So in California all colleges will now have all sec locker rooms. You’re gay and probably happy about that. But the democrat party has abandoned woman and children.
Now we need to do on our own: Treat and filter our own drinking water,
Monitor world pandemics,
Inspect our own food,
Look for possible avalanches before we travel,
Look out the window to warn everyone if the airplane might have a collision.
Don't be a kneejerk liberal. The USSC sided with the City of San Francisco, a liberal bastion, against the EPA because the EPA regulation is impossibly vague.
He wants to make all of the U.S. just like his home. Hillbilly Heaven, West Virginia. How do you think he got like this. All the oxi ended up in the water there
He's had to button up the collar of his shirt for the photo op, and his head's swelling with it. When he unbuttons it there'll be a deflating-balloon noise and he'll age fourteen years in ten seconds.
Basically allowing the same as what we brits had to put up with under the tories, slackening rules to turn our once clean rivers, lakes and beaches into open sewers full of excrement & toxic waste with aquatic life killed off en masse, all for profit for the few...
Great!! Now Akron Ohio can easily dump 100 mil gallons of sewage in the national park and the river like they wanted!! Guess that lawsuit against them by the government will just go away 😤
I found an eerily reminiscent image like this. Ok, it’s Francis Buxton from “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure”. But it’s another arrogant, condescending fat boy.
Do these people not realize they depend on water and air too? I have always said the biggest thing humanity lacks is foresight, but this is a whole new level of dumb.
Y'all know sewage has plastics in from our laundry. Ever wonder what lint is made out of? That's the fibers In our clothes. Laundry waste water goes down the drain like a plastic tea. Is it dangerous? Get some expensive lab equipment and see for yourself. Oh wait that's what the NIH and EPA were for
But the UK got there first when it comes to sh1tty water quality.
Finally Dasani won’t be the worst tasting thing.
“Do the roar!”
*See the war of American Aggression and the burning of the white house
Monitor world pandemics,
Inspect our own food,
Look for possible avalanches before we travel,
Look out the window to warn everyone if the airplane might have a collision.
6 months. Remember this when 6 months have passed and you haven't done a thing to stop it.
“Let them drink shit.”
Finally something maybe we can all agree on? Drinking shit is bad, yes? That would be a start.
Zelensky asserts he has repeatedly expressed gratitude to the President, the American people, and Congress, yet he is dismissed.
This message comes with the GOP’s endorsement.
Countries owed thank you by the US...
I mean, we're jot Japanese!
Trump Recession In Full Swing.
RFK, Jr. Pulls All Cancer Drugs. Says: "Ivermectin cures it."
Kash Patel Arrests 7th Graders for Classroom Newspaper: "They Are The Enemy Of The People."
Melabia still REALLY doesn't care.
Kaboom Views Available!!!
In germany there's a company that sends elephant poo....just saying 🤭