Not in my office. I’m happy to serve folks with anxiety &/or mood disorders, but I can’t provide the resources required for people suffering from delusions
Ah yes, Moses, the guy who was ordered by God Himself to let the old generation die off and never got to see the Promised Land (still unconquered yet) and died seeing the back of the Lord God?
God isn't exactly KIND to prophets, it's very "gun to your head" faithbuilding
Yeah, “the Lord” told him no such thing. Dude is delusional. How do I know? Well, to the dismay of some, I’m sure, I believe in God. Not in the way that a lot of Christians do. The God I know is about love, plain and simple. God isn’t about hate or all the weird shit evangelicals buy into.
OK, Mike. If you have the hotline to God, part the waters at the Lincoln Memorial. It not deep. Should be a piece of cake for a Moses Man like yourself!
That's the problem with this world -- people hearing voices in their heads and thinking the voices are real, and not realizing that this dynamic just isn't normal. That's why there are psychiatric hospitals.
Still want to know why nobody has done anything about the fact that he had a 14-year-old illegally living within that was not his son. As far as I know that's abduction and a felony. He seems like a pedophile to me.
Man these people are fucking nuts. This is what happens when you let a low IQ nut job run the country. That doctor was full of shit when he said Trumps mental state was normal.
With all due respect, Mr. Takei, please don't disparage therapy as 'inferior' or 'defective'. It is a medical tool, not a casual label to imply disagreeable people to be mentally ill
God isn't exactly KIND to prophets, it's very "gun to your head" faithbuilding
He ain't no Moses
mental health issues allowed to be representatives?
Also, does a Representative represent his electorate, his party or his invisible sky wizard?
Or did it part ways with him some time ago?
Come to think of it, the whole GOP in Congress seems to be doing that now.
YHWH was a mistake. Ares in a new face. 🤬