he lied because the u.s. president only has the right to impose tariffs if it a matter of national security; otherwise that right belongs to congress and they will not repeal free trade because many of them actually understand international economics and business
It was never about fentanyl...... it was always about Trump's power fantasy and his ability to use the White House to manipulate markets to enrich himself and those close to him.
Pardoning Ross Ulbricht was also payback for political favors, Trump is so brazen he has outright stated so
Trump is looking forward to his Tiananmen Square moment. He aspires to be a dictator. He’s itching to have the military/police fire on protestors. It’ll happen within 3 months.
"The Trump Lie and Penis Negative Correlation Theory" states that there is a negative correlation between the size of the lie he tells to the size of his penis. This was a HUGE lie!
More eggs than fentanyl are being “smuggled” across the border from Canada to the USA lol!
A carry on suitcase worth of fentanyl has moved over the border, wow Trumpy. It’s not about the fentanyl!!! 😡
hey dummie donnie nobody has the record for causing deaths to americans like you do 800,000 due to your total fucking incompetence during covid your a mass murderer
We never "own," "humiliate" "destroy" or "stuff him in a locker." Not online. Not in Congressional hearings. MAGA is immune to shame. They can always turn back to right wing media to support them. They do not care about anything we say.
Aside from the hyperbolic distortion of fact, my understanding of how borders work around the world, is that the destination country restricts the entry of illegal substances and people. Additionally, guess where the illegal arms responsible for death on Canadian streets come from....
That 43 lbs. of fentanyl crossing the Canadian border per year is such an huge problem. And more than 80% of fentanyl seizures at the southern border are from US Citizens. Trump knows his game. He knows his followers are stupid and his cronies are cowards. He's diabolical and needs to be stopped.
The old Trumpster doesn’t know much about Canada (or he thinks he’s being funny) Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister, the heads of state are Governor Mary Simon and King Charles III.
When a reporter pressed Leavitt on the relatively small amount of fentanyl coming in from Canada, Leavitt said fact-checking the president's claims is "a little disrespectful for the families in this country who have lost loved ones at the hands of this deadly poison."
What an incredibly dumb answer. Don't question the president's claims because you might upset somebody. That is the stupidest, dumbass thing I've ever heard. This ridiculous person is not a press secretary but an AI chatbot. But we all know that one day she'll have her own Fox News show
also I know it's not actually about the fent it's just dressed up racism, but I love pointing out that our government is literally just a massive fucking cartel so it has no goddamn room to open its bitch-ass mouth.
And even if he wasn't getting his ass handed to him everywhere, the fentanyl thing is total bullshit. Totals coming into the U.S. from Canada are next to zero. Now, illegal guns flooding Canadian streets from the U.S.? Different story.
There was a cherry on top, which most stories miss. In addition to drug sales, this crook also solicited murders (which were faked to collect $ from him) but actually believed that he'd succeeded in getting accomplished. It was proved by the legal standard at sentencing.
About 100 times more fent crosses from the U. S. into Canada than the other way ... You can't hear one sentence from the bloated orange stain without also hearing a lie...
This is precisely the point that needs to be raised by every journalist whenever one of Trump's cronies bleats about fetanyl. Hold their feet to the fire!
and iirc the truth of the matter is that more fentanyl and crime goes from the US to Mexico and Canada rather than vice-versa. Truth doesn't matter tho it's all about what the God King thinks these days.
He's so pathetic. All he cares about is, "Do you like me? Tell me you like me?" No, Krasnov, you Putin Puppet, we don't like you. We don't like you at all, not even one little bit.
... I'm not sure if anyone pointed out to the turnip, but Mr Trudeau is not a governor, he's the Prime Minister of Canada which, by the way, is a COUNTRY with a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy and not a "state" with a governor...
he knows: it is meant to be both insulting and, to himself and his brain-dead minions, amusing; but he also knows nothing about parliamentary democracy because he wants Prime Minister Trudeau, who is stepping down as soon as the party elects a new leader, to tell him when the next election will be 🙄
The other thing is saying they are against human trafficking, but you know he and his billionaire buddies are importing 12 year olds to their pedo islands. Disgusting
All I know is, Trump promised to spring him in order to get the Libertarians to vote for him. The fact he actually kept his end of the bargain genuinely shocked me.
Guess Ketamine Leon was scratching at the neck and told his employee to free a dealer for him. 🤷♂️
If he cared about fentanyl, he'd go after the underground labs within the US producing the stuff, but nope, he just likes to make a scapegoat out of someone else with no evidence to back his drivel up...
That fvcker has to stop calling our great PM Trudeau Governor. It enrages every Canadian. I would like to slap his phony slimy face. I mean who dafuc does he think he is History will not be kind to this digusting turd.
I'm astonished I had to scroll this far to see any reaction to that. I was starting to think I'd missed an episode of Canadian politics rather than Trump simply belittling a Prime Minister like he bullies everyone but his sugar daddy Putin.
I'm from the US, but that had my blood boiling too!
A vain leader comes up with a dubious ideas, anyone who dares to speak out is automatically considered incompetent & disloyal & will be pay the price for their cheek
Everyone keeps quiet & carries on as if they think the leader’s idea is amazing
Of course he doesn't really care about fentanyl. Nobody cuts funding for international trafficking enforcement if they actually believe it's a problem.
