Low IQ are the presidents biggest fans. I just feel sorry for them. They have no idea just what fools they are. Caveman mentality does not work in this day and age. Evolve or go extinct.
the repeated public denigration of veterans over the past 10 years should've been clue #1 that Trump does not care about veterans.
nor do the 'patriots' that have fully aligned their morals with Trump. i'm sure this idiot probably cheered on Trumps nastiness to other vets or made excuses for it.
I don't know, I don't see a lot of people telling Tim, personally, to F off. I see a lot of people saying he did a really good translation of what the person quoted in the red box is saying.
I guess Tim learned from this that some people read things so quickly here that if you're going to ridicule what other people say by paraphrasing it, you have to make it absurdly clear that you're not the one saying it, nor are you agreeing with them.
Tim Hannan is getting unfairly targeted by a lot of people here because @georgetakei.bsky.social ‘s post lacks context. George should be directing people to @timhannan.bsky.social
No matter what trump said….and he DID say he’d do everything he’s doing….they pardoned him….”he didn’t really MEAN it”.
Yes….yes he did mean it.
This was NEVER about groceries for them….it was always about the “scary brown people”.
Fucking Racist Morons!
And they're literally psychotic.
These idiots are working on betraying the party full of rabid, frothing mouthed badgers with full confidence.
Sounds like the conscripts sent to the front line in Ukraine in the videos pleading with Putin to correct what can only be a mistake - not realizing that he doesn’t give a flying fuck about them & they’re right where they are supposed to be. The only way MAGAts are going to get it is if they suffer.
Trump is no snake. That would imply, he sneaked in with Tricks, but he didn't.
He rather is a crazy elephant, 'trumpled' in this former democracy.
Yes, he's destroying faster than we thought, but before the election, he said: 'I will be the destroyer of democracy'.
And now he is doing it.
I was intrigued enough to look it up. And it is the *tender heart* of the woman that brings about her downfall. So it is in that sense a parable against helping others. Because like the snake, the desperate, needy stranger could do you harm. This interpretation is more accurate & more disturbing.
This is *exactly* like the pathetic videos russians send to putin praying for help to a tsar that does not care if they live or die, only about himself.
When enough of us are slaves like this, we will have become russia.
Every resentful MAGA is a potential convert. We have to at least try to deprogram them.
General elections are decided on very thin margins. Only a massive micro-targeted effort to persuade certain groups of voters to disengage let trump win.
You are of course correct. But it's difficult to habe witnessed the bullying and the gleeful racism and still have sympathy. I try. Some Trump voters are beyond redemption. And some Brexit voters. But they didn't all vote for hate.
Yeah, there is a hard core majority in the GOP that really are neo Nazi misogynist racists.
Peel away 5-10% of his votes though, and you reverse the picture.
If you can do this in the House and/or Senate before 2026, all the better. But swaying individual voters matters most.
Stupid fucker had an important job. He screwed us all.
A USDA APHIS PPQ employee works for the Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). PPQ employees protect the United States from the spread of pests that threaten crops and forests
It's disturbing though in as much as this person will definitely swear the loyalty pledge to Elump & get hired in a position which ensures other people suffer.
Sad thing is even if Trump replied directly to him and told him to get fucked, this moron would still support him. Hope you lose everything and become homeless. Maybe Trump will ship you to gitmo with all the rest of the undesirables when he criminalize homelessness.
FAFO dude. Thoughts and prayers. Boot licking Kool Aid drinker should pull himself up by his bootstraps, live within his means and have his voting rights stripped. He not only fucked himself, but every one he knows. No sympathy, no empathy, just bitterness. You get what you give. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
If you don't care for anyone else how can you expect anyone to care for you, especially someone else who doesn't care for anyone else. 🙄 Hate doesn't make friends. It just makes more hate.
Omg. People voted for the felon orange president but are only concerned when his actions affect them, not when it affects many thousands. MAGA chose so “stand by your man” all the way even if he cuts every program or job you have. Too late to cry now
I have one answer for that perverse individualistic person; they’ll receive no answer from anyone that matters, and if they were to do so; the answer is: NO 👎
That’s why the GOP is in full blown panic mode, because Turnip isn’t running, it’s his final act, and he is going to burn it all down. He is taking the GOP with him…they know this is going to kill them in the midterms.
that's why i've been developing the habit of saying "Republican admin/policy/bill/fuck-up/yadda" instead of specifically naming Fx34, to tar the entire party with the shit he's doing.
one thing it could do is drive behavior from federal workers who ordinarily would have been apolitical.
