Hi Mark:
A group of us over on FB have been discussing this very thing. Its return to TWH has triggered a lot of people into depression, anxiety, chronic illnesses that were previously well managed, etc. I lost my job because of funding cuts and I could sleep sleep sleep all day, and frequently do
This is how people feel in my country. Threatening an allied country sours the friendship. When you call your representatives let them know your country has lost a lot of respect. And no, it is not nice, is it?
You dont have any idea how a dictatorship works, do you? The save act the gop created alone will strip tens of millions of people our right to vote. They have zero intention of allowing elections to happen again as long as they are in power. Being in denial isn't going to help anyone. Stay informed.
I appreciate the support for Harris. Se would be very competent, BUT 4 years isn't going to magically erase the extreme misogyny that contributed to 2016 and 2024. And we all know that escaping an abusive relationship doesn't make anyone suddenly immune or adverse to the exact same mistake again.
I don't know if we will ever make it back to normal. Our Republic is going to be damaged and changed by this administration for probably the rest of my life. I think it's that serious.
Amazing. Everyone knows who Mark is talking about without the name noted in the post. It’s the same thing when you say “He’s an idiot” and everyone knows who the idiot is. I guess that being a celebrity, an idiot, a felon, a liar, a cheat, a traitor, a fraud can be summarized in one word, trump.
I think we have to be clear once and for all: Trump in the presidency is the kingdom of the devil.
The feeling of disgust that we have is not only a matter of political position, but because his darkness outrages the light of our human being.
Totally with you on that I’ve actually had to start taking day long breaks from looking at anything. I do make myself catch up, but it’s just so sickening.
Yeah at the end she talks about immigrants who better not break the law, when the 🍊 criminal doofus is a convicted felon!!!!!!!! 🤬🆘 every curse word!!!
It seems hard to imagine that we will have to endure 1,413 more days like the last 45. Is Canada sending all the alcohol back? I think we are going to need it…
Dunno if we're sending it back, warehousing it, or pouring it out, but all American booze is off the shelves in our Ontario LCBO liquor stores.
Found an unopened bottle of Jim Beam Kentucky bourbon in our liquor cabinet, my late Dad drank that. I don't, so giving it to a friend to get rid of it.
I was worried that Johnnie Walker would be going out; and no, despite the most American-sounding name in the whiskey aisle, Johnnie Walkers is genuine Scotch and it's not hard to find a replacement—no, an upgrade—for most American whiskies among its many blends.
Please watch and share this movie. The ideas in it are still important for us in 2025. Thanks @usarmy.bsky.social #DontBeASucker how the Nazis conned their country https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4
I've had my fists up for 40 years just trying to survive these dipsh*ts. I told them all to stop it and to stop letting people get away with it, so much over my life.
I have and am doing everything I can in my particular position-emailing idiot politicians that are doing a shitty job of representing me, boycotting (easier when you have zero money), etc.
it has yet to do any good and the powerless feeling bites.
twitler is and always has been an idiot. Those that voted for him and those doing his dirty work now will forever be guilty of what they have done to America.
I’ve had Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) since I was a teen, so I know A LOT about being “tired”.
I’ve been beyond incredibly “tired” over the past 45 years, but since HIS arrival on the scene, it’s more like Crushing Soul-Sucking Exhaustion.
Funny how we don’t even need a name, we know who it is. Someone said to me the other day, “he is an idiot” I knew immediately who the meant. Ugg….so sad though
Please watch and share this movie. The ideas in it are still important for us in 2025. Thanks @usarmy.bsky.social #DontBeASucker how the Nazis conned their country https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4
Their cynicism got them numb. It either made them maligbabt or lacking judgement, so they became blind to the pretty obvious menace bcause they conflated it with more insincere discourse
Republicans explain his decisions by saying he's a good negotiator and dealmaker. I personally hoped that was the case, but now it really looks like he's just a stupid :(
I've found myself physically sick from the stress. I've spent the last 2 days in bed. Can't eat. WE NEED A REVOLUTION! This crap has GOT to stop!! ... before it's too late. I'm old & disabled... I'm going to die from all this crap & I have no means to move to Canada. I'm tired too.....
Party for Socialism& Liberation is a Marxist leninist feminist anti-imperialist revolutionary partyFor 21 years.The 2024 election proved the party has more support than ever. We have always had owners&rulers. Workers of the world unite we have nothing to lose but our chains
Lili von Shtupp said it best:
“I'm tired
Sick and tired of love
I've had my fill of love
From below and above
Tired, tired of being admired
Tired of love uninspired
Let's face it, I'm tired!”
