After Trump was elected again, I know there are people, a lot of them in fact, that will easily hand their money to him. And when the whole thing implodes, these same people will be shocked 😳😂🙃
Basically he believes that there are enough dumb people in the world that will give him money for nothing that he can do it a second time without the same repercussions. The only way it would work is if he branded it a MAGA event. He'd sell out and be long gone before they knew it.
He might actually be a worse businessman than Trump but it’s really close. Like one comedian said (can’t remember who) I’m surprised he isn’t part of Trump’s team yet.
Suckers would still pay and get fleeced and there is no CFPB to get their monies back because the president Orange and President Musk , are trying their best to gut the one place consumers can get protection and their monies back
Committed $26-million in fraud, serve 4 years in prison, offer the same fraud with tickets at $1-million each … I say, let the rich prey on each other. Fine by me.
This is definitely a "fooled me once, shame on you; fooled me twice shame on me" scenario. I'm trying to imagine who would fall for this a second time.
I need this to happen because I need 50 more documentaries about it from every angle again. Im not being sarcastic here, I went through a whole phase of getting as much info as I could. It was such a fascinating trainwreck.
This asshole carried on scamming people selling them non-existent sports and concert tickets and “experiences” while he was on bail and happily videoed himself doing so. He’ll be POTUS one day.
“There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again.”
― George W. Bush
I smell a Netflix docuseries in the works
Where's the artistry in that?
I guess he gave judges cheese sandwiches?
It's like there are no repercussions for your actions—at least for certain people.
Fool me twice I'm a Trump voter
This is a level of confidence that could only be described as “Trumpian”….🤯
He’d have made more last time if he hadn’t spent the proceeds on a festival
The website is sprinkled with fanciful adjectives. And zero details, aside from ticket prices: IGNITE ($1,400) to PROMETHEUS ($1,100,000).
ACCOMMODATIONS COMING SOON is displayed in an artful rotating circle.
84 days ‘til launch, peeps!
🍿 🗑️ 🔥
― George W. Bush
Dubya was wrong, you can get fooled again.