FUCK YOU MUSK YOU PIECE OF NAZI SHIT YOU MOTHER FUCKER I WANT YOU DEAD. DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD I WANT YOUR BUCKTOOTH NAZI ASS DEAD.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's me. Retired educator happily living in a blue bubble in a blue state, have never voted red, was disgusted by 🍊💩 back when he was tabloid fodder before The Apprentice.
So you you probably grew up in the Northeast, like me.
Until 2024 I thought that there would be no way any patriotic America could vote that monster in again. I have never been more ashamed of the American people.
I was born & live on the west coast.I totally agree with you. Never would guess Trump would be voted in by patriotic Americans. My Father, WW2 vet, GOP,on hospice,had us take him to the courthouse to change his political party. All because of Trump’s GOP nomination in 2016.
He knew Trump was a con.
JFC! I’m 68 and have been a liberal socialist my whole life! I have detested Trump from day one! Where the fuck did you get the idea older people voted for Trump? I didn’t ask for this shit and my social security better not be touched!
So far, economic boycotts and repeatedly calling my senators and representative, as well as my state AG. Most recently, have asked senators & rep to hold town halls in red states like Bernie recently did. Asked AG to sue Trump & Musk, and my state is a plaintiff in two lawsuits.
Every Democrat & Republican better stop acting like this is ok or else. For some people there is no plan B. People paid into this fund all their lives & should not have do anything but receive their benefits.
If you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell.
They will take the money for themselves, otherwise they would have proposed a "private plan" *before* obliterating Soc. Sec.
We talked about the Christian Nazis and how brainwashed idiots they are. But we didn't talk about who's brainwashing them. They have FB, among other social media, TV, podcasts, etc.
But the main source of brainwashing has been and still is FOX NEWS.
Something has to be done about it. It must stop.
I’m collecting Social Security. I swim a mile every morning before work, weight train 3-4 days a week after work and per my phone have walked an average of 4.4 miles a day over the past 12 months.
Stop with ageist crap.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. Even a 40 y.o. has 20 yrs of putting into the system. Don't you think that they would have something to say about their lost investment???
It IS a funny image. Like something out of the Simpsons. That said...don't underestimate the elders fr ... we have free time and very few fucks to give, and many of us were quite fiery in our youth ... js
Except for all the middle-class workers who would have to suddenly take on primary care and support (financial and Physical) for their elderly parents.
FAFO What if 73 Million people called the White House and said “If even one penny is taken from your SS/Medicare/Medicaid is taken from you, YOU will do everything in your power to vote EVERY GOP REP AND SENATOR OUT OF OFFICE!”
I guess they think retired/disabled people aren't gonna do anything about any of this? We'll just sit at home and eat pudding cups until we die?
I don't know what I'll do if my or my husband's Social Security check doesn't arrive in March or the month after.
But let's do fuck around and find out 🤬
It was fine when his evil was aimed at Latinos, Queer people, and the poor as long as it wasn't aimed at them.
Until 2024 I thought that there would be no way any patriotic America could vote that monster in again. I have never been more ashamed of the American people.
He knew Trump was a con.
The first is money..A tax strike or a refusal to go work.
The second is a violent uprising.
I don't think we are ready, right now, for either.
in the Jim jones mass-psychosis motif.
The silent Republican Party & dementia man
may stumble into creating nuclear war.
But the “real problem” ,
the real god dam problem
is the 77 million voters,
that enable this
“reality show” of madness.
50 states, 50 protest, 1 day
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Diderot
The alternative is the National Debt Death Spiral. Break it.
Trump is going after social security - for everyone
They will take the money for themselves, otherwise they would have proposed a "private plan" *before* obliterating Soc. Sec.
But the main source of brainwashing has been and still is FOX NEWS.
Something has to be done about it. It must stop.
Stop with ageist crap.
I don't know what I'll do if my or my husband's Social Security check doesn't arrive in March or the month after.
But let's do fuck around and find out 🤬