I wish we Americans could at least take consolation in the fact we were destroyed by an evil genius, not by the stupidest motherfucker in the room. How embarrassing.
You don`t realise the genius behind that. By raising inflation up to 50 % he will cut the deficit in half because it`s not worth that much anymore. I bet, we`ll get that explanation soon on Fox.
I 🇨🇦 have a fear of what it’s going to be like living next door to an autocracy. Women without a vote, forced to birth children, no one allowed to express their views. Middle class basically gone, people starving due ~ job loss and dying from curable diseases. Imprisonment for those deemed different.
Media controlled by Trump, Musk dismantling social security/FEMA=No one getting help after disasters. Forrests cut down for profit and the money going into Trumps personal account. This is generational devastation occurring in daylight with NO PUSHBACK!
We need this to happen as Trumpism is a cancer and if kids in cages, a million Covid deaths and January 6th wasn't enough, then we need the national equivalent of chemotherapy to rid us of this cancer. It has to get bad enough for each Trump voter to get personally hurt even if others get hurt also.
Yes it is. We will all get hurt by this and we should blame Trump and everyone who voted for him for it. You can't say Biden and Harris didn't try to warn us. As for me saying it needs to get bad and MAGAts need to hurt personally, me saying it doesn't make it happen. Trump's policies do.
You mean the man that SCOTUS gave immunity to that could have deployed Seal Team 6 to stop this madness before it got to this point? The man that appointed "do nothing Garland" who allowed the felon to avoid justice?
Contrary to popular beliefs the DOJ operates independently of the President. Are you saying the Supreme Court gave Joe Biden immunity? With that immunity he should have done exactly what for what?
If it were just the economy being driven off the cliff, that is reparable, but Trump and the Republican Administration are driving World order off the cliff by backing Putin instead of our Allies and Ukraine. The incompetence, self-interest, grift, and inhumanity are unprecedented.
It's on purpose, has to be. I mean, come on, they can't be that dense. They are at the top, doing this to us. They have a playbook. But I'm just some number in the system. What do I know?
Demand your representatives in Washington exert broad displays of Civil Disobedience during Trumps speech “State of the Union” speech tonight.
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
Back then, Rush Limbaugh used to say Donald Trump has a "secret plan to make America great again! So MAGAs thought, "Let the secret plan commence unimpeded!"
He's not an idiot. Okay, he is, but it's not idiocy that drives his policies. It's vandalism. He's actively working to damage and deface this country. This is all INTENTIONAL.
This was done deliberately he and his olig./tech buddies will buy up all the stocks cheaply then at some undetermined date he’ll lift the tariffs socks will shoot up and he and his buddies will sell high. The USA is a business to him. He doesn’t give a damn about Americans or democracy.
1 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, and 7 hours is how long it takes to dismantle a constitutional democracy. Hitler dismantled Germany’s democracy in 53 days after he took his elected office.
All that is required for evil to succeed is good men to do nothing.
Demand your representatives in Washington exert broad displays of Civil Disobedience during Trumps speech “State of the Union” speech tonight.
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
I wish they would skip and hold press conferences and town halls. If they yell out, then MAGA will say they were disgraceful. I can just see my sister now, throwing her shoulder back and huffing LOL, saying how disgraceful they were, and that the GOP has class (what a joke).
i have sent letter to my senators and representative. two hit me with a cease and desist (writing weekly), another was the polite form of "please stop"
Debating whether to watch or catch the lowlights later—but as much as he disgusts me I think I have to watch. Not sure what I want to see from Dems—hated the past behavior of mtg, boebert, gaetz & co.—and I think walking out may not be effective. Maybe wave 🇺🇦 and come dressed as Zelenskyy (or Musk😂)
It takes an even more special form of iditot to elect that idiot. While Trump is the focal point of the issue, the role played by the nation that allowed him to be elected despite his clear failings as a human being must not be downplayed. America did this, not Trump. He did not elect himself.
