Trump has a large cult following that will swallow his lies no matter how egregious and as a bonus has the main stream media who won’t correct his lies.
It would be exactly like Trump to get 34% of the youth vote, declare the 66% who voted for his opponents dead to him, and say he “won the youth” by 34 points
MSM has missed yet another opportunity to call him on his constant & consistent barrage of BS... But they somehow never missed an opportunity to bring up Biden's age & never missed one of his gaffes. 🤷🏾♂️
we are experiencing, and witnessing, a massive rewriting of history (revisionist history) right now: COVID experiences, election, vaccine effectiveness, etc.
Makes me question everything I have ever read re history in past
Always remember the Victor's right history they want people to remember,while they hope what they have done will be forgotten. It's the reason we have such a limited understanding of the indigenous people of the America's.
He claimed he won in 2019 as well, but it turned out the votes didn't add up for him, so he made things up regardless, seems to be his way, making things up...
Trump’s lies about his election “victory” are BEYOND pathetic. Claiming he won by a landslide and got the youth vote? Ridiculous. He’s so out of touch with reality he’s creating his own fantasy world. If he truly believes that nonsense, it’s no wonder he’s lost credibility with so many people. SAD!
This disconnect from reality naturally leads to unbridled hubris and irresponsibility that the democrats would start taking advantage of if they knew what was good for them
He learned a different lesson about reality than the rest of us. He learned that a lie isn't a lie if you can make important people agree. He learned that money warps and distorts truth and always makes people betray their best intentions.
In a year's time he will prob claim he had 110% of the vote so has a mandate to amend your constitution at will since he will think he had enough to ratify alone
I find it much more concerning that 43% of 18-29yos voted for Trump, and the correlation between that fact and the 39% of that same demographic getting their "news" primarily or exclusively from TikTok is clearly not lost on Trump.
I left the dark place to come here so I’m wondering if anyone is posting these reality checks on that platform. If they’re only shared here it doesn’t seem like the people who need to see the facts will see them.
Anyone have a source for these numbers? I saw that Trump lost 18-29 year olds by 4 points, so he's definitely lying, but the numbers in this post don't seem right either
Type: election results into the address bar and they come up- Trump 49.9% Harris 48.4% so he won by 1.5% no matter the spread among this or that group. Including the 40% who didn’t vote, 70% of the population does not actively support him. Not an endorsement of Trump as biggest national cheese.
He lies about things that anyone can prove wrong. His “followers” are willing to overlook any and every transgression. Why? Why don’t Democrats push back more? It just boggles the mind.
I'm pretty sure someone told him it was a +34 point swing for him with male youth and he doesn't view women as people, especially people who should be able to vote, so this is his talking point.
Yes the poorly educated gen x white male voter. It think it’s partly a backlash against women for the me too movement and their belief in having the right to abuse and rape whoever they want.
For this, I will always be an opponent of DJT for the waste of my time/energy he presents.
he lies
they print and air it.
not a single corporate media hack ever calls him on his lies.
Makes me question everything I have ever read re history in past
King donny couldn't say something honest if his pecker depended on it.
Fucking arrest me.