Pablo Escobar used to say (paraphrased) if he could get someone to agree to do one thing he told them to do, they remained loyal after that to a surprising degree.
It's this. So you sign up pretending to be MAGA, but you have to then pretend to be MAGA. There's no off button. You're on the ride, and you'll have to keep pretending loyalty to the point that it doesn't matter that you're pretending. You're part of the machine at that point.
It certainly becomes normalized to do so. It's also as in 1984, that getting people to go along with small things makes it more likely they'll go along with big things. Kind of a self-hypnosis/loyalty-test.
I love this only for the fact that these people do not realize trump does not care about anyone. Vets, Homeless, immigrants, women, children, anyone that has nothing to offer him, is useless to him.
You were useful to him as a Vote, but now that you got him elected, you are garbage under his feet.
Some are either blind, ignorant or enamored by their show of their greed are totally fooled thinking #fotus or sperm donor musk care about them & their families. Will they have to take them in to their own homes or pay for nursing homes!
By the time some realize what Project 2025 has in store it will be too late. Up to the rest of us to educate, share verified information and begin articles of impeachment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbiSakOp9ck
And at the end, it never works. One day or another, they will end up either being bullied too and/or getting retaliation worse than if they tried to stop the bully.
Just found out you’re not in the protected few in your authoritarian party who doesn’t care about you at all? He isn’t reading your plea. How many have the same plea. Damn MAGA wants all the money!
It saddens me to know that we sane and decent Americans are gonna have to suffer right along side those MAGA DIP$HITS who thought the Orange Toad cared about them.
After the SCOTUS ruled for Dobb's, I read maga women, on social media, saying they know it would affect them. These people really believe they float above the rest of the fray.
Like how does one get excluded from SCOTUS rulings?
After the Great War and Adolf’s
party ascended to power, German veterans assumed that their patriotic service would exempt them from any of the unpleasant events that were taking place. Many of those veterans were Jewish and 💯dead after that füh·rer sent them to the camps.
My sister, a contract specialist for Indian Health Service and a strong supporter of Trump, is now worried about her job. Despite her 20 years of service, her position is at risk due to her current probationary status after recently being promoted to a supervisory role.
During T's first term, NPR interviewed a lady in WVa. She complained about his policies because they were hurting her and fellow T voters. As she put it "he's hurting the wrong people". So, this isn't fake. These people really thought they'd be exempt from the adverse affects of his policies.
Yes. What you said. The 'please let everyone else suffer but me' appeal failed to touch me too. Notice since he's addressing the Godhead he larded the groveling on heavy.
I’m sure like me, you told them about project 2025. They believed trump when he said it had nothing to do with him.
They currently believe it’s Biden’s fault that inflation is growing.
They are dangerous fools.
If trump continues to cut education there’ll be more of them.
They are so fanatically invested in him that his lies become their only reality. Truth can't get past a barrier of indoctrination. Afraid for all the children of trumpers. They'll be harmed the most. The parents will never see that he did this to them.
Half of those trumper children will end up dying….from once eradicated diseases…cancer, and there’s no research….the older ones will be drafted and sent into another ME war, and be killed by Hamas……
Be prepared for the draft to be imposed again. Military recruitment is way down.
Good news is, they won’t take women, or trans people. All our liberal sons have to do is ask about gender affirming care. It’ll be all maga sons.
Thankfully my sons one already served in the Marines and is messed up for life with two bad hips, and the other is very handicapped. They can pry my handicapped one from my cold dead hands. 🤬
Read Project 25: If you your kid goes to private religious school he is exempt from the draft. If he goes to public school he gets drafted. The ones going to private schools have money. They also get vouchers (they don’t need) that the poor pay for. Then the poor get drafted. Cruelty is the point.
They will have to get past all of us mothers. If they Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck around with us, they WILL find out. We have "Home Alone" meets "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" energy in my house!
Tim may be using sarcasm (which I doubt), but there are thousands of Veterans that truly feel that way! They voted for Dementia Don and now they got him!! He told them by his disrespectful actions at Arlington Cemetery!!😡
I personally love it when the leopards eat their faces! It gives me pure joy. They deserve every delicious bit of pain and suffering they are about to endure.
