state for original BBB. It was exciting! Until you turn on the TV. The role of Potus needs to be more active now. Not just at the WH anymore.
R's campaign everyday
it's comfortable, it's status quo, don't upset his bubble