Close your eyes. Sleep. Then wake rested, reinvigorated for the fight of our generation. Take away the far-flung galaxies aspect, and this is the Jedi vs the Sith. We need Luke Skywalker in the fight.
I assumed he was just incoherently talking about 2020 (the one he thinks was rigged) and 2024 in the same breath here? It's really hard to tell with that guy sometimes. Wouldn't be that surprised if his side did do election rigging though.
It’s like some twisted nightmare, after the insurrection I thought surely that’s it good bye , yet we’re on a hamsters wheel . He wants 24/7 attention it’s so exasperating, can’t he just get in his side kicks aircraft on a one way ticket to mars
Hangout with James Cameron in NZ for a few years or I can sponsor you on a work Visa to Australia for a bit - it's not perfect, but even Murdoch owned conversative newspapers now openly comment on how Trump has f&^k'd up.
I’m tired of trying to not think of how so many of us have such a low view of government that they are ok voting for someone so bad and without looking. Wasn’t worth their time.
I am with you buddy. As a social worker in Canada who struggled my whole life this stuff takes a toll on me for sure. We need people fighting for the less fortunate I see the good it does everyday. I wish more people could understand the decency in equality and humanity.
Why do we need live updates of whatever b.s. he spewing? None of it is true or productive. Can't CDN media just ignore the buffoon's desperate need for attention?
I think that's optimistic. The old cunt will still be there with no intention of holding more elections. Power will be seamlessly passed to Elon Skum or one of his drug addict offspring.
Trump doesn’t seem to have any redeeming qualities and yet he has a cult following who think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I really don’t understand how he convinced all those people he would be good for the country. Oh wait, now I remember, HE LIES TO THEM AND THEY BELIEVED HIM.
Trump also said quite a few years ago, when he was still a democrat, that if he ever ran for public office he would do it as a republican because they will believe anything you tell them. Look at him now.
But folks have also been in denial about some of their their family and friends being awful people who would absolutely idolise a fellow awful person who gets away with being awful because money.
At this point I believe that he could piss on the Statue of Liberty and wipe his ass with the Bill of Rights and they still worship his stupid fat orange ugly self
I am right there with you. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The sight of him makes me physically ill. There is not one redeeming quality about him.
A group of us over on FB have been discussing this very thing. Its return to TWH has triggered a lot of people into depression, anxiety, chronic illnesses that were previously well managed, etc. I lost my job because of funding cuts and I could sleep sleep sleep all day, and frequently do
Well its easy, after meeting one you feel very tired, you just have no energy left.
The Force goes back to sleep
Kamala/Newsom 2028!!!💕
The feeling of disgust that we have is not only a matter of political position, but because his darkness outrages the light of our human being.
But: no.
Found an unopened bottle of Jim Beam Kentucky bourbon in our liquor cabinet, my late Dad drank that. I don't, so giving it to a friend to get rid of it.
Tired. Tired of playing the game.
Ain't it a friggin' shame?
I'm so tired.
I'm tired of people normalizing behavior that is so obviously not ok.
I'm invisible to them now...
it has yet to do any good and the powerless feeling bites.
I'm boycotting fun apparently. 😅
We are the butterflies who create hurricanes. Keep flapping, we will eventually get it moving.
I’ve had Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) since I was a teen, so I know A LOT about being “tired”.
I’ve been beyond incredibly “tired” over the past 45 years, but since HIS arrival on the scene, it’s more like Crushing Soul-Sucking Exhaustion.
Help amplify the message ‼️
What does that say about them? 🤔
See below as an example 🙄
Dealmaker? No BSmaker
Hand in there, Master Skywalker.
Party for Socialism& Liberation is a Marxist leninist feminist anti-imperialist revolutionary partyFor 21 years.The 2024 election proved the party has more support than ever. We have always had owners&rulers. Workers of the world unite we have nothing to lose but our chains
Good to see you fighting on the right side of history hero of my childhood!
“I'm tired
Sick and tired of love
I've had my fill of love
From below and above
Tired, tired of being admired
Tired of love uninspired
Let's face it, I'm tired!”
I AM CANADIAN!! 🇨🇦🇨🇦❤️❤️
“And then what happened they rigged the election and I became president!” DJT
Go to 2:16 through 2:27 mark
Still, we can get the Trump baby out again and give Agent Krasnov a right royal welcome when he's strutting his stuff down the Mall.
I know you'd love hanging out with Dave McCormack, voice of Bandit, who was also frontman for Custard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcHm-RA53K4
☮️ and ❤️
What happened to the integrity and character of the 77 million Americans who voted for him?