Newsome is hosting Bannon on his pod, it feels disrespectful to give a person like that space to spread more garbage. How do we influence mainstream Dems to stop trying to cater to conservatives? They didn't learn in November
YES!! PETE… He’s a fabulous communicator, brilliant, Brave, resourceful and a Leader by nature… AND AOC… and JASMINE CROCKETT…. and CHRIS MURPHY… and MAXWELL FROST…. and AYANNA PRESSLEY… ETC. Grab the baton and run🏃🏾♀️🏃🏾♂️ and FIND THE NEW WAY!!! 💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙🇺🇸
Just love Pete!
He is so knowledgeable and, no matter what is thrown at him, he always answers in a calm, diplomatic manner.
Really wish he was in charge right now, rather than the temper tantrum tyrant and the ketamine junkie.
I thought he was definitely the best of the lot in 2020. I’m curious if the general public can set aside the sexuality issue and focus on his qualifications.
This party really needs to get it's shit together. It couldn't beat a criminal conman, a convicted felon, adjudicated and admitted sexual predator, known Russian asset, and overall worst human being to walk the Earth in most of our lifetimes. Really? Come on.
Pete Buttigieg is one of the best speakers the Democrats have. He is logical, educated, and has a strong moral compass. Some are criticizing him for not speaking out forcefully enough against trump. We know he is capable of strong speech and opinions!
He's the closest real life politician I've seen to the fictional Pres. Bartlett. His off the cuff answers sound like Sorkin wrote them - he's THAT good.
It doesn’t help when the Democratic Party won’t communicate with each other and agree on anything, they’re all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. No messages, not pushing back hard enough.
We all understand disgusting reality now and know that many people will not vote for Pete, Jasmine, Kamala, AOC for sad and shameful reasons. So these great people should find themselves a wizard of Oz whose big fake white face will smile and talk while they do all the good things behind it.
The Democrats need an Opposition Dream Team fully committed to fighting the Mango Shitgibbon and Apartheid Elon. Buttigieg must be part of that team! We DIDN'T have such a team in the UK fighting Brexit, which is why it still hasn't been binned.
I agree.
Buttigieg is maybe the Best the US now has.
Shame that some people are still more interested in one's sexuality than personal skills.
It was the same here 🇫🇮
Agreed. Though, I can't help thinking UK voters need to create their own Dream Team!
It is clear now, that Starmer has accepted the baton to keep running with the Conservative's Brexit farce & their SEZ & Freeports. He is slashing our public services, social security, & our rights, too.
I love Pete, but let's be real... The old geezers at the top have seniority, and have waited patiently for "their turn".
The democratic party is not AOC. They've clearly shown that when she got passed-over.
They are so set in their ways, and slow to adapt. Losing the election didn't change anything.
Because Pete Buttigieg is awesome! The first time I heard him on the radio, many years ago, didn’t know who was speaking and thought… WOW who’s this guy????
I’m am so f’ing tired of the same tired do nothing Dems who tow the party line, send fake surveys and meaningless petitions which are just bait and switch pleading for more and more and more money, all while validly saying nothing of substance.
He’s a family man with two kids. Although he doesn’t make a big deal about it, he’s normalizing the idea of LGBTQA people being integral to everyday society, not peripheral to it.
The litmus test for a new voice, is where it stands with Israel. If it co tinges to bend over for Israel - it ain't new voice , just the same turd wrapped up in new paper
Can’t wait to vote for Pete for President one day. Nobody speaks to the public better. Right now he should be our national spokesperson while mentoring others to do the same and hit the streets.
And, as usual, Bernie Sanders is fighting the good fight, doing rallies against the oligarchy in Red States, knowing he's not a candidate and never will be.
Until the Democrats speak with a cogent unified voice to oppose Trump, Musk, and the Republicans, we will not get rid of the orange Oligarch. We desperately need a leader who can and will do this.
I'm suspecting that the old leadership -- Obama, Biden, Harris -- has been keeping (uncomfortably) quiet to leave the field to the next generation, such as Buttigieg. The old guard is getting out of the way.
We need someone who makes headlines, and the press would have to cover. Barack Obama should come out of retirement and challenge all ideas the Musk Trump team dump and give the world alternative solutions. Strongmen are meatheads.,
Because Pete is the best! He’s calm, a great communicator, knows what he’s talking about and has a sense of humor and so much more. I wish he could be president.
