They didn't vote for massive waste in AI data centre investment for little economic return, destroying jobs, and climate change. Futiley chasing AGI using flawed historical data models, thanks to Blair and his Oracle chum.
Labour are complicit in a genocide. Why on earth would they then care what happens to the disabled and otherwise vulnerable ?
Abandon the rancid incarnation of Labour….it is an abomination.
What do we do about the fact that’ 1000 new people a day are claiming PIP? It’s OK to be outraged but what is your solution? A wealth tax doesn’t solve the fact that we have more people than anywhere else in Europe going on sickness benefit.
Maybe aged over 60 construction workers suffering from arthritis are a few of them because of raising the retirement age? And other related conditions in hard jobs? Not everyone has a cushy office job, some manual workers in France retire earlier. Covid has left many with impaired health.
Leave the party then, Zarah. It’s clear you’re discontent and aren’t going to sway Starmer and his acolytes. Cushty diatribes on social media will change nothing.
This isn't just austerity, I know it's a word used a lot to describe the horrible treatment caused to people over the past 14 years and how it's pushed people further into poverty and caused deaths but this is worse than that, this is straight up eugenics.
When people voted for change, it was meant to be for the better. This benefits reform will surely be fiercely challenged and the cuts removed in favour of protecting the vulnerable. That's surely an obvious outcome, right??
(puts on what used to be just-for-fun Hudson from 'Aliens' impression but which is developing into actual voice due to the state of incessant, abject panic) ''Why don't we put Zara Sultana in charge?''
Unfortunately Zarah it is. There's not enough socialists anymore. Too many selfish middle class people live in Britain and they couldn't give a toss about anyone else. I could never vote Labour until these charlatans are booted out.
It's time for you to walk away and maybe we can get the party back sometime in the future. But for now please consider starting a new party, with Jeremy Corbyn by your side, millions will follow.
You need to join the How long can you remain in a party participating in genocide abroad and attacking vulnerable people across the UK?
Its a massive betrayal. So unless Keir & Co have a radical shift in vision & summon up the courage to tax the uber wealthy, The NHS will be over. Killed by Keir. Labour Losses, Lack of Tory confidence , REFORM & Farage will sweep into power. Game over, due to Keir fear
The Labour Party ceased to exist following Blair's ditching of Clause 4 and the consequent re-brand to New Labour. Thus began the transformation of a workers', socialist, left-wing party into the neo-Con, right-wing mess we have in power today.
I'll just add that I'd love to RT all your posts and in general do. But if you want me to RT them all, please don't imply Keir Starmer has shifted away from us; he was never on our side, even marginally. The 40% who abstained, imho, were Labour voters. Starmer got the ex-Tory voters he asked for.
As promised, I did RT your last post despite criticism. I won't RT this one because my criticism is much harsher. I don't think you help any socialist, including yourself, by implying the 1/3 of voters who elected this PLP voted for the change you, or I, want. I would have voted for you, btw. #ZS4PM
I'm a fan of yours, Zarah. I've heard you speak in the HoC, and I think you're brilliant. But there comes a point when the red rose will tarnish everyone in the party. You'll all be tarred with the same brush. You know what needs to be done. We need a progressive alliance.
We DESPERATELY need a progressive alliance. There are people - poor people, migrants, people on waiting lists, trans kids - literally dying of that need, right now. Please, Zarah.
Plus, poor people given money will spend it on essentials and general living – putting the money back into the economy. Rich people hoard it, eg. in tax-free ISAs (or offshore if they're very rich) – taking the money out of the economy. So it's a win-win. But no political parties are saying this.
You have to understand the relationship of the wealthiest with the economy. They don't care how well the economy is doing. They care about how well THEY are doing in relation to everybody else.
She's suspended from the PLP (she's had the whip removed) but she's still a Labour Party member. But you're correct. It is, basically, for being a socialist – which is shocking.
My thoughts exactly. All they've done is carry on with the tory manifesto. Austerity, immigration, bailing out the big businesses, letting the covid fraudsters off Scott free.etc etc. Con men/ women. Every one of them.
Thank you. Very much this. The UC changes look to me like a breach of the Equality Act, and in narrowing its focus to mentally ill people and those with illnesses like long Covid, the government would seem to be trying to pick on those least well understood by the public - but still very vulnerable.
It's no longer austerity if you look at the Disability benefit cuts alongside the fact that all the promised safeguards for the "assisted dying bill" are being removed (voted down) then it meets the definition of #democide and we need to be calling it out as exactly that
I was never a fan of New Labor, but at least they did manage to make things a bit less shit. Starmer Red tories can't even manage that. More of the same Tory shit, but worse.
Just endless doubling down.
I am so tired.
If you do not you support them in this.
Abandon the rancid incarnation of Labour….it is an abomination.
(I’m not going to hold my breath because I know for certain the manifesto had no such pledge)
The word is democide.
Targeting the vulnerable, no thanks 😔
They are ideologically the same as MAGA.
You have to understand the relationship of the wealthiest with the economy. They don't care how well the economy is doing. They care about how well THEY are doing in relation to everybody else.
Vote for change: LIE
Starmer, Starmer, benefits Harmer.
I’m mad as hell as we watch Labour do the Tories dirty work for them 😡
very little 'change'
This isn't change. This is David Cameron and George Osborn with different coloured ties.
Just endless doubling down.
I am so tired.