Marbury v Madison is a seminal case from 1803 that holds that the federal courts must determine the constitutionality of the actions of the other two branches of government. Hope that helps, Stephen.
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i've never wanted to say "gag him" before... hateful found a body .... scary and dangerous is not a good look. kind, confidence ... that is a good look - yep kind - confidence ... every time ...
Stephen Miller is one of the most vile, immoral characters in Trump 1.0 or 2.0, and he has the permanently harmed children of those separated families to show for it. He's also ignorant af, apparently, and we wish he'd get lost.
How is calling out Stephen Miller, a well-known racist and xenophobe, and tying him to [checks notes] David Duke, a former Grand Poobah (or whatever title) of the KKK in any capacity anti-Semetic? If it walks like a nationalist and quacks like a nationalist, then it's a wannabe fascist.
?!? I'm saying Stephen Miller acts as though he would admire David Duke because he says and does the things that David Duke said. He is a bigot. I am in no way defaming an entire religion or its adherents. I never even brought up his religion, you did.
So it's ok for you to go around accusing people of Jew hate but nobody is allowed to point out you issues with predominantly black musical performances?
And he only has an undergraduate degree, not a law degree. There is no excuse for Shady slinging the same BS. He knows better, and if he doesn't, Yale Law School has failed utterly in its duty to educate its students on the Constitution.
Yes it's called a check that brings balance. There's also one there for the legislative branch against the other two branches and yes the executive branch has one as well but it cannot enact any action without least one other Branch supporting it. And no I'm not going to bring that one up
Judicial review is a fundamental part of the constitutional separation of powers. These jackasses self indict every time they dare opine on .... anything.
In fairness, though, Marbury was a bit of a coup itself. Nothing in the Constitution gave SCOTUS that power. They just seized it for themselves.
It makes sense that they should have it, which is why Marbury hasn’t seen serious challenges in the intervening 200 years. But he’s not ENTIRELY wrong…
Federal judges routinely make decisions that affect 300 million people, numbnuts. That's what Federal judges do. I would honestly expect a Nazi vampire to be a bit smarter.
After all this time, he still don’t know that there are three branches of government. A president’s magic pen only works if it is used properly. He is getting pissed because judges (judicial branch) have even more magic pens than his Führer. This guy is nothing but pure evil. Just look at him.
True. His family escaped the Holocaust! His family that got left behind died. Had his family not been granted access to come to America, he wouldn’t exist. Now he sides with those who’d kill or turn away his own family. Beyond sick.
I just got into a 30 minute screaming fight with a MAGAt about that. I’m like “ FOLLOW THE LAW!” … they scream back “ THE LAW ISNT WORKING!” ., I screamed back “ YOU DON’T GET TO PICK AND CHOOSE WHICH LAWS YOU FOLLOW “
Click.. I hung up on his a**!
Domestic terrorism is ideologically driven crimes committed by individuals in the United States that are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence the policy or conduct of a government per USA PATRIOT Act (18 U.S.C.).
Stephen here seems to forget that the politicians instruct the judges by changing and forming laws. The judges holds the government and the people responsible to uphold the standards of said laws. Thus a judge can stop the actions of any and all politicians including the president if it’s unlawful.
It is the most basic rule of democracy, separation of powers...
Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary, if the 3 are not independent of each other then it is by definition not a democracy (even if you have a fair voting system which the US does not)...
(Incidentally, this is why the press is known as the 4th estate, reflecting the view that robust factual reporting of the machinery of state is also essential in a free society...)
Problem is for the past 24ish years the Executive and Legislative branches have worked in lock-step w one another when controlled by the Right. All three have actively collided when Trump has held office.
TBH the politicisation of the Judiciary has been a problem in the US since the inception of the supreme court, politicians appointing judges is very rare, this is because it isn't democratic and does not respect the separation of powers necessary for a functioning democracy....
As to executive & legislature, this is a wider problem, much less so with democratic voting systems, but countries with district based electoral systems do particularly badly, because it promotes a binary choice leaving representatives almost exclusively from 2 ruling parties (UK, US most obviously)
Every representative government in the world functionally ends up as 2 coalition parties. They may call themselves different things but they are either in a governing or opposition coalition.
Which has been a problem since there is no longer honest journalism, only sycophantic journalism! All of them: TV, print, online, radio, etc bowed down & have not reported any truth or facts; just sanitized or twisted versions of facts! There is NO 4th state!