Oh man, I love it when you torture and kill all those other people, but hey, could I make one small request? I love my family. Could you not torture and kill them? Thanks! Keep up the good work. ❤️👍🏻🇺🇸
You’re not a serious person. We’ve seen Trump campaign three times now, and the entire world watched him be president for four years. Every day was/is just more spewage of hate and division. Where have you been, besides playing dumb?
You wanna block me and save me the trouble? This is the most corrupt administration in the history of the country. Worse than the first time. To not see that is to be a fool or a liar.
Old joke…pastor railing against drinking, old lady in back says "Amen!" Next pastor denounces adultery. "Preach it!" old lady yells. Then pastor shouts against smoking. "Amen, Brother!" she yells. Pastor hollers against chewing tobacco. Lady: "Now you’ve gone from preachin' to MEDDLIN'!"
I tell my kids, "I will do my best to protect you, but I cannot protect you from yourself. Don't be stupid." MAGAs never learned that lesson, apparently.
Maybe this can be solved with
proper education, ensuring misinformation and disinformation is policed in the media, and a mandatory IQ test before you're eligible to vote.
Regular folks voting against their interests isn't much more than just ignorance and stupidity.
It’s amazing to think there are people who WANT the POTUS to be actively hurting Americans. Not as unintended collateral damage due to a policy, but as something that needs to be done in and of itself.
I’m disgusted. I can’t even imagine being such a miserable, selfish, angry person, to ever want harm to anyone else. It’s heartbreaking people are like that.
I don’t want anyone to suffer. I want all Americans to prosper BUT I will gladly pay $20 for a dozen for eggs and $10 for a gallon of gas if it means Crystal Minton will personally endure pain. Fuck her and those like her.
These people are really fucking serfs or peasants just appealing their kings mercy to spare them but burn the rest, and I’m supposed to understand them and not judge them. I’m a veteran too and I say this with 💯 DISRESPECT- fuck him and his motherfucking step dad.
Here's an enhanced photo of a female angler fish. It's found at depths of 2000 metres, where no sunlight reaches the black depths. The photo shows two much smaller male angler fish attached to the female. The male bites into, then fuses with the female and feeds on her blood. It also fertilizes...
her eggs. It stays there, permanently fused, even after death, as its corpse rots. As seen in the photo, more than one male can attach itself to a female. That's the level of parasite Trump and Musk are at: 2000m down with no light, feeding off us and, ultimately, leaving us with a rotting carcass.
I love everything your doing, as long as it doesn’t affect me and mine. That MAGA right there. I guess I’m a different person now because before I would feel bad, not now.
Not only you. I finally let go of those people-people who voted for him and people who didn't bother to vote. I don't care what happens to them anymore. Letting go of them and not caring was very freeing. They are on their own and deserve what they get because they voted for it.
They will never wake up. It is always someone else's fault. They are so imbedded in their hatred that it will never end. And still, that is on them. Just look at Jim Jones followers and other cults, just lay down and die for what they believe to be true. Yeah, fuck them!
It doesn't have to. If you value your compassion and also your creativity more than cynicism, you can choose that. I say creativity because from cynicism no good ideas ever come. And right now, we need creativity.
I have been painting and crafting and redecorating rooms because it sustains me. I put on an audiobook or music and get lost in it until I exhaust myself every day. Sometimes I feel like making art is pointless, but then remember that it enriches my life, and is my therapy. It is a tether to sanity.
It's anything but pointless! The intelligent thing to do in crazy times is to restore oneself, and help as many as possible do the same. All we can do to stay well is good. I've been working on my artwork until I regained my footing, now ready to find out how I can help.
This happened to me after Brexit and knocking on their doors in 2019, ignorant abusive twats for trying to warn them, I bet there's a few now wish they had listened, especially when their NHS goes, The opinion of a greedy over-fed population isn't worth listening to
It not only doesn't bother me - I actually LOVE seeing MAGAs finally realize that what they have inflicted on the country affects them too.
But they still seem to adore their rapist conman!
Trump used them to stay out of jail, and he has no use for them any more.
The reality is that these people need to learn. The only way that will happen, is when they get screwed by Trump's policies. Then, maybe some of them will wake up. But only then.
Me too! Who would have thought in 2025 we’d be here. I just don’t understand why we can’t all get along and live the lives we all deserve! 🥺 I’m so worried about my daughter’s future!!
