GOP behavior toward Sarah McBride is exactly the same kind of bullying that drives LGBTQ people, especially teenagers, to commit suicide.
Republicans like these sicken me.
Republicans are a Putin ru$$ian mafia-terrorist gang.
They can't invent anything new, that's why they will blame, insult, lie, steal, imprison, exile and kill.
This woman has more dignity in her little finger than the entire Republican party. She's smart to keep focusing on the real business of Congress-making the lives of Americans better and not be brought down by their evil, nasty pettiness.
Are you not a Christian nation as you keep professing to the world? What brand of Christianity is this? Is it the one that God blesses exclusively to America at the expense of everyone else? Seems to me that Jesus didn’t have all this self serving cruelty in mind.
One of my favorite quotes attributed to Jesus is, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. Life is too short to waste focusing on our differences instead of what we have in common.
Reps and Senate can be called
Repeatedly when you use speed dial
Tell them you prefer
when they prostrate
themselves before
better look
and so much quicker...
when he sends Elon
over to ream them.
Take OUR jobs
OUR retirement.
Keith Self was destroyed by his constituents at a town hall two weeks ago. A reliably red district. He is trying to shore up his base with this cruel stupidity. He’s a disgrace to West Point.
"When McBride fired back with a taste of his own medicine." Top of the article. It might seem nitpicky, but when you're posting about the rage and disrespect people feel when being misgendered, the least that can be done is to actually read what's being posted. It's lazy.
I think you might have misunderstood it. To be fair, I had to read it a couple of times because it wasn't as clear as it should've been.
Sarah McBride was giving Keith Self a taste of his own medicine (Self's own medicine). As I said, not as clear as it should've been, but not misgendering.
I hate that my daughter is gay. Not because she’s gay. I support people, not their sexuality, but I feel that I will die or be jailed for someone’s hate of things they fail to try to understand. I will die for mine.
Small man who took great pride in his bullying. Why can’t they just let people live their own life? How does it hurt anyone else? People are so fearful of things they don’t understand.
Yes they do that on purpose. I wrote a letter to my congressman from Georgia and he responded by addressing me as a man. He said Mr Cynthia. Not once. Twice.
I am extremely impressed and proud of Representatives Sarah McBride and Bill Keating for their responses to Keith Self. Cruelty and such disrespect for no other reason than because he could. I don’t understand the hate. It is not acceptable to treat people this way and should never be tolerated.
This incident also showcases Congresswoman McBride's courage. Don't underestimate what it takes for a trans woman to speak up and defend herself. And did it with grace despite Keith Self's bigotry.
This also showcases the power cisgender people have when they exercise their freedom and privilege by speaking up in defense of trans people. Thank you Congressman Keating!
It's really telling that dude adjourned the meeting when challenged rather than simply explaining his bigotry as he was asked. Run away, run away. Shut down discussion because hate can't even stand up to ten seconds of scrutiny by decent people.
It’s like with the City Clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. It’s all about their “beliefs”. There is an easy solution, they should resign and NEVER apply for another government job. This guy got mad that he was called out and the refuses to do his job.
But did you see how fast his #Republican ass ran to gavel out, and close that meeting when his #Democratic friend had to confront him about acting like a bitch?? Clack, clack, MEETING ADJOURNED!( running feet) Big chicken- folks, #Democrats in D.C. yall MUST confront them on their BITCHiness! #DoIt
Yes but I only saw the congressman stand up for us and it kinda dwarfs any feelings I had about the chairwoman’s childish behavior.
Jesus effing christ, this is the work they do? I’d be ashamed if that’s the effort I put forth in my work.
It is unacceptable. However (I know this will be an unpopular view), if she would have transitioned and gone about her business and got elected without all the fucking hooplah announcing it, nobody would have known the difference except those close to her. She’s a beautiful woman.
Also another example of Republicans letting their bigotry take precedence over the priority of running our government. When the meeting was cancelled, Congressional business, work on behalf of the American people, was neglected.
She was later found to be calling orphans and pretending to be their mother, cancelling last wish visits, and thinking about poisoning her neighbor's pets.
Hello beautiful how are you doing ? Can we be friends, I have been depressed and going through a lot since I my wife, please let's be friends if you don’t mind ? 🥰🌹
Texas Republican Keith Self („selfish“-proper name) called Sarah McBride „Mr.McBride“-she answered „Mrs.Chairman“! Massachusetts Democrat Bill Keating gave imbecile Keith Self an ear full! Let Bill Keating know, we like stand up Representatives💙👏. Keith Self walked out-they are all so thin skinned.
Hello beautiful how are you doing ? Can we be friends, I have been depressed and going through a lot since I my wife, please let's be friends if you don’t mind ? 🥰🌹
Sarah is my representative in DE and I voted for her because she’s the best for the job! They’d better let her do her job without being harassed and disrespected!!!
what was great to see was 1) mcbride not shying away or letting it affect her while giving it right back to the jackass and 2) keating speaking up instead of just leaving mcbride to fight her own battle.
The openness of cruelty has gone way beyond casual. I think it’s at viscous in many already and more seem emboldened to follow that lead everyday. It’s becoming a status contest within that culture (Cult45).
Just watched a piece on Chris Hays' show about 2 trans bills being defeated after heartwrenching speeches. I was so glad these Republicans changed their minds and voted against these hateful things. I had tears in my eyes - so hopeful that hate CAN be overcome! ❤️
Just because the Felon declares “something” does not make us so. Respect for each person and who they are is what is required and being president of any country does not make you a dictator.
For me all I felt was disgust. The cruelty on display in an apparently Christian nation is astounding but then maybe I’m just an angry Canadian who can’t see the fun in it.
I think that every Republican should be subjected to a “conversion therapy” whereby the atrophied muscle next to each of their hollowed-out souls is replaced by an actual human heart.
The problem with America now is it is being run by wealthy white men! The bros, good old boys club is disgusting and women have to fight back more than ever. This Congressman or Senator should be censured for insulting his female Congresswoman! Glad she mentioned he as a she! What an idiot sir!👎
Hello beautiful how are you doing ? Can we be friends, I have been depressed and going through a lot since I my wife, please let's be friends if you don’t mind ? 🥰🌹
I watched this on YT shorts. It was hard to watch. But I have admit, I cheered when I saw the other rep rip into the chairman for his blatant disrespect.
Feel free to call the congressman to share your opinion about how he acted. Let me save you some time - 202-225-4201. If you call during business hours, you may be able to speak to someone. Speak politely and clearly and don’t cuss, so your message is correctly tallied.
I love her quick wit!! Really excited to see Keating call Self out on his stupid and ridiculous behavior. Listen up all you gay and trans haters out there, they are here and they are queer, and no one gives a shit whether you like it or “believe in it.” They are people, not Santa Claus!!
He acted like a child, he gets warned then throws a tantrum and adjourns. People need to be called out more. I feel bad for Ms.McBride, there are so many instances of things like this
Saying that they have a set standard on the floor is laughable. GOP does not adhere to any standards in the last decade. He waited all day to act like an ass.
You and I and everyone else who doesn't live in their homophobic bubble knows that we all have someone in our orbit who is LGBTQ, maybe even ourselves. Must suck to be him. So full of