There is little, if any, enforcement action that the court can take. I agree that they’ll test the judicial branch and just blow them off to see what happens. They are still under the assumption that the Executive Branch is all powerful and doesn’t answer to anyone.
Stephen Miller might want to go find a place to hide! I think it may be his name instead of Mike Penske when calls for hanging people gets thrown around by angry crowds.
Hey Steve, care to throw us the line in the constitution, where says that an unelected billionaire can have access to every part of our government without congressional approval or security clearance?
THIS Stephen Miller?
“Am I the only one,” he asked, “who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?”
Yes, that same Nazi Stephen Miller. Trump’s personal assistant, Diet Coke bringer, official ass-kisser. He’s been living under the Orange Tyrant’s dining room table at Maralardo.
Stephen knows....he's just trying to position his orange-faced boss to be willfully non-compliant, in order to set up a quick (and, probably favorable) Supreme Court review.
These are the same people who cheered the courts that stayed Biden’s $20k student loan forgiveness proposal. They live in an endless present in which they are always aggrieved. The public’s amnesia affliction renders it more effective than it should be.
Stephen Miller is confused about Constitutional law. Article I gives Congress the power to tax & spend; it's THEIR decision. Article II gives the President the power to execute the laws (including tax laws) that Congress has passed, & Article III gives the courts the power to say Congress decides.
Apparently, Stephen has forgotten all about the Right-leaning Supreme Court that conveniently has heard virtually every case Trump has asked them to and has consistently acted Legislatively for 20+ years.
Sad how his family escaped the Holocaust! His family that got left behind died. Had his family not been granted access to come to America, he wouldn’t exist. Now he sides with those who’d kill or turn away his own family. Beyond sick.
This is Voldemort Miller flexing his originality muscles. There’s a cohort of legal scholars who think Marbury was a bad call. They’ve wanted to overturn it for decades.
Let’s ask Stephen where in the constitution or court cases can an unelected official go into every government department with the intent to dismantle it?
Hey Steve, care to show us the line in the constitution where it says a lone unelected billionaire can assume decision-making control over government agencies affecting 300M citizens?
An idiot nazi at that. In Trump's "first administration" countless executive orders were held up in court and basically cancelled out. They already know this. Maybe he has the same dementia as his boss. Early onset Alzhemiers.
I asked my magat brother if he was concerned that a private citizen had our tax info and ss numbers. He said “what makes you think he didn’t already?” That idiot thought I was talking about chump. They have NO IDEA what’s going on. None. And worse, he didn’t give a shit even if it was chump.
Yet somehow, Steve and his ilk are okay with a lone wingnut judge in Goatfuck Texas compromising access to safe, proven medication for millions of women nationwide.
Hey Stephen, care to show the line in the Constitution where a lone, unelected billionaire can take a wrecking ball to our government agencies that work for more than 300 million people?
Remember when his uncle did an interview and shamed the shit out of Steve? Miller’s family escaped the Holocaust and the family that got left behind all died! Under Steve’s own policies, his family would have been turned away from America and he’d never have existed!
Y'all elected a felon to be president. Y'all knew this imbecile Steve Miller was his henchman. Your suprise that they are awful after everything this orange orangutan did in his first presidency and before is actually surprising. And guess what, his actions and that of his minions affect the world.
I think you are projecting too much media literacy, knowledge of how elections work, and intent
To his base.
They are more like the aliens in Galaxy Quest. Simple, child minded. You have to explain it to them like a toddler. (With a lollipop and a picture book)
If they cut funding enough that kids aren’t taught Civics (I graduated in 1980, mine was the last class taught Civics) then it’s much easier to lie their asses off without getting pushback! 😞
Stephen Miller either slept through his high school America history class and his civic class h or he already knew the answer and made his claim to ferment descension among the ignorant Trump voters
Don't you love how stupid all these sycophants are?
Now playing- Stephen Miller reprising the 1975 Woody Allen role in Love and Death as the Village Idiot.
I remember learning in middle school: the Legislative Branch makes the laws, the Judicial Branch interprets the laws, and the Executive Branch enacts or enforces the laws.
Stephen Miller knows this, but doesn't like it. Now that Trump is in power, they want Americans to forget that relationship.
