I think Melania has a good sense of style, but Father Time, and Husband Grime are starting to take their inevitable toll. The inner beauty of Jimmy and Rosalind Carter radiated outward even in old age. The Trumps' inner sanctums contain dollar signs, and not love and charity like the Carters.
I'm actually far more interested in why Trump hasn't traded her in for a newer model. She's showing her "maturity" and that is usually when he kicks them to the curb. She must really have some serious leverage.
I will be going after her for all I’m worth-she helped bark the Obama birther lie and has been nothing but a Tя☭mp #deportMelania #deportMelaniasBreasts #BarronIsAnAnchorBaby #EinsteinVisaMyAss #WorstLady
It's a desperate attempt to convince history to remember her as a useless twat who couldn't chose a decent outfit. Rather than the bulldog wife of a fascist.
I am not a malenia fan... But I think she's sharply dressed... And she did speak out saying that a woman has a right to her own body choice.. but in reality I would have divorced the bastard.
She probably had another face lift and was hiding her face. Her face looked swollen at President Carter’s funeral. Too many more and she won’t be able to open her eyes.
Because it frames a face that reflects an open heart.
Compared to the other which captures a cold militaristic expression with mouth drawn in a line, eyes shielded; a sharp as stone sculptured presence that is closed.
That reflects no engagement, only punitive intent.
How much Lennon is missed. 💔
It would be easier to ignore the goofy hat if we hadn’t seen all of those fully nude photos of her. The hat immediately brings to mind the Randy Newman song “You can leave your hat on.”
The Hooker known as Melanoma wears nothing well. She was born naked, her best work is when she is naked, she is literally a blob of cells that have awareness that she has to allow a disgusting orange blob on top of her whenever "it" wants some......
When you pay for your tits and lips you're gonna make sure to flaunt them.
It amazes me how certain wimin have no idea how to dress for formal occasions.
Regardless of how much makeup she's got on, or how many times she's run through Earl Scheib for their $99 special paint job, or what "designer" clothes she's managed to grift, Melania is looking OLD.
It's like people who go to a comedy club and then get offended over the comedy. It's comedy people! In dark times, sometimes it's necessary to make fun of dark times. Of course the rest could understand that. I'm glad you do
See... fundamentally, he is right. However. Yamtits and his administration are going to physically, mentally and financially harm a LOT of people. Many of us are weary and revolted and frustrated and yes, fearful. FFS, just let us have our infantile jeering. Take the high road elsewhere, please.
Some people need to learn to criticize people on the substance of their actions and positions, and not just flail like schoolyard children at someone who doesn't look "good" to them.
If Zendaya wore that outfit nobody would be making these jokes.
And YOU need to understand that people are tired of "going high" with this troop of assholes. They deserve a helping back of everything they've dished out to others. NO. They would not be making those jokes if it were Zendaya. SHE isn't grifting and supporting a rapist husband. Apples and oranges.
Don’t like the woman one bit, but, once again, a woman is being critiqued on her attire. Why is that the first “go to” other than her breast size or butt size or attractiveness or lack of, of her face?
She clearly hates the loser
Rufus Sewell starred in "Dark City" and later in "Man in the High Castle" as Obergruppenführer in the American branch of the SS.
The Universe has a dark sense of humor.
Compared to the other which captures a cold militaristic expression with mouth drawn in a line, eyes shielded; a sharp as stone sculptured presence that is closed.
That reflects no engagement, only punitive intent.
How much Lennon is missed. 💔
She didn't want to look at the .......
It amazes me how certain wimin have no idea how to dress for formal occasions.
This, this what we’ve sunk to.
No contact
All air
What a basketball shot
What a shit show!
Do better.
If Zendaya wore that outfit nobody would be making these jokes.
No STDs!!!!