Same here for my nieces/nephews. My nephew is black and I wonder how he feels about bringing a child into this world right now. His wife is a nurse practitioner so I’m sure she’s seen and heard enough to scare her. It’s like an entire generation will be cheated for fear of dying in childbirth
Honestly we are so lucky up here! I think we all have taken it for granted. That orange 🤡 has united our country. Just know with everything going on Canada is behind all Americans that stand with us!! Stay strong!🇨🇦
That really is heartwarming to hear! And brings me hope that it could happen here some day. I just don’t know when I’ll be able to accept anyone who voted for him back into my life. A lot of collective anger over here. Personally I’m outraged just about every second of every single day.
It's a good thing they are too, because he's not very bright. It took decades to raise people dumb enough to turn on their own nation and call it patriotism.
You got that right! There are people on Facebook that are friends from childhood & college,family members,etc that I can only send silly cat pics,etc because the things they post makes me want to strangle them! I can't say how I feel there because then they attack with the MAGA crap!
6 fam. & dozens of friends cut off over 2 years ago.
My life is better without that toxicity.
Recently heard from a friend that they (my family) are upset about 47/DOGE
I laughed so hard. Because they STILL support the orange blob.
It's ok to drop them, your sanity is more important
I put a looong post on Facebook about my fears of Trump. Of course I got yelled at for the most part. THEN,I get a voice message from my cousin, who I babysat for as a teen. He started going on about everything bad in the world was because of the Jews! He is a Neo-Nazi! Broke my heart.
I got off fb due to garbage like this and then I deleted my account due to zuck sucking up to the 🍊🤡 I have not missed it. Amazon and Netflix are gone too.
What an idiot. He doesn't even realize the co-president billionaires don't give a crap about him or any veteran. Of course, he doesn't know what an oligarchy. Poor wretched soul will get what he voted for.
In other words, he's saying - I love all the cuts on others, but can you not cut the people who care for MY father? What a disgrace. Me, me, me, me...I, I, I, I. lol wow, what a goof.
Can that guy tell us what morons he & his father in law are without using those exact words? They definitely fit the dna for Trumpers! Only concerned about themselves & to hell with anyone else! Actually glad to know they are not democrats! I would be so embarrassed & sad!
This is how it is. Each MAGA must plead their case as to why they should be spared, as if being MAGA makes them better than the rest. They grovel at the King's feet until he notices and grants them a special request. Then they become beholden to him. He will require them to repay the favor.
I haven't seen a single comment you responded to that were attacking Hannon instead of the original poster. You're chasing the ghost of a misunderstanding.
He better hope his stepfather doesn't rely solely on SS for his income. He "loves" that they're decimating the Nuclear Security agency? The Intelligence Community that has kept us safe from foreign terroism? Has he even bothered to ask where the supposed savings by these massive cuts are going?
They really are the dumbest people - and sincerely missing an empathy chip. He loves all the hurt being caused? Fuck him and the orange turd he rode in on.
Our children are born thinking "Me, me, me!" That's OK & normal. But as they mature they learn about siblings parents, school & community. They learn "All for one, one for all" as together we are stronger.
This person is so entrenched in hate that he cannot see that he and his family are falling into the same hole they are encouraging trump and musk to dig for others.
Oh my mother in law is a MAGA VA nurse and I talk shit everyday.. she doesn’t find it funny now that her white boomer privilege doesn’t protect her job
That’s just too stupid to be real. And all the sucking up: “I love what you’re doing! Honest! Don’t hate me! Okay? I really do love it!” Groveling at the king’s feet is so pathetic, especially when he doesn’t even know or care that you’re doing it.
Ugh. That reminds me I'm suppose to go to a local veterans meet up tomorrow. The maga rate is too high among the vets. Maybe I should gather up some materials to show them just how he's fucking them over along with everyone else.
This level of pure self-interest affirms the upside down morality of this awful culture. Reward is its own virtue, up is down. This guy only cares when a downside hits close to home and special treatment will mollify him. The plight of his fellow man means nothing to him.
Daddy don't give a F*** about you or your family. He hates the VA and he will end it if he gets a chance. Thank you for screwing up everything Vets depend on.
Poor gullible guy, Tim!
And he still believes someone will check in with him.
Gawd, how stupid can these racist MAGAs be!
(Wondering if his groceries prices went down since he loves everything MAGA has done so far?)