Actually that ruling President Thomas Jefferson railed at because it gives the court too much power they were created to NOT have! They should only have had power to ascent what Congress and President agreed, Jefferson and Founding Fathers wanted.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Jefferson understood the Constitution better than most anyone. He was a man ahead of his time in many ways. Perhaps he actually envisioned the destruction a corrupted SCOTUS could do! 🤔
George I doubt that there is any help that will aid Stephen.
Mind you they could make another Sin City film .
I always think that’s the only time he’s any good at anything
“It is emphatically the province and the duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.” Chief Justice John Marshall, 1803. Do they really not know this stuff?
Hey, Trump's sister was a District Court Judge at one
Maryanne Trump Barry (April 5, 1937 – November 13, 2023)
Became an assistant US Attorney in 1974 & was appointed to the US District Court Bench for the District of New Jersey by President Ronald Reagan in 1983.
So Stephen Miller has never read the constitution nor has he taken a civics or American History class in college? Or high school? They truly are THE WORSE
He hates multicultural America and our rich diversity. He is rabidly anti-immigration. He is a white nationalist and is associated with several alt-right hate groups. If it walks like a Nazi and talks like a Nazi….
He is Jewish and his extended family has disowned him cause they have said loudly and with emphasis that he was raised this way.
I'm thinking that he got viciously bullied--cause look at him--& only got laid when he started hanging out with these losers and some chubby lonely girls who r into that.
hey Stephen?
You do realize that after trumpanzee dies, it won't be you making the shots, it will be JD. JD does not like being told he has to do something YOU want him to do.
Hope you have good luck finding that next job...might want to look across the pond, since you will be shot on sight here.
Hey Stephen Miller, show me in any government document where it is legal for an elected President to bypass the legislature to fire governmental employees, to cut funds approved by the legislature or for him to let an unelected piece of scum like Elon Musk steal the data of U.S. citizens.
Hey Stephen, show me in the constitution where it says an unelected billionaire can close federal government departments which directly affects 300 million + Americans. Go ahead, I’ll wait, but only so long before me and my people rise up. #resist #f-elon
The offense to the Felon’s administration is that there is a judge ruling according to law and not political leanings. They think every judge should rule like Aileen Cannon. News flash for them some do their jobs correctly
Pete is the best! If we could just get him to be a little racist and smack some women and maybe some children around, he would never lose an election. /s
😂😂😂Stephen Miller taking on Secretary Pete is something I would gladly buy tickets to see.
Smart guys learn from everything and everyone. Dumb guys think they have all the answers. I don’t need to point out the dumb guy.
Hey, wanted to say thanks. Because of your handle, I discovered a whole bunch of AltGov agencies. Sadly, my former agency is not among them but I'm so happy to see how many are! Fork Elon! I forking support the Federal Workforce!
Maga is possible because the confederacy had never been purged after the first civil war, don't make that mistake again when this is all over. People need to learn their lessons so they can evolve and catch up with the rest of the population.
What scares me is that the Supreme Court has shown it will throw precedent overboard to accommodate Trump. Maybe they will even toss Marbury v. Madison overboard. It would be consistent w the immunity ruling, bc once a president has immunity he has no reason to comply with a court order.
Class DARVO. Stephen Miller telling on his illegal regime again:
Hey, fascist, care to show us the line in the constitution where it says a lone unelected billionaire can assume decision-making over the entire executive branch affecting 300M citizens?
That's because District Judges are of a US District They're Presidentially appointed in Fact Trump's Sister was a District appointed Judge by Regan before becoming a Federal Bench Appellate Court of Appeals Judge appointed by Bill Clinton I'd think Miller the TrumpFluffer knows that as does Trump
I hope we get an “edit post” function on bluesky at some point 🙏 It’s sometimes difficult to catch errors on the phone and review for spelling, grammar, etc. Especially with auto spellcheck.
My fear is the appeals coming from DOJ is to have SCOTUS throw out Marbury v Madison. That may be what Miller is alluding to by saying it is precedent that can be overturned by SCOTUS, and not written into the Constitution.
He is so brilliant I loved him when he was campaigning in these 2020 election during the debates. I loved his unique presentation and perspective reminded me of Obama in his brilliance
As long as the Dems get rid of the OLD men, I'll get behind them. If the "good OLD boys" club runs in 2026 or 28, as an Independent, I won't be supporting them.
