God, this is like watching a session of the Chinese Communist Party. The boasting. The fawning. The sycophancy. The tawdriness. The lies. The conceit. The arrogance. My flesh creeps. The GOP disgusts me. The Democrats are useless.
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I’m in the arena. I’m living the consequences of Biden’s decision to run again, and poor decisions, which somehow convinced millions of Americans that Trump was the better choice. 🤬🤬🤬I campaigned for Harris, and am out protesting now, but we need strong Dem leadership - I just don’t see it yet.
The Republicans have a HUGE advantage and they KNOW IT.They project unity.That’s why they applaud and clap.That’s part of the reason they won,while we BICKER about the Dems.They have taken FULL advantage of that.
I blame a lot of it on Rightwing propaganda,inflation due to the pandemic,AND misogyny.Coupled with the Dems willingness to criticize Biden at EVERY TURN.
I’m angry they’re not offering more effective opposition. But, yes, at the end of the day, the Republicans are the ones to blame for this unholy mess. I’m on your side, and I totally get your anger.
Expecting coordinated awesomeness on the part of 280+ elected D federal officials with hostel press and without control of any part of government is not realistic. Always try to make them better. But don't sell gloom
Useless? Weird how that’s what happens when you’re the minority. They are doing everything they can. Have you attacked a republican? Done anything but bitch on social media? Maybe a civics class would help your useless bullshit
I’ve been calling my members of Congress, demonstrated outside Tesla showrooms and Capitol Hill. But, all this is useless, without a coherent opposition to lead us.
Stay cool. There are people meeting and planning the fight back, probably through legal action.
The American people (the majority) must now see the road the #OrangeToddler is rushing into. It won’t be long before Musk Unemployment and Trump Tarrif inflation hit.
No one is expecting the democrats to vote through anything in congress. They are however expecting something more than wearing colour coordinated outfits…
But, everyday they don’t make immediate political messages ( not lectures about Democracy) in all 50 states. Our private info is heading into Elmo’s AI software.
Stop the crime in progress. Grab the news cycle away from them. Get a picture of yourselves saving our government.
I just finished a virtual town hall with my congressman Mike Quigley. Huge attendance and incredibly informative and inspiring. No holds barred and very engaged attendance.
1/ The USA has become a very sick society, and somehow they have done it to themselves. I think Bernie Sanders articulates well the problems that have emerged, and the way out. The patient is so damaged, deluded and traumatised that it will take a long time before they realise they have a serious
Yes, but his pollution has driven it to such an extreme… that’s a compromised person CAN BE ALLOWED IN OVAL OFFICE (yes, I’m looking at you, John Roberts). Their ONLY job is to protect the Constitution of the US written by WE THE PEOPLE. Not to rewrite it!
2/ and want to fix it. Like an addict they acknowledge their self-inflicted damage and want to get better. I’m sorry, Alex, I know you’re upset, and I don’t want to be part of making you feel worse. But that is how I see it. The Trump presidency is a logical outcome of the doctrine of neoliberalism.
3/ The body politic in the UK and in Canada is a lot healthier than the US. I hope the US can fix itself. Mark Carney has likened the situation to a fever. It will break, and there will be healing. Other nations need to endure.
Serious question. Looking at the US from over here in the UK, why are the Democrats (with a few notable exceptions) so quiet. Are they traumatised and/or biding their time, or something else?
I genuinely don’t understand how utterly useless they are. Scared. Cowardly. Uncertain. Leaderless. Unable to find the right message or approach. They need a “leader of the opposition” figure, as in our parliamentary system.
100%. also I have heard nothing/little from the likes of Obama, Clintons and other senior figures, where are they? Having said that they should focus on the next, younger generation who it seems to me have more energy to take the political fight to Trump and his team.
It’s OLD STYLE POLITICS to let opponents hang themselves … they are clueless. Yes, they are drenching themselves in legal cases … but will it be too late. We need younger, tech savvy leaders.
While reading the article, I wondered about how progressives who opposed Shapiro for VP, primarily because of his support for Israel, now feel as we experience the literal horrors of Trump’s second term—with untold horrors yet to come.
Pretence of democracy, and the leader of the "free world" continues. It can't last.
Greed, fear, lies, sycophancy, power, money are the overriding words and feelings. Until NATO membership is finally abandoned, however, and when it comes,the fakery of "friendship" will go on.
Infighting never solves anything
Give good ideas, not criticism
Pink outfits are your statement? How long did it take you girls to think that one up?
It’s like you already switched sides.
Democratic Party
Who pays you
The American people (the majority) must now see the road the #OrangeToddler is rushing into. It won’t be long before Musk Unemployment and Trump Tarrif inflation hit.
We need tech savvy people leading us … it’s more important than deciding on a PINK OUTFIT.
Fucking privileged
Take I can’t even
If you have NO PASSION FOR A COUP TAKING OVER DEMOCRACY— FIND A NEW JOB. You are failing to protect our Constitution. No????
Organised, continuous.
But, everyday they don’t make immediate political messages ( not lectures about Democracy) in all 50 states. Our private info is heading into Elmo’s AI software.
Stop the crime in progress. Grab the news cycle away from them. Get a picture of yourselves saving our government.
While reading the article, I wondered about how progressives who opposed Shapiro for VP, primarily because of his support for Israel, now feel as we experience the literal horrors of Trump’s second term—with untold horrors yet to come.
You nailed it.
What I watched frightened me.
It’s too late to turn this around.
Greed, fear, lies, sycophancy, power, money are the overriding words and feelings. Until NATO membership is finally abandoned, however, and when it comes,the fakery of "friendship" will go on.