Ughhh! 🩴
But anyway, this asshole penguin just won my heart by making me snort laugh so unexpectedly. I guess I still fall for the bad boys after all these years.
I'm gonna watch this clip for another hour
Poor gullible Tim!
And he still believes someone will check in with him.
Gawd, how stupid can these racist MAGAs be!
(Wondering if his groceries prices went down since he loves everything MAGA has done so far?)
Ughhh! 🩴
You can’t be intelligent and also MAGA, it’s a contradiction. That’s how fake news and endless lies and propaganda got 30% of voters in this country to eat their literal fucking faces.
Just consider the desperate grovelling, the confessions of believing in the one true faith and the pleas to the dear leader. They prostate themselves before their idol in hopes of being spared.
Funny thing… when we were warning others, they denied our claims and minimized what Trump was saying. Now, suddenly, he meant what he said and is doing exactly what we warned about… and still were made out to look like the idiots.
4 years of Maga cultists finding out how the face devouring leopards don't care about where the faces they are eating come from.
Unless you're among the richest of the rich, there's no profit in being a republican and doubly so for the "Maga Republicans."
What's good for the goose.......your going to find joy in others pain? Really? This guy is sick. Deserves what ever he gets but I however do not get joy from others pain.
Just to be clear, Tim Hannan is, somewhat sarcastically, paraphrasing the included tweet. He is NOT co-signing the "pain".
Frankly, I'm not certain blacking out the identity of the OP is necessary or appropriate.
Won't be long for the penny to finally drop, and these hateful shitheads will realise they voted to fuck their lives along with the people they don't give a shit about ...oh dear !
I'm not optimistic because all they'll do is turn on Faux Propaganda and be told to blame DEI woke Trans Immigrant Jewish space lasers or some equally ridiculous shit.
Selfish Fucks Screwed Themselves And Every Other American—
Now Plead With Trump To SAVE ONLY THEM !! Get Off Your Selfish Whiny Asses And Work/Protest Like The Rest Of Americans To END TRUMP And REPUBLICANS DESTRUCTION —“YOU” VOTED FOR AFTER BEING WARNED!!
It wasn't. Pull the first article on this website: https://gregpalast.com Greg is an investigative journalist & has testified to Congress on voting matters. Check out his video entitled "Vigilantes" to see how the GOP pulled this off in '24.
Even if Kamala won, there was still a lot of work to do to make things better for everyone. But we would absolutely not be in THIS particular shit show.
MAGA just can't get it through their heads that he used them.
nor do the 'patriots' that have fully aligned their morals with Trump. i'm sure this idiot probably cheered on Trumps nastiness to other vets or made excuses for it.
Dude...you've wrought a downpour of unfortunate irony.
Do you see the confusion in effect? Help people out eh.
The blue box is the anti-Trump box. The red box is the MAGA box.
The blue box is mocking the red box.
I guess Tim learned from this that some people read things so quickly here that if you're going to ridicule what other people say by paraphrasing it, you have to make it absurdly clear that you're not the one saying it, nor are you agreeing with them.
Tim Hannan is anti-Trump.
The person who made the post he's shared there is https://x.com/MarellaRoman777
She has since deleted it. https://x.com/marellaroman777/status/1891215796514279787
Her moto is incredibly: "Kindness goes a long way 🥰 Love one another as I have loved you"...
But she rejoices on the destruction and harm DOGE is making!
John 3:16 A Kindness goes a long way. Love one another as I have loved you ~Yeshua
I stand with Netanyahu!
It's all good until they're the ones hitting the mat.
Yes….yes he did mean it.
This was NEVER about groceries for them….it was always about the “scary brown people”.
Fucking Racist Morons!
And they're literally psychotic.
These idiots are working on betraying the party full of rabid, frothing mouthed badgers with full confidence.
May I have My Job back?May I have a little more?
Bitch,you brought this Hell to the nation. Now you suffer too.
He rather is a crazy elephant, 'trumpled' in this former democracy.
Yes, he's destroying faster than we thought, but before the election, he said: 'I will be the destroyer of democracy'.
And now he is doing it.
When enough of us are slaves like this, we will have become russia.
General elections are decided on very thin margins. Only a massive micro-targeted effort to persuade certain groups of voters to disengage let trump win.
Peel away 5-10% of his votes though, and you reverse the picture.
If you can do this in the House and/or Senate before 2026, all the better. But swaying individual voters matters most.
