Musk has unleashed his online zombie army 🧟♂️ of incels, white nationalists, and haters targeting career public servants 😳
I wonder their response to anonymous ppl showing up at workplaces to yell taunts and trying to force them from jobs. Musk can eff off to Mars, it’s already inhospitable. 🚀🚮🗑️
I'm a teacher and there's always those committees that you put the problem people on to get them out of your hair. This seems like one of those. In government, they are called blue ribbon commissions and have no real power. I am not sure Congress will give up their constitutional duties to them.
It's like when you're at school and the two weird kids from the chess club that are so unpopular they can't get a third, are made to do an assignment with the mean, slutty girl to bring up her grades.
should keep them all safe from sniffing glue or playing in traffic. On second thought, can they convene meetings in the middle of a major intersection?
From a non US perspective; this shit is getting REALLY weird, guys. Reality TV stars, news anchors, meme lords and billionaires, possible Russian assets, and all manner of sexual predators….I mean this is like an HBO show on hallucinogens
We have 2 men who will be wasting time and resources for a fool's errand and a hothead woman who has no self-control, none of which knows anything about the Civil Service system. They will be the Keystone cops of government.
If MTG's public persona is real, Musk will probably get more and more enraged. Perhaps he'll throw his toys around, and maybe tell her to go away, which he can.
She is entirely out of fucks to give at this point. I can relate. All that's left sometimes is this bitter glee that comes from knowing they're all going to be stuck with each other.
Makes me wonder who's going to cannibalize who first. You got the dipshit from South Africa, the "pick me" from India, and the Karen who wants to be "one of the boys".
The Three Stooges always made me laugh so hard. Now they are banished because they used physical slapstick humor. Now I don’t remember any of us kids trying out their physical jokes on each other. I think the cleansing of humor has gone way too far by PC police. Parents should be talking to kids
You certainly do not see them on most entertainment platforms, you have to go look. The fifties black and white comedy shows are priceless but are not considered racy enough really
I find that the comedians of that era made a lot of what they could use.
I guess the big platforms care little for b nostalgia - it is often difficult to see anything but the most “successful films of any era. Those often are not the best films or have the best performances.
It is sad, but many performers today are also underpaid because the structural nature of business keep the profits for themselves, as in the performers should be happy just to get to perform. Those starting out have no negotiating power and get tied into unfair contracts
I wonder their response to anonymous ppl showing up at workplaces to yell taunts and trying to force them from jobs. Musk can eff off to Mars, it’s already inhospitable. 🚀🚮🗑️
RFK Jr. as HHS -> humiliate with group hamburgers.
etc. etc. fxcking etc. 👀😐
I guess the big platforms care little for b nostalgia - it is often difficult to see anything but the most “successful films of any era. Those often are not the best films or have the best performances.
Elon Musk taking an IQ test, LIVE.