Before I even went to law school I learned that ALL federal district court judges are appointed (for life) and not elected. Perhaps Miller skipped that class
That’s what happens when we accept a dumbed down Congress. No education requirement, not even high school. That, for the writers of our laws! Disgraceful!
Every since the SCOTUS ruled that republicans couldn't force the religious agenda on our children, republicans have been defunding our education system, to force a breakdown of our education system. The dumbing down of American is complete. Now we are there,... project 2025
What Skin Walker Miller is asking Mayor Pete to do, is point out actual written words in the constitution itself that specifically addresses this issue. Same argument they make when it comes to the 2nd amendment. Basically, if its not listed in it, then it doesn't exist nor is valid. To them anyway
"The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."
Miller and republicans know their little game well. Miller is a bald headed racist hypocrite. Boo hoo, Steven, kids didn’t pay attention to you growing up.
The man has himself admitted as much.
Americans choose rule of law.
It makes sense that they should have it, which is why Marbury hasn’t seen serious challenges in the intervening 200 years. But he’s not ENTIRELY wrong…
Bring it on Stephen. We can't wait.
Click.. I hung up on his a**!
Domestic terrorism is ideologically driven crimes committed by individuals in the United States that are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence the policy or conduct of a government per USA PATRIOT Act (18 U.S.C.).
Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary, if the 3 are not independent of each other then it is by definition not a democracy (even if you have a fair voting system which the US does not)...
Ignorant people will pay for being sucked into the cult.
“Am I the only one,” he asked, “who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?”
I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
Want to show us in the constitution where is says one lone unelected bigoted prick has any say in the matter?
To his base.
They are more like the aliens in Galaxy Quest. Simple, child minded. You have to explain it to them like a toddler. (With a lollipop and a picture book)
If unable, call in to work, if not an option wear BLUE 💙
Now playing- Stephen Miller reprising the 1975 Woody Allen role in Love and Death as the Village Idiot.
Stephen Miller knows this, but doesn't like it. Now that Trump is in power, they want Americans to forget that relationship.
(Apologies to Red States.)
Speaks of laws and rights,
twists them into sharpened blades,
justice drowned in lies.
Sorry Dracula you can't cherrypick the Constitution.
Mind you they could make another Sin City film .
I always think that’s the only time he’s any good at anything
Must. They MUST determine constitutionality.
This is a primer for the attempted breakup of the judiciary.
Maryanne Trump Barry (April 5, 1937 – November 13, 2023)
Became an assistant US Attorney in 1974 & was appointed to the US District Court Bench for the District of New Jersey by President Ronald Reagan in 1983.
He's literally Jewish. What's wrong with you?
And no, Jews aren't white.
While Hitler and some modern Nazis didn't consider pale Jews to be white the average white Jewish person today benefits from white privilege.
God you people THINK
Okay, he might be obscure as far as you're concerned. How 'bout this guy named Kanye?
Mark Robinson is of the same sentiment, it's been said.
Kanye is literally mentally unwell who should probably be left alone and no more attention.
Imagine a Jew being mentored by Richard Spencer.
What is your point?
I'm thinking that he got viciously bullied--cause look at him--& only got laid when he started hanging out with these losers and some chubby lonely girls who r into that.
You do realize that after trumpanzee dies, it won't be you making the shots, it will be JD. JD does not like being told he has to do something YOU want him to do.
Hope you have good luck finding that next job...might want to look across the pond, since you will be shot on sight here.
Arent judges confirmed by a vote in the senate?
Smart guys learn from everything and everyone. Dumb guys think they have all the answers. I don’t need to point out the dumb guy.
Hey, fascist, care to show us the line in the constitution where it says a lone unelected billionaire can assume decision-making over the entire executive branch affecting 300M citizens?
American English
Working on German, Spanish, and Mandarin just for the hell of it.
Conservatives treat the Constitution like they treat the Bible: the bits that suit their biases exist, and the bits that don't, don't.
Brutal, just brutal. 🤣
#fauxoutrage #gaslighting #GOPhypocrisy
Now they will implement segregation
They’re destroying our democracy they’re destroying our economic system for their own gain, they’re turning the working poor into their slaves
Art 3 Stephen
"The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."
Plain as the Hate and Nazism
in your demeanor