We have a car salesmen as a president? Hawking his wares on the White House lawn for his highest paid donor. Always thought he was more of a used car salesman. Is this normal? Next it’ll be buying from Amazon on tv for the other oligarch!
Volkswagen was supposed to be the cheap peoples' car (that's what it means in German). Tesla sure ain't cheap.
[civilian interruption was stopped by the war; instead the VW factory produced Kuebelwagen, a form of jeep, but as not rugged]
Where the hell are our lawmakers???? This is bs already. I’m tired of the dictator and his oligarchs. Some please take care of them….this is not America I want to live in anymore. Fuck Trump and fuck Elon.
I just submitted a tip to the FBI tip line about the crime we witnessed yesterday by Trump and Musk violating several laws to boost Tesla stock prices. I would suggest everyone do the same. https://tips.fbi.gov/home
Not actually doing something is a sure way to participate in the downfall of our country. Be a Squeaky Wheel! Enough Squeaky Wheels are annoying as hell so maybe they will find a new wagon to ride into the ground.
By doing nothing I’m thinking of a mega disruptive nationwide sit in. That sort of nothing. Not withdrawal or surrender. Quiet irritation, like sand in a shoe.
The tip can be done now no organization no waiting and no cost to participants. And a lot more irritating b/c it requires an answer with enough tips. With protests Trump can put MAGA on you, pepper spray you, jail you, flip it on FOX or close the blinds and ignore you
i guess Toyota,GM,Ford,etc who gave the annoying orange money must be pretty happy now that he gave a sales pitch for their rival teSSla at the white house
Where's the Democrats ,and Republicans,upset over the use of the WHITE HOUSE as a car dealership? There's a law against that.
So the United States endorses
Emperor Elon's vehicles over all the other vehicles produced in the United States.
UAW must produce garbage.
Trump's base can't afford a Tesla. Who in the hell does he think this shameless marketing ploy will play to? Will he force every one of his cabinet to buy one? Those suck ups in the Senate & the House? Even that's not enough to save Elon's hobby.
It took decades to get here imo - it really started in the 90s w/ the very cynical choice to replace Thurgood Marshall w/ an empty suit and the *instant* hate for Hillary who was merely a candidate's wife at that time. It also took awhile for FOX (and other media) to make the public dumb enough.
Sad. Like the Ukraine war stops if Russia stops- this all stops if Trump is impeached and potentially Vance as well. The aggressor is plain to see in both cases. We need ethics standards for all elected officials. Profiting from your office, lying, defrauding the public- impeachment.
You didn't "become it". It's not like it magically happened. A majority of Americans decided that lies and fraud like this was kind of okay. I know you didn't vote for this clown but enough people did. Twice.
Well, I would consider the time period much shorter, say 60 days.
The Tesla car promotion sucks, but this tells us
- Tesla protests/boycotts are working
- Trump still depends on Musk's money
- Musk's wealth still depends on Tesla stock
- We the people need to keep the pressure on
ArticleI, S9, C8:
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
As a foreigner on the outside watching this all with a horrified fascination; is it normal for the president of your country to sell cars outside his place of residence? Is this an American thing and the rest of the world is too simple to understand the nuances?
I do actually find it proof that maybe we’re not really alive but just simulating an absurd tv show for the aliens and that comforts me that none of this matters.
Is it possible that after all trumps criminal behavior and actual criminal charges, that Tariffs are what brings this moron down?! Oh be still my heart 💙 🇺🇸
And not one Republican is objecting. Or am I missing something? Noticed they all seem to be on board giving guns back to serial abuser Mel Gibson because he's a friend of Trump. Amoral compromised cowards one and all.
Thought it was against the federal law to use federal land for ads, as well as, the presidents aren’t supposed to advertise for companies. And why not Ford or Chevy?
Look how much free advertising Tesla got out of that stunt. Broadcast in prime time on every single network and subsequently carried and rebroadcast on podcasts and social media. Yes, it's an outrage and Congress should censure. Everyone should demand this and quit showcasing the commercial.
That's also a huge reason why Trump won the election. He was on _every_ front page, on _every_ newscast, on _every_ social media promotion, _EVERY_ day of the eletion season (and most days before).
