A sick display. His brood stole from a cancer charity and now cancer research has been stopped.
…..you use a child in your “show” and then no mention of how you are going to be the cause of the potential death of these cancer patients.
mr. takei don't you guys focus too much on their past transgrassions, I ASSURE you while you do that they're making NEW ones right now, especially if people are distracted
That butt head is full of shit he’s a heartless asshole like his daddy and both stoled money from a child cancer charity one of his daddy’s golf courses they have no shame.
Considering all the NIH grants they’re cutting? As usual they were using an innocent person, in this case a sick child, to put on a show. They have no shame. It’s sad his parents fell for the BS.
They are the kings of performative bullshit. They ❤️ 2 hug the flag, kiss it, hump it & pretend that they’re Patriots while cutting VA jobs. Tons of kids will die because they cut research. They can go fuck themselves with something rusty and covered in tetanus.
'They brought a kid to Congress', that says it all right there where they were at. Exploiting a child as a political pawn to score points is beyond sick, especially because they never cared about cancer to begin with.
Would standing and clapping make all the cancer in everyone suddenly go away? Or just make your diaper shitter daddy gloat some more on his awesomeness?
On behalf of the rest of us parasites, eff these folks with a 2X4. Seriously. I lost my leg to cancer in 2007 and had HOPED that my govt would allow cancer research to flourish to save lives & alleviate suffering. But no.
It’s all smoke and mirrors Trump pretends he’s giving money when really he sets up a GoFundMe page and everyone else gives the money. Why can’t everyone see him for the fraud that he is?
I guess they think clapping makes up for them defunding pediatric cancer research. We know who hates people and kids with cancer and it isn’t the democrats.
I mean, it's the same people who look at kids and teachers being slaughtered by white American men with assault rifles and say "ThOuGhTs aNd PrAyErS" while sucking the collective shaft of the National Rifle Association.
And who force babies to be born yet refuse to keep them alive afterwards.
Christ…he is so detached from reality that he can’t even get the child’s age correct ffs. These miserable fucks cannot be bothered to properly reference their own bullshit propaganda less than 24 hours afterward. We are in the most bizarre timeline and I hate it
Well - today the next stage of the Cancer Grand Challenges was announced in Boston ...An organisation jointly founded in 2020 by the National Cancer Institute and Cancer Research UK. Both should have been on stage but only CRUK were, I suspect you might know the answer why? It's tragic!
"Teflon, DuPont vented C8 and it poisoned an entire aquifer, what do they do about it? Invested in cancer treatment through a health industry that creates customers not cures by treating symptoms rather than causation."
None of those pandering republican fools give a good god damn about that poor child. Using people as props is revolting and demeaning. Maybe fucking Eric Trump should just go murder a few more gentle and helpless giraffes to show how much he cares about anything besides money and cocaine.
Eric Trump? The person who was banned from running a charity in New York because he funneled money from kids with cancer and into his own business? That Eric Trump? These horrible people…
So they paraded a child with cancer around for their show, while they are busy cutting all cancer research funding. Doesn’t make me think they care; it only makes me think they are great at the sideshow doubletalk.
I believe the kid is a paid actor or one of his MAGA mom's kids. Sorry, but time and time again, he has lied and has hired actors. Example: his rallies, the staged assassination attempt , etc.
Was the child who survived cancer caused by the trump cuts to cancer research? I’m confused 🤔 or due to the firing of medical researchers? Funding cuts to health facilities? Or was this healing and recovery due to President Biden funding the cancer moonshot?
“Trump Foundation was used to win political favor, accusing the foundation of virtually becoming an arm of the Trump campaign, with its campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, directing the foundation to make disbursements in Iowa only days before the state held its presidential nominating caucuses.”
The Dems didn't stand. Because, Musk and his band of idiots cancelled Government research for Pediatric Cancer. But, tRump didn't mention that in his speech...or to the young boy. Instead, tRump made the boy an honorary member of the US Secret Service.
You got it. This was a Republican Victory Lap for winning the election. Nothing more. Trump as usual. Pointed out all of his assumed successes. But, never mentioned his bad decisions.
Sorry Eric Trump you don’t get to say anything about kids with cancer! You stole from them and now your dear old dad canceled research into childhood cancer! Nope you and your felonious, sexual predator, serial lying father don’t get to pretend outrage when you actually don’t give a shit!
Saw a MAGA comment about how hateful democrats are for not standing and clapping for 6 yo at the king's largest. MAGA is so ignorant they don't get it that this poor kid was used as a PROP and dems were quiet because they've canceled hundreds of thousands in childhood cancer research.
