True, besides the full blown cult magats, most of the republicans I know are only that b/c that’s what their parents were, that’s what the community was and they haven’t followed the parties huge lurch off the cliff. (which haas been really hard to miss in recent years here in MI)
The ironic thing is that the public education system used to be criticized for being “government propaganda” and instilling predetermined beliefs in our children.
If, by some miracle, our democracy survives this crisis, there is a crying need for a mechanism or test to disallow the civically ignorant to cast a ballot. I know that is terrifyingly close to the travesty of Jim Crow election laws, but the consequences, we see, are dire.
This day was coming. Anyone that's worked customer service and has had to actually talk to the american public on a daily basis knew this country was stupid as fuck.
Completely explains the continuity of Fox News despite paying millions in damages for defamation of voting machine systems. And why they are incorporated as an entertainment network.
As an American, I used to give us credit and think that the majority of us were fairly intelligent, and my superiority complex was not real. After this election, I have no problem and no guilt feeling superior (in intelligence and morals) to ALOT of Americans.
Yep. This is true. Most Americans can’t read above the 6th grade level. We are a country that holds education and expertise in low esteem and works to undermine improvement in education of any kind.
"Many forms of Govt have been tried, and will be tried, in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said democracy is the worst form of Govt except for all those other forms…’'
True, but historically, the general population has always been relatively uninformed. but never to the point of giving away their freedom. This is shocking.
And now we have Republican town committees hosting “civics lessons” led by January 6 insurrectionists. I kid you not. This is a real event happening right here in Massachusetts.
except the framers knew that and so only allowed a few to vote. maybe can we add a question at the top of every ballot. who’s your senator? get it wrong ballot does not counted.
poll tests are unconstitutional because they were used to deny the vote to blacks in the south during jim crow. but the “tests” were impossible. like how many soap bubbles in this dish. But a simply “know your reps” Q might pass if everyone knew it was going to be on the ballot.
I know, but it would still be the complaint nonetheless. I mean, we can’t all get ID’s, and the claim isn’t made solely for the disabled. I’m with you though. Voting should be harder, and we made it easier for MAGAts when we push to make easier, right?
I can name both of mine and my governor. I wish I could name more elected officials, but my memory was damaged as a teenager, so it can be hard for me to access memories, even of words. I think everyone should know who is representing them and vote in every election, not just presidential.
Back in the 4th Century BCE, Plato argued that democracy is the worst form of government, because the people are not informed or educated enough to govern themselves, leading to bad laws.
Pretty much. No society can survive 45 years of infanticide. Which is pretty much what b baby boomers chose as they branded themselves the “me “ generation
Approx 40% of students cannot read at basic level. My child went thru great school systems. I paid a lot in prop taxes. Happy to do it. this must change. Educ is a basic right 4 all children. To then remove the dept of educ is criminal.
But we ain't dead yet. I didn't survive Covid, learn to accept that it crippled me and get up and fight anyway, to sit and watch Rome burn. And Donal J trump is responsible for all of it. But while I still breathe , I still fight for justice and my grandkids nation.
If we hadn’t spent decades trimming education budgets across the country, we’d probably not by ruled over by a felon whose buddy is pilfering our country in broad daylight
get fucked nerd
Seems right up Trumps alley, no? 🤔
But why would I sully the air with their names?
"Many forms of Govt have been tried, and will be tried, in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said democracy is the worst form of Govt except for all those other forms…’'
Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947
VA/FHA mortgages, federal student loans, etc.
Would it encourage junk votes or could we use this as a civics lesson ?
People were concerned that no one would know who the president was before broadcast, so senators in a local area would represent people instead.
Now that everyone knows their president and not senator, maybe we can abolish the electoral college?
Someone needs to counter that shit.
It's happened in countless major conflicts and upheavals
I’m just ashamed of them so don’t mention their names often.
Athens proved him right.
Or who was the last R president before trump.
People are generally clueless when it comes to government.
If you REALLY want to make a statement against this administration, BOYCOTT the Super Bowl. Hit ‘em where it hurts: their wallets.
like the good journalists have
looking at you, Kirsten Gillibrand
When tax dollars are paying your salary ...?
Not sure that's my problem, though