Pity Pete's gay. He ticks all the boxes but a few crucial percentage points could be shaved off because a small number of people cannot bring themselves to vote for a gay person...
Bit like how Kamala being black and female lost her votes...
It’s not a pity. Some are so hateful they can’t see past someone’s sexuality or their own discrimination against something that doesn’t affect them. We should stop using language like this and just focus how a person affects others separate from what they do in private if it’s not hurting others.
Was just calling it as I see it. You have (or at least had.. maybe now it's changing with the carnage unfolding) an evenly divided electorate so getting a Dem elected in a gerrymandered election will be difficult. He'll need every vote he can get... unfortunately his sexuality will cost him votes..
I'm 100% team Pete. I voted for him in the primaries. To me, he is everything I want in a leader. He's highly intelligent, thoughtful, and communicates very well. He would be my top choice to fix our government and make it better. I also think his head and heart are in the right place. Pete rocks!
We need to get Pete out there NOW! The republicans have already been screaming for days that any shutdown is on the Democrats with absolutely NO pushback from Democrats.
Why don't Democrats EVER learn. It's so freaking frustrating!!!
Pete gets clicks because he's smart, experienced, ethical, and forward looking. It would be nice if one person in the current admin, elected or not, could say the same.
I was so surprised that Pete was not selecred as a vice president nomenee. He's a man that stands strong and makes the point in everything he says and do. Maybe democrats were affraid of him being gay, so so then it's their loss. Stop calculating and do the right thing.
No way he would win the election. Did you all not pay attention? Racists and homophobes elected Trump and they are giddy with the way things are going.
Unfortunately, this country will never elect an openly LGBTQ+ president. We've already demonstrated we're too misogynistic to vote for a woman when the other candidate was a literal fascist. Hell, we've only had one Black president and two Catholics.
Totally agree, An educated black woman vs a felon sex offender and they picked the felon. They will never vote for a gay president not in my lifetime i do not think. But first we need to get what we have out of office and fast or at least tie his hands up.
We’re also hungry for a frickin’ strategy. One that’s generative, rather than just “we’re not that orange tyrant.” We like to point out the messes but offering no true vision. We need to get our shit together.
He was great on Colbert, although the questions were softballs but we've seen him hit it out of the park with tough interviews on Fox. This guy should be carrying more load for the Democratic Party. It won't happen because of petty jealousies by old Democrats in Congress, but it should.
I like Pete and believe he has a great political future. But I think right now we need a fighter, not a clever bureaucrat. Someone who can crystallize the anger and real concern out there into gut-simple messaging and an effective plan then inspire citizens and ACT!
We are also hungry for them to put their 2025 brains on and not go with feelings and good intentions. They need to get in finding the person/people who the majority will respond to and them out in the public eye for the next three years. Not wait and be practical about it.
Can’t speak for anyone else but was so appreciative of how Sec Pete was forthright with information. Spoke clearly and factually. He could shut down propaganda on the propaganda network with ease.
Front and center on what platform? The TV networks have locked us out. X is a wreck, and Meta’s platforms have been programmed to throttle Dem messaging. Meidas Network is doing an excellent job on YouTube, which is the only streaming service we have access to.
Talk is fine. Action is even better. I havent witnessed action. Only talk. Democrats must stand firm and back eachother! I hsvent witnessed that either.
I was a little surprised when Harris didn’t work with Pete. He is genuine President material. A great communicator, solid and knowledgeable. Sharp as a razor blade, has compassion and integrity; brings energy and a touch of humour and wit. I’d trust him to the end of the world.
Does make me wonder why the parties when in opposition never seem to have a defined leader over there, someone to represent the party, rather than having everyone sounding off out of unison... 🤔
We have so many good options! Pete, AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Malcolm Kenyatta, David Hoggs, Governors Walz/Witmer/Shapiro/Pritzker. This current leadership needs to read the room and let the ones who aren’t afraid to push back and use their voice head up the Dems.
I'd love Pete Buttigieg to run for president but if a woman of color can't win, I really worry that the majority of voters are too socially conservative.
Pete is far from perfect but he can represent real positive change for the democrats if they just loosen their geriatric grip on control. Let the younger generations take the reins!
