He's either that much of a liar, that fucking dumb, or, more likely, he has Alzheimer's!!! Why is this person in any type of position of power still?!?!
Funny that ass hole that asked Zelensikky why no suit has never said sh!t to Musk. I guess Zelensikky should have brought a kid to tell Trump to Shut Up like Musk did.
Oh yes, that I get even more. I just recall all the talk about it, and over the past few months you see the more common signs on Trump - so, yeah, I guess projection.
He OBVIOUSLY doesn't even KNOW what he's saying. Just like he didn't know Stormy Daniels. Just like he couldn't comprehend that Obama was born in Hawaii, which is part of the U.S. He can't even keep his borders straight...hence Canada. The guy is a WACKO.
It's a good thing the Donald wasn't president during World War II. He might have convinced the world that England getting bombed by Hitler was their own fault and told Churchill to just surrender and resign.
The problem is that Elump "governs" and views foreign relations on a prism of strictly monetary gain. He is ill equipped to incorporate the multifaceted societal, cultural or religious factors as it pertains to the world and not his own enrichment or personal agendas.....
His brash, "grab them by the pussy, they just let you do it" persona does not fair well on the world stage, hence his horrible foreign relations (excluding dictators).
Is it really dementia though? Or is that his entire modus operandi? The lies get more and more frequent, more and more brazen, and yet zero concern about repercussions because no one has ever been willing to hold him accountable.
Look at him. He’s completely checked out, and he’s most definitely not right in the head. Who paints their face orange every goddamn day thinking it’s an improvement. 🤡
Trump actually sat NEXT to the guy on the RECEIVING END of the attempted blackmail ... and whined about the HOAX ..
He's lucky Zelenskyy didn't FACT CHECK THAT .. and point out 'Hmm excuse me, but that was ME you tried to pressure into smearing Biden w/Lies. It was NOT a 'hoax'
The worst thing is, his cult will be out there twisting language to the breaking point to excuse him.
"When Trump said Zelenskyy was a dictator, he didn't mean Zelenskyy was a dictator. In fact, is there any evidence he said it, other than a video of him saying it?"
My nephew had an orange nose when he was a baby because he was eating so many carrots, and even that did not look nearly as whackadoodle nutso as this orange creep.
Trump fucking knows he called zelensky a dictator! He just didn’t know how to weasel out of that question, so he acted all stupid as usual! Wake the fuck up people! You still don’t know who you are dealing with? Really?
IMMO, he has behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). He is progressing and I do not believe he will be able to remain in office past the mid terms, if not sooner.
He is carefully steered by those around him who control the information he receives.
WE NEED A WARTIME GENERAL! We are at war with a dictator. First we had hope in Congress but appear they cannot do a whole lot beyond performative actions and make speeches. Then we had hope in the courts but with the Justice Department being corrupted, they cannot enforce their orders.
Yes he will probably cut off funding to states that do so.
Elected officials worry about losing funding on projects. We need to move to a wartime mode and find the funds which they will need to resist Trump's unconstitutional executive overreach. Kamala raised 1 billion for her election campaign, why not raise money to support the states that lose funds.
It will not be easy. That is why we need a Wartime general to coordinate actions with the states and resistance organizations so they can help and support each other in this war. Pete Buttigieg could be the one to lead with a newly created organization to support him.
The way Trump accuses Zelenskyy of being a dictator is laughable. Aside from the fact it's patently false, how can Trump try to demonize Zelenskyy by calling him what he himself most desires to be?
As if he ever had it. But no, this is simply him telling his supporters to believe X on Monday and Not-X on Tuesday. So far, they are being remarkably pliant and failing to see any inconsistency in their actions, or whatever spews forth from dear leader.
Dumpty couldn't even read the letter from the kind of England. And he kept trying to grope Macron. He's like a filled in bingo card of disgusting traits
The 🍊💩 is all about projection, lies, extortion, and sex offences. The old saying “only in America “ fits like a glove to have elected a convicted felon, and convicted sex offender as president.
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
Exactly, Trump is the figurehead. The problem is now the US really does have a Deep State controlling things, with no democratic control over them. Even Rep senators and members of Congress aren't in control.
But when will reporters confront him for his BS? Did any reporter bother to ask, well then are you suffering from memory loss or just lying? Plus why don't they confront him when he says things like "oh I don't know anything about that", after he's the one who has instigated dangerous changes?
"Did I say that?" - Er, yes donald, you did, infront of many a recording camera, having been seen by millions worldwide, we saw it, we heard it donald, you said it...
I think he did that just to be a smart a**. Just kind of that stupid "did I say that? I can't believe I said that". He knows damn well he said it. #SmartA
One thing about growing up with a narcissist mother is that I got used to hearing people say outrageous shit and then two minutes later claiming that they didn't say that. Prepared me well for the last decade of...all this.
daily reminder that Elon and Trump wouldn’t worry so much on public opinion if they had all the power they pretend to have. your voice and vote still matters.
We need someone like President Zelenski as our president. He's literally fighting for his country. He's about country over self. Too many stupid people voted for the one we have.
Sorry George, he hasn't lost "it". He's doing what he always does. Lies. He's nothing if not consistent (in that respect). He's a pathological liar. Just cause he's got dementia doesn't mean he's lost the ability to lie.
