It is simply not possible to evacuate over one million people in 24 hours from the zone of attack in Gaza. The answer to horrific atrocities by Hamas cannot be collective punishment upon an entire population, 50 percent of which are children.
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So who is going to hold Israel to account?
When they attack those who were fleeing, under Israeli instruction!
They will just keep killing the population until they are stopped.
This is ethnic cleansing.
This is genocide.
It literally is, according to the UN’s own definition of genocide. But I guess wanting to avoid the murder of innocent people by the Israeli government’s illegal and immoral invasion makes me a Nazi somehow? Go after Hamas, yes. But don’t cut off essential supplies to an entire region or ethnicity.
Defend itself yes, cut off water and electricity to civilians no, kill civilians in retaliation no. What Israel has been inflicting on to the Palestinian people is apartheid and genocide for years. The only Nazis in this are the Israeli government.
There are laws around warfare and cutting off water and electricity to civilians breaks those international laws, that's why there's an international war crimes arrest out for Putin.
You obviously know nothing, including what a Nazi is! A Nazi isn't everyone that disagrees with you
Collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, and Israel's attacks and plans for further attacks, including targeting hospitals and health centres, in a civilian population where 50% are children is not Israel defending itself.
It was so predictable that the Israeli government would squander the huge wave of global sympathy with its response, just as the US neocons did in after 9/11 with their “you’re either with us or against us” policy.
In the Iliad when Achilles goes into his famous rage the Greeks used the word “lyssa” it doesn’t mean anger or even rage. It’s their word for rabies. Madness. All consuming, fatal madness.
It can.
If it’s possible to slaughter hundreds of innocent non military Israeli people and taking sentenced to dead hostages than this is possible too, even when my and our hearts are bleeding
So what would you do if someone kills and butchers more than 1000 of your people, women, children, elderly and men at their homes. Give them flowers? I remember the US invading Afghanistan, I remember that suspicion of harboring weapons of mass destruction, the US and the UK invaded Iraq.
Nobody occupying the Gaza Strip currently, and it was Egyptian territory, before Israel concord it. I wonder why the Egyptians didn’t want it back during the peace treaty. The West Bank was Jordanian territory, I wonder why they didn’t want it back as part of the peace treaty. A lot of questions 🤔
Actually the good solution is not bombing civilian centers that are predominantly literal children just because (alledgedly) there are weapons stored in those areas 👍
They've secured their borders. Hamas doesn't have tanks, artillery, or fighter jets. Israel could wait a month and nothing hamas could do would be as bad as the IDF going in without a humanitarian corridor.
Whether Israel is led by left or (far) right, it has been committing war crimes for 70 years now. And the USA is responsible for that, giving them weapons and money for that same time period
I am not in the mood of keyboard warrioring here but before you enlighten us with the blame game tell us what was the goal of Hamas’s brilliant plan to break in and start killing random people.
I have deep worries a certain leader chose to look the wrong way so that an extreme response could seem to be justified. That one terrible offense is being used as cover for another to finally claim that land. 💔😢
As a disabled person who is very aware how stuck I'll be if disaster strikes, the peremptory order to evacuate asap because they plan to kill without prejudice is horrifying. That order is not cover for genocide.
That’s what they wanted. They don’t care about the Palestinian people just the idea of Palestine. And they are perfectly prepared to die for it so long as they can kill Israelis at the same time. Poor, poor Palestinian people.
And for Israel, those Hamas atrocities remind the world, again, that Israel is fighting monsters. And has to be monsters themselves to do so. #NeverForget
No in fact, Hamas activities are not an excuse morally or legally for Israel to commit war crimes against a civilian population of Palestinians in a besieged city, half of whom are children.
Hope that helps you #NeverForget includes all people, including the people of Palestine.
Both sides getting what they want out of this:
For Hamas, it means the Palestine issue isn't shunted to the side while the rest of their Arab brethren normalize relations with Israel. Also, the world is reminded once again how brutal Israel's occupation/subjugation of Gaza is.
It helps Israel because they have been planning to incrementally retake territory designated as Palestinian since the Oslo accords. We see that in the encouragement of illegal settlements. The more Palestinians they kill or displace now- the closer the Gia they want to achieve.
Oh its possible and i speak from experience as a retired responder
As much as its noble to do, if the people dont cooperate with life preserving instruction, thats their own fault and we're not liable under Samaritan code of yes and no
When they attack those who were fleeing, under Israeli instruction!
They will just keep killing the population until they are stopped.
This is ethnic cleansing.
This is genocide.
Hamas have revealed themselves to be MONSTERS, but we must remember Nietzsche's admonishment, "when fighting monsters, take care not to become one."
You obviously know nothing, including what a Nazi is! A Nazi isn't everyone that disagrees with you
If it’s possible to slaughter hundreds of innocent non military Israeli people and taking sentenced to dead hostages than this is possible too, even when my and our hearts are bleeding
"And for Hamas, those Israeli atrocities remind the world, again, that Hamas is fighting monsters. And has to be monsters themselves to do so."
“Perpetual war for perpetual peace”
Pax Israeli
Hope that helps you #NeverForget includes all people, including the people of Palestine.
For Hamas, it means the Palestine issue isn't shunted to the side while the rest of their Arab brethren normalize relations with Israel. Also, the world is reminded once again how brutal Israel's occupation/subjugation of Gaza is.
But they absolutely do want to take more land from the West Bank
How can they keep power without a string ennemi?
Which population would accept that without fear.
Don't ever take for granted that empowered people work for the populations benefit.
Terrorists are the same all over the world.
As much as its noble to do, if the people dont cooperate with life preserving instruction, thats their own fault and we're not liable under Samaritan code of yes and no