I’m afraid until the democrats become what they say they are, they will not win again. Just because things are worse now than they would have been under Harris, many young people and Black people are sick of being pandered to and promises not being kept. ‘They won’t be fooled again’ kinda vibe.
Pete is intelligent, compassionate, and someone I would want representing me with other countries. Plus he goes on Fox News all the time and absolutely f’n crushes it. He won’t let them push him around or spew false narratives. He provides receipts.
He’s a McKinsey alumni, prepare for major disappointment. Those people are evil incarnate. Wealth inequity and CEO pay? McKinsey’s doing. Opioid crisis? McKinsey was a crucial part of Purdue’s efforts.
The guy who will have been a big name in the Democratic party for 8 years by the time the 2028 election and held a high position in the Biden administration? How is he a new voice?
Focus on someone like Jeff Jackson if you want a new face of the party.
I know he hasn't made any decisions yet but I'd love to see him run for AND WIN a Senate seat. And then onward to the presidency!!!!! Hey, I can dream.
Serious question.. do you think America will vote for a gay man to be President. I’m happy for it because I think he is great and up to it but what do the American people think???
Unfortunately, it seems the electorate is not interested in a statesman but look to the extrovert, celebrity politicians. Pete is a Rhodes scholar and can go toe to toe with anyone on the GOP side. I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
He’s a fantastic spokesman! Clear, knowledgeable, succinct, easy to follow, connects issues, consistent. On top of it all, not afraid to face anyone in an interview.
I think people are ready for a new 3rd party and leave the Democratic party behind. We have too many ineffective "leaders". When Dems censure Rep. Al Green, platform Charlie Kirk, vote for unqualified cabinet nominees, and numerous other actions, it is past time for a new party.
3rd parties aren't going to be a serious thing until the electoral system gets reformed to be more like the UK's parliament
At the pres. level, 3rd parties are just spoilers who hand the win to the right wing, in Congress you get the occasional independent like Bernie but the 2 parties stay strong
I live in a country with a third party option. It’s not all it’s made out to be. In truth, reforming the Democratic Party into what the people want, vs what it is now is better for democracy. Third parties, especially if both lean left it ensures a right wing victory all the time.
Unfortunately third parties will never succeed because they only speak up during the Presidential Election cycle when they should do so every day at every level of government
One can hope this administration is the thing that finally splinters the right...
Financially, socially, ideologically, culturally - of things that matter personally, the right-of-center have a lot less in common with each other than most on the left.
My hope is that many who are one-issue voters... With nothing in common with billionaires on one hand and white supremacists on the other... Get tired of sharing the same party, especially when the issues they voted for aren't addressed.
I think Pete would make a great President, and I think he probably will be president, just maybe not in 2029.
But, and he’s smart enough to know and do this, it won’t be on a “look what a gay man can achieve” campaign; it’ll have to be on an “I’m gay: so what?” platform
That’s been his mode from the first. Now he’s evolved into a family man with serious federal experience.
He will be president some day. It’s written in the stars.
I love Pete but is America ready for him to be president? I sadly say no. We learned last election that a woman is not wanted either. The fate of our country is at stake. We need to run a white male candidate, heterosexual, married, and have a dog and a cat. That hurt me to type that. 😞
Maybe it could be a Walz/Buttigieg ticket or something. Let Walz tick those boxes you mentioned and Pete's got great communication skills and midwestern mayor credentials
Ik Harris/Walz lost but I wouldn't hold that against Walz personally
Painful but true. He’s clearly extremely talented, but the US is not going to elect a gay man. The good news is that the straight man no longer needs to be white, I guess.
Didn't he sell out every progressive policy position for a cabinet post last primary? He's well spoken, but I'd rather have someone with genuine progressive values and the backbone to keep them through the inevitable push to the center that cost Harris her election.
As much as I hate to say this, if we want the moderates and some Rs to swing the vote our way, they have already told us, sadly "no minorities or women". Pete will get his chance one day (i hope), but I don't think anything other than a straight, white male will win like Pritzker or Walz.
If Democrats had more than one brain cell clicking, they would hire Pete Buttigieg as their official spokesperson. He's brilliant and an awesome communicator, similar to Barrack Obama.