Oh Fox News ran that on repeat all day with the chyron stating “Dems didn’t applaud a child fighting cancer”, with the clip obviously from another time they didn’t applaud Trump.
Imagine the Republicans being okay with parading that boy out on the floor like a prop when you know you are taking away funds to cancer, his right to education and his safety by not making police responsible for shooting him for no reason.
Wait so the guy who stole money from a children's cancer charity and can no longer run a charity in New York because of his evil deeds cut cancer research?
I'm shocked I tell you! Shocked!
And now the assholes who are behind that evil piece of shit try to act all virtuous as if they aren't scum.
Unfortunately, He USED that family for yet another Campaign Stunt. I want to see how they fare when Medicaid, Medical care and Research Clinical programs are cut off. ( presuming as like many cancer families they have no other resources...)
Yeah, use the kid as a pr stunt. That's all that the kid was and no one in the audience (other than his family) actually gave a $#$# about him. PR stunt.
Oh, but they can and do pretend, and that's exactly what they are doing, PRETENDING TO CARE!
While with their other hand, they're cutting the research funding to try to help to give that 'boy', who they are using right now as a political pawn, a long disease-free life!
I saw a maga supporter on tv, when asked about cutting financial aid for Ukraine would mean the deaths of thousands of innocent women and children, and she actually said, "I'm fine with that." That is the orange pig's base.
The kid was a prop.
Drumph had nothing to do with his care.
Quote the opposite. He has virtually eliminated the opportunity for other kids to have the same benefit.
“donors to the Eric Trump Foundation were told their money was going to help sick kids, more than $500,000 was re-donated to other charities, many of which were connected to Trump family members or interests”
This article is really eye opening and shows the method of corruption.
The trumps did help raise a ton for st Jude. After a few years, Donny learned that Eric wasn't charging for the use of the facilities and flipped the fuck out. Everything is trans-actional.
Think about the Trump boys aka Uday and Usay, stealing from a sick kids' charity and then banned from having anything to do with sick kid charities in future.
That’s exactly how they think. “Look at us clap for this child we’re going to screw over when we cut their cancer research funding and drive up medication prices. Shame on you for not clapping too you heartless libtard!”
You don’t get to cancel cancer treatments & research at NIH then cart around a child cancer survivor for your propaganda then expect the woke to apply your BS
Yes they can. All they do is pretend. They pretend as far from reality as they can get. Eventually they'll be insisting darkness is light and vice versa.
They use children as props, “performance art” in accordance with the KGB's “political technology”. Musk uses his young son not just as a prop, but also as a human shield. When in public, his kevlar vest won’t protect his head, but his little boy sitting on his shoulders will.
Yes they can. They will. They do. They will do it again. And they will sell it hard. A lot of people will believe them, again. They have been doing this all along.
Example: How many people still believe Trump is a successful business genius?
…..you use a child in your “show” and then no mention of how you are going to be the cause of the potential death of these cancer patients.
NOT exist. Shameful
They show the child cancer survivor, while making cuts to child cancer research.
Trump says no Medicaid cuts, while he gives approval to a budget plan that would do it.
Question is how to get MAGA to see the switch?
Ami Bera (CA), Ed Case (HI), Jim Costa (CA), Laura Gillen (NY), Jim Himes (CT), Chrissy Houlahan (PA), & Jared Moskowitz (FL).
Call em @ (202) 224-3121
Nice leadership @kenmartin.bsky.social
This is the eugenics regime.
Now that is sick in the head.
And who force babies to be born yet refuse to keep them alive afterwards.
1 minority shoots anyone: "see, all *insert derogatory term here* are violent and want to eradicate white people
Oh Eric must have forgotten . . .
... here is a friendly reminder !
💠 😠 💠
I'm shocked I tell you! Shocked!
And now the assholes who are behind that evil piece of shit try to act all virtuous as if they aren't scum.
While with their other hand, they're cutting the research funding to try to help to give that 'boy', who they are using right now as a political pawn, a long disease-free life!
Drumph had nothing to do with his care.
Quote the opposite. He has virtually eliminated the opportunity for other kids to have the same benefit.
The trumps did help raise a ton for st Jude. After a few years, Donny learned that Eric wasn't charging for the use of the facilities and flipped the fuck out. Everything is trans-actional.
heed the lesson of the waco kid.
Or was that his wife, Lara?
It’s easy to co fuse all their grifting
Lock these crooks up
Example: How many people still believe Trump is a successful business genius?