It's not the only reason he won, but imagine having the ability to push your opponent to day 3
~ a decade before Dump .1, and exhibit on immigration at the Jewish museum in Portland OR included questions from citizenship tests - one was on how the president is elected - answers included 'winning' on a reality TV show - and i thought 'we're doomed!'
Sorry George, but it’s who you’ve always been. The US has built an economic system designed to beat you neighbour down. Your bullshit constitution has made its people heartless and self interested.
Does anyone think Trump would actually drive himself? The man only drives in limos. You think he's going to drive up in that South Park Canadian DeLorean? No way.
I am stunned they let (whoever) drive those things on to the WH.
Did anybody stop and think that a bomb could’ve been planted, a maniac with a gun, somebody with some anthrax? What if the driver had been exposed to measles?
I’m stunned by the stupidity … and I shouldn’t be. But I am.
Years ago, I read a bio of Joan Rivers, who was on "Celebrity Apprentice." In it, her manager likened Trump to a used car salesman. Damn! He was right. 😆
Not a single decade. The foundation for today was laid by Reagan and pushed forward by Newt Gingrich. Erased any benefit from Clinton, and SCOTUS stole the Oval for GWB. Much more than a single decade. Respectfully.
OMG! He’s destroying the image of our White House. I felt bad for the Biden’s having to move in after his first term but it’s so much worse as the days (not months) go by.
How do Rivian, the Big 3 and Toyota/Honda/Kia/Hyundai/Nissan, European marks, feel about the president using the WH as a showroom not to promote EV as a whole but specifically Tesla?
This is what the republicans created in 2015 and turned a blind eye to Trumps corrupt actions. Today they still kiss his ass and back up every ridiculous comment and actions by two billionaires.
The White House is for sale and favours for money and they don’t even pretend to hide it anymore.
Not only that, he's marketing to a base that a) can't afford Teslas and b) has no interest in buying electric vehicles BECAUSE REPUBLICANS TOLD THEM EVs WERE BAD.
The irony is thicker than the walls of Trump's arteries.
Trump’s action were illegal on Federal land! He’s also taking $100 million from Musk, after the election. What’s that bribe for? Is it so #TraitortTrump doesn’t fire Elon?
I am indeed living in a strange and tragic land.
Pictured, Volkswagens on Display at Hitler's Birthday party.
[civilian interruption was stopped by the war; instead the VW factory produced Kuebelwagen, a form of jeep, but as not rugged]
It's like history just gave up and went, "Well, those first two world wars were sure interesting... Let's go for lucky 3!"
Violations of: 31 U.S.C. § 1301(a), 5 C.F.R. 2635.704 , 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705(a), and others.
Trump needs to go, NOW!!!
Keep the sob confined
in a straitjacket.
What do they not get?
Porsche was very active in designing vehicles and tanks for the Nazis
#WhiteHouseFireSale #GrifterTrump
So the United States endorses
Emperor Elon's vehicles over all the other vehicles produced in the United States.
UAW must produce garbage.
However, it's taking way too long.
t forget these are luxury vehicles that cost $100,000+
... he's helping the billionaire...
His character flaws were pointed out on numerous occasions.
The Tesla car promotion sucks, but this tells us
- Tesla protests/boycotts are working
- Trump still depends on Musk's money
- Musk's wealth still depends on Tesla stock
- We the people need to keep the pressure on
* TSLA bulls say buy the stock for the future products/services
If anyone you know *dies* because of what Musk has done (SS, VA, NIH, etc), would you still want to buy a Tesla product?
Musk's ick factor is going to last a long time, especially to people who lose a loved one.
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
Come down to 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. We've got used Teslas and exploding Teslas
All you need is a pay stub and a red hat.
Where is desperate to sell these Teslas as we are to convince you that conservatism has valid answers to your economic concerns!
It's not the only reason he won, but imagine having the ability to push your opponent to day 3
Did anybody stop and think that a bomb could’ve been planted, a maniac with a gun, somebody with some anthrax? What if the driver had been exposed to measles?
I’m stunned by the stupidity … and I shouldn’t be. But I am.
Who would want to be seen in such a contraption?
Imagine Fox News if President Obama or Biden had done this
This took 50 days.
A decade of this will see camps.
Auschwitz in Arkansas.
This seems illegal. Gotta be, right?
The White House is for sale and favours for money and they don’t even pretend to hide it anymore.
The irony is thicker than the walls of Trump's arteries.