A USDA APHIS PPQ employee works for the Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). PPQ employees protect the United States from the spread of pests that threaten crops and forests
"Tim H" is trying to help his buddy out by putting a spotlight on this plea to tWump to spare the VA Staffing.
i stand corrected.
Thank you for helping me out with the clarity check👍
It would manifest itself as possibly an online loyalty oath to Trump - click yes and you can be allowed to keep your job, or get it back.
This is truly dangerous and needs to be watched for
Pablo Escobar used to say (paraphrased) if he could get someone to agree to do one thing he told them to do, they remained loyal after that to a surprising degree.
You were useful to him as a Vote, but now that you got him elected, you are garbage under his feet.
These people are fucking gross and deserve all the hurt they voted for.
Like how does one get excluded from SCOTUS rulings?
party ascended to power, German veterans assumed that their patriotic service would exempt them from any of the unpleasant events that were taking place. Many of those veterans were Jewish and 💯dead after that füh·rer sent them to the camps.
Family and I voted for you so please make an exception in our case!
They currently believe it’s Biden’s fault that inflation is growing.
They are dangerous fools.
If trump continues to cut education there’ll be more of them.
Good news is, they won’t take women, or trans people. All our liberal sons have to do is ask about gender affirming care. It’ll be all maga sons.
Trump doesn't give a damn about his country either. And no amount of creepily fondling the American flag can change that.
These Magans have NO concept of how fascim works.
These people are unbelievable!
Hannan is completely anti Trump
proper education, ensuring misinformation and disinformation is policed in the media, and a mandatory IQ test before you're eligible to vote.
Regular folks voting against their interests isn't much more than just ignorance and stupidity.
We all get leopards!
You owned yourself.
We can only hope that this is a learning experience.
I’m confident she voted for him two more times, because it’s never his fault.
I don’t want anyone to suffer. I want all Americans to prosper BUT I will gladly pay $20 for a dozen for eggs and $10 for a gallon of gas if it means Crystal Minton will personally endure pain. Fuck her and those like her.
But they still seem to adore their rapist conman!
Trump used them to stay out of jail, and he has no use for them any more.
When that happens they turn on each other. But still, never dear leader
I talked to Canadian low-level politician on vacation years ago and he told me this:
"Until you guys get the corrupt money out of elections and government down there, it's only gonna get worse."
My life is better without that toxicity.
Recently heard from a friend that they (my family) are upset about 47/DOGE
I laughed so hard. Because they STILL support the orange blob.
It's ok to drop them, your sanity is more important
If you are a MAGA 💯
Then you aren’t exempt from the shit sandwich.
Eat up. Nom Nom. This is what you voted for.
He's using sarcasm.
Well, I feel for the nurses and patients.
Hannan there took a screen shot of what someone else put out. That person is a she.
And those were just the ones who were not directly quoting, the wrong person and then commenting, fuck him, fuck that guy etc etc.
That says it all.
Until that hurt falls on them and their families.
These people are stupidly stuck at "Me, me, me!"
Children who didn't emotionally grow.
Thanks for clarifying!
Followed. You had us all going there for a minute..or two.
Some will insist on learning “the hard way”.
“I LOVE that we are owning the libs!!! But see, my farm isn’t doing so good so can you…No? oKaY”
And I'm atheist!
Poor gullible guy, Tim!
And he still believes someone will check in with him.
Gawd, how stupid can these racist MAGAs be!
(Wondering if his groceries prices went down since he loves everything MAGA has done so far?)
Ughhh! 🩴
I'm gonna watch this clip for another hour
Night, night!
And he still believes someone will check in with him.
Gawd, how stupid can these racist MAGAs be!
(Wondering if his groceries prices went down since he loves everything MAGA has done so far?)
Ughhh! 🩴
to other people.”
— American Idiot
Aruba looks good right about now…
Unless you're among the richest of the rich, there's no profit in being a republican and doubly so for the "Maga Republicans."
Frankly, I'm not certain blacking out the identity of the OP is necessary or appropriate.
Now Plead With Trump To SAVE ONLY THEM !! Get Off Your Selfish Whiny Asses And Work/Protest Like The Rest Of Americans To END TRUMP And REPUBLICANS DESTRUCTION —“YOU” VOTED FOR AFTER BEING WARNED!!
....also I heard they used StarLink systems for some voting systems sooo....🤷♀️
I can see him winning one or two swing states, sure. But all of them? No way that was legitimate