Someone pointed out to me yesterday, that Hitler was *elected* and then completely tokk over the entire German government as dictator in a mere 60 days. Trump may beat that record, in his rush to make the US a vassel of Putin's Russia.
Hey, America had a choice, and we chose that idiot. Oh, and let's not forget thanking the Democrats for making that choice possible. When we needed our best, we rallied around Biden as he is sharp behind closed doors... where no one can see him... between 10 and 4.
ChatGBT concluded conversation about this tsunami of Trump’s with alarm - hope remains still with Courts, economic distress that drives corps to turn on him, and small hope loss of rural and older MAGA support. SCt has paved this road to hell.
It's intentional. Each recession is marked with an immense amount of wealth transfer from the poor and working class to the Billionaires. It's a feature, not a bug.
It did take our wonderful PM Liz Truss almost 7 weeks in her attempt to destroy the UK 🇬🇧 economy. If Trump manages to beat that then this ignominious award will pass to 🇺🇸
All part of the plan. Get people pissed,riots,institute martial law, the dictator then does whatever the oligarchy wants.It would be a whole lot easier to slaughter them all now than after then enact most of this.What,no one paid attention in history class? How long did it take to defeat fascism B4?
I'll try to speak slower in plainer English: "Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another"
They're gonna stop taxing tips any moment now. That's when I'll clean up working at the strip club on weekends. Shave my legs. No taxing social security either so I can dance till I'm old. What was the other one? No taxing overtime? Oh-ho yea! All day everyday! *shakes it*
I do not understand how people are shocked by this...
Look at all of the accidents from his cars just taking off on their own & ignoring warning signals & signs of danger.
The insurrection felon conman fake businessman in the White House is working hard to tank the American economy, his worthless policies are driving up prices and crashing the stock market, like he’s trying to send the country into bankruptcy so he can sell it to Russia for a hotel in Moscow
When Liz Truss tried to do that, the Tory party deselected her. That's why a parliamentary democracy is better than the US system. You vote for your local MP and the PM is the head of the party with the majority of MPs. If that person goes too far off piste, the party selects someone else.
We are fooling ourselves if we keep thinking this is “stupidity” We may not be clear on how it plays into the plan, but these steps are orchestrated with full knowledge of the repercussions.
He's angry the majority of Americans not worshiping him and intending to put him into prison in the end so he is harming America as much as he can. And Republican officials know it and are collaborating with him. He's even lowered America's defenses so Russia can increase their attacks against USA.
It takes a very stupid people to overwhelmingly elect a man that already crashed the stock market and failed a pandemic 🤷♀️
This is on us - not Trump.
Time to start reading "Grapes of Wrath". Not long before recession becomes depression. Trump and Musk may know the price of everything but know the value of nothing. Nor do they understand how m9ney really works.
Or if you have the option: Eject, Eject, Eject!
Just not to the orange goblin!
All put there by the American people after being WARNED all this would happen.
If so, tomorrow will be a market correction day...
Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All of Musk’s horses and all the Musk’s men
Couldn't put Trumpty together again.
Brought to you by the following;
Increasingly have come to believe that what Trump knows about economics could be fit inside a quark.
Remember, Spain empire was so big that the sun never set!
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
with our economy.
(Personally, I'm waiting for them to give him his free anvil.)
All that is required for evil to succeed is good men to do nothing.
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
I mean c'mon . A brown suit !! Obama committed one of the worst atrocities known to man by wearing a brown suit.
Nothing Trump can do will ever match it
While you keep denying reality, Krasnov keeps destroying your country
It's the swing voters that are starting to wake up though. And that's enough for now.
I do not understand how people are shocked by this...
Look at all of the accidents from his cars just taking off on their own & ignoring warning signals & signs of danger.
This is on us - not Trump.
We squandered the last four years and allowed the Trump problem to fester and reemerge.
But no.
He had to burn it all down on the way out.
Fascists don't seem to remember they always lose in the end.