Absolutely correct. Pawpaw's prefrontal cortex has disconnected & Vance's expected 1st exploitive move has occurred. Now, the torsional 'Circular Gunfight at Silicon Valley Corral" is brewing! DARK MONEY is showing its exploitive influence again. 💥BAN CITIZENS UNITED💥
His game isn't old and stupid. He IS old and stupid. Americans should wake up and realize he's paying his debts to Russia + Musk with the destruction of our democracy. A country he took an oath to protect.
Trump knows he said it, but he doesn't care. We are not permitted to say he said it bc that is how dictators/cult leaders operate. We all know the truth, but we have to pretend we don't. The leader can not be questioned. It's how he controls the narrative, always, and Republicans let him do it.
I respectfully disagree. He's the most stable person that ever existed. You've these people with stability. They're nice people. Other people won't be so nice. I don't know any people with more stability. Could be different. I don't know. But you've got to have stability like me.
Meanwhile, it seems in debating clothing, it is being forgotten that Putin has assassinated his enemies on British soil and in doing so has caused innocent British citizens to die.
The war started because Ukraine rejected Russia trying to control it by corruption and brutality.
Mr Takei with all due respect PLEASE don't give Trump the excuse of senility. He knows exactly what he said and when he said it. He's not some doddering old grandpa; he's a conniving, manipulative career conman; a predatory serial sexual abuser and a monomaniacal expert in double-speak & half-truths
And he’s a doddering old grandpa. It’s probably the only truth he’s told in years. “I dot remember”. “I can’t recall” was Reagan’s phrase and we found out that he actually did have Alzheimer’s.
There's a description of someone like Trump a "bullshitter". This is different to a liar. A liar has a consistency in their narrative. A bullshitter says whatever is most expedient at the time and doesn't care if it contradicts something said just a minute ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Bullshit
Put Simply, Trump is a mole for Putin in a very powerful position in the the USA & should be arrested immediately for Treason among the other crimes in has committed in just over 2 months.
Time to get the GOP to behave like an AMERICAN Political Party & stop acting like a bunch of Putin Puppets.
Pretty much typical for him after his first 4 years, amazing how often you could have in on tape saying something, and then within days, attempt to claim people are lying in order to besmirch his name.
He really isnt used to dealing with anyone but yes-men blindly nodding along and praising him.
He hasn't lost anything, this is all in his book where he explains lying about everything so people like you keep talking about him. Stop giving him free press for silly crap like this, because it only serves to expand his brand.
If Biden has done this Republicans would be screaming about the 25th Amendment. Since it is Trump, they shrug their shoulders because they know he lies all the time.
Is it a lie or dementia? The videotape proves it but does not show the cause.
The best, bigliest people.
Whether he said it or not in the past, in the present he invents the image he wants, steamrolling or ignoring any pushback.
It's 2+2=5 on demand.
He's lucky Zelenskyy didn't FACT CHECK THAT .. and point out 'Hmm excuse me, but that was ME you tried to pressure into smearing Biden w/Lies. It was NOT a 'hoax'
Or when they got SO mad that he missed a step, clearly hurt himself, tried to play it off, and fell some more.
Where are these impossible standards now? All the sudden a bumbling moron is fine because he hates the same people?
"When Trump said Zelenskyy was a dictator, he didn't mean Zelenskyy was a dictator. In fact, is there any evidence he said it, other than a video of him saying it?"
Surely we should take the word of the liar...🤔
He is carefully steered by those around him who control the information he receives.
Yes he will probably cut off funding to states that do so.
= Trump did it.
Something bad happens
= Blame Obama.
Russia invades Ukraine
= Blame the victims (the Ukrainians).
Egg prices too high
= Blame farmers hiring immigrants.
Coffee prices too high
= Blame global warming conspiracy theory.
Trump senile
= Point at Biden.
If he lost it how can he play dumb????
And he’s never played dumb in his life!!!
He NOT playing!!! he’s fucking retarded!!! (Not a slur when true)
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
Every accusation is an admission with Team Trump.
Any way, any how, any body. DO IT.
- gaslighting
- false promises / lies
- isolation
- fear
- threats & pressure
- harm & damage (to our
institutions, laws, & lives)
- destructive criticism
- harassment
- denial
(Not a complete list)
He's always been shitty with whatever he touches.
The axis of evil rulers:
Putin--Xi Jin Ping--Kim Jong Un--Trump
what huge heights the US could achieve if Zelenskyy was THEIR president!
How much do Americans pay for someone to sit at a desk ?
He just didn't have the courage to say it to his face.
Something that has been true about Trump for well
over half a century.
So many levels of shame for America.
The war started because Ukraine rejected Russia trying to control it by corruption and brutality.
And MH17.
The media needs to grow a pair with this liar.
Time to get the GOP to behave like an AMERICAN Political Party & stop acting like a bunch of Putin Puppets.
He really isnt used to dealing with anyone but yes-men blindly nodding along and praising him.
That’s exactly why he launched UNITED24, the official fundraising platform of Ukraine🇺🇦
Is it a lie or dementia? The videotape proves it but does not show the cause.