Their actions undermine their words.
Their 'national emergency' is illegitimate.
No, he doesn't care about Fentanyl OR "illegal aliens." He's just using those talking points to MANIPULATE. He's just a Conman, working his CON! He & eLMO are just in there trying to use the System to ENRICH themselves, personally. CORRUPTION ! No, he doesn't care about ... 'We the People'.
What Trump is saying is that Canada is letting the drugs of fentanyl come in through their borders but he's not mentioning that it's Americans who are bringing it in
Vermont crime increased substantially due to drugs. The drugs come from NYC & I91 corridor. Drug runners come here for easy guns. It's financially lucrative. There's been some problems with people crossing the Canadian border, mostly Indian. Just a fraction of drugs & migrants come through Canada
That miserable Cheddar Chunk Is so full of it. He thinks the citizens of USA are so stupid that if he repeats it enough, they’ll believe him. Well maybe the republicans are and even at that, mostly the ones that are so far up his butt they should be called hemorrhoids.
Somebody, please ask Donald how much fentanyl has come into the US from Canada, by year and going back at least 10 years. I’ve heard that, by percentage, that it’s 0.02 per cent.
More that he enables his sycophants to do whatever they want. They glad-hand him and give him attention and he lets them do what they want. He has no personal agenda. Just staying out of jail and using the office to make himself richer. There's a reason the GOP want a Govt as a Business.
When this is all done and Trump is held to account, he'll be remembered for many terrible things. For me, one of the standouts will be his Inappropriate Capitalisation Within the Body of The Text. It makes me want to howl at the moon.
turns out the u.s. president is only allowed to impose tariffs if it is a matter of national security, otherwise it is the exclusive right of congress to impose tariffs which they will not do since they understand trade; the fentanyl lie was about fabricating a reason for trump to impose tariffs
Ph my Gawd! I had not seen this Trump tweet. How awful. He just gets worse and worse. Of course Canada isn't "largely responsible" for fentanyl imports. He lies, then he doubles down & triples down on the lies. It's absurd, & terrible, and I'm so sorry.
Yep. Fentanyl is a pure provocation. Just heard the US Treasury Secretary say that only when autopsy confirmed fentanyl deaths decrease will the Maga attacks on Canada stop. Who is going to lie about the numbers? OrangePutin.
Well at least he's still on message practicing what he preaches about importing sex offenders and... wait, which two Romanian brothers did he personally invite to Mar A Lago?
I often wonder when some leader will actually have the courage to ask the tangerine tyrant why his country has so many fentanyl addicts in the first place...many some decent health care and social assistance could help with that
What never is mentioned is the Sackler family, Perdue Pharmaceuticals, who developed, sanctioned and addicted millions of Americans to oxycodone, setting off the fentanyl addiction and overdose crisis.
Last time I checked, it’s the American border patrol that allows people INTO the US. Canada has nothing to do with who leaves their borders. He’s dumber and more useless than a drop of piss. US border patrol needs more training by their fabulous leader
Surely the President isn't being disrespectful towards somebody in high office! I thought only presidents of illegally invaded countries did that sort of thing.
Yup. And it’s all Authoritarianism 101 Rhetoric and Symbolism BULLSHIT…. just like holding a “cancer kid” up during a speech while actively cutting kids cancer research.
The fact that we are still spend time to point out hypocrisy in the Trump regime, is almost quaint at this point. We need to move past clutching pearls. We need to be prepared to defy Trump with as much energy as he puts into defying the constitution. STOP clutching pearls!
People believing lies that are easily debunked by a quick search on a device everyone has in their pocket 100% of the time?
He lied to create a crisis that doesn’t exist.
Fuck trump.
Pardoning Ross Ulbricht was also payback for political favors, Trump is so brazen he has outright stated so
As long as we're only under threat from American criminals & rapists it ok, as long as they're not foreigners, right ?
They sure seem to be letting a lot of convicted felons out of jail !
Every time MAGA says fentanyl.
A carry on suitcase worth of fentanyl has moved over the border, wow Trumpy. It’s not about the fentanyl!!! 😡
We never "own," "humiliate" "destroy" or "stuff him in a locker." Not online. Not in Congressional hearings. MAGA is immune to shame. They can always turn back to right wing media to support them. They do not care about anything we say.
Our VOTE is all that matters.
Guess Ketamine Leon was scratching at the neck and told his employee to free a dealer for him. 🤷♂️
"Hi yeah it's president Elon, can you send in nurse Muriel? Yeah it's Donny, his mouth nappy is overflowing again".
And I am happy to see most Europeans are with Canada 🇨🇦
I'm from the US, but that had my blood boiling too!
A vain leader comes up with a dubious ideas, anyone who dares to speak out is automatically considered incompetent & disloyal & will be pay the price for their cheek
Everyone keeps quiet & carries on as if they think the leader’s idea is amazing
Where are the leaders?
Their actions undermine their words.
Their 'national emergency' is illegitimate.
ALSO please see #UKRAINE news in sky!
Here, I saved you the trouble, this is the link;
___ 🎤 ___
Humans are just levers he can use.
Trump thinks all hang on his every word. Nah. Only his fanbase does that.
Can that moron tell the truth about anything?
And Trump pardoned them all.
And he likes it that way.