I love Mayor Pete and I love you too Mr. Takei. However in this country, where we couldn’t even manage to elect a former prosecutor/Senator/Vice President black woman as POTUS, there’s no way America votes for a gay man. This pains me deeply but I believe it’s true.
A daily briefing on what platform? All of the TV networks are owned by GOP oligarchs, and 🍊has been suing them for astronomical amounts if they air content he doesn’t like. X is a cesspool and the Meta platforms shut down Dem messaging. That leaves YouTube and Bluesky.
The maggots get their own narrative through ownership. The real news people are trying to develop a broad audience through podcasting, where they can’t be muzzled for now. The GOP is trying, though, to punish those streaming services. So far YouTube has held them off.
Can’t possibly be, George. I mean, we had a black lady with a hearty laugh and great sneakers and we threw her over for a felonious sex abuser. A brilliant white guy with a husband and kids? NO SHOT
Honestly we need new parties. No democrats have tried to undo the Reagan damage in all these years. They simply use our tax money to repay what the republicans wasted rinse/repeat. Two sides of the same coin. Pete, Jasmine, AOC definitely people with great intentions.
Pete Buttigieg speaks with such clarity and thoughtfulness—it's refreshing! His steady leadership and smart approach resonate with many. We need more leaders who inspire and unite us. Imagine the progress we could make with someone like him at the helm!
another democrat losing ticket! boooy you really like losing! lol
just go with tim walz for president, it's literally that easy
He's awesome
Not hard to understand the math on this one.
He is so knowledgeable and, no matter what is thrown at him, he always answers in a calm, diplomatic manner.
Really wish he was in charge right now, rather than the temper tantrum tyrant and the ketamine junkie.
Buttigieg is maybe the Best the US now has.
Shame that some people are still more interested in one's sexuality than personal skills.
It was the same here 🇫🇮
It is clear now, that Starmer has accepted the baton to keep running with the Conservative's Brexit farce & their SEZ & Freeports. He is slashing our public services, social security, & our rights, too.
The democratic party is not AOC. They've clearly shown that when she got passed-over.
They are so set in their ways, and slow to adapt. Losing the election didn't change anything.
Pete is always on point, insightful, and direct.
couldn’t deal with him
Pete Buttigieg will be president one day.
We need to get out of the current upside down of the deceit of trumpism, of course, but we will get there.🇺🇲
Bit like how Kamala being black and female lost her votes...
I have to believe in the moral arc of the universe bending towards Justice.
THAT is our America.🇺🇲
We're being tested; democracy and decency are being tested.
Our good name will take long to win back, but we need to be vocal NOW
Why don't Democrats EVER learn. It's so freaking frustrating!!!
Get rid of the Evangelicals, and it's a start.
My God we 🌎 would be so grateful for Pete to take over yesterday
Please ….
Pete and damned near anyone.
I like Mayor Pete though. He makes progressivism palatable to centrist white guys that don’t necessarily like Trump.
Someday in America, if we want to have an America, we will have to learn to make do with "best", instead of "💩 but looks like me".
All we are saying…
is give Pete a chance.
Get the geezers OUT of liberal politics.
I am old. I know.
Until we regularly drive that level of engagement we have a long way to go.
Focus on someone like Jeff Jackson if you want a new face of the party.
margin 😭😂
People are hungry for Bernie Sanders.
At the pres. level, 3rd parties are just spoilers who hand the win to the right wing, in Congress you get the occasional independent like Bernie but the 2 parties stay strong
With a 3 or more party system, let the final election be between the top 2 vote getters in the primary regardless of party.
Financially, socially, ideologically, culturally - of things that matter personally, the right-of-center have a lot less in common with each other than most on the left.
Let them be the ones to fracture.
It's already happening.
But, and he’s smart enough to know and do this, it won’t be on a “look what a gay man can achieve” campaign; it’ll have to be on an “I’m gay: so what?” platform
He will be president some day. It’s written in the stars.
Ik Harris/Walz lost but I wouldn't hold that against Walz personally
Way too many languages though.
Scares people.
Makes me jealous. 😂
Let him run for senate in MI.
You can just rp *this* instead of taking a screenshot.
But God it would be beautiful.
The more Fox News tries to present a person as inept the higher the possibility they have to reach mass audiences.
They know what they are doing and try to pre-empt public contempt for individuals who could do populism politics like Biden or Trump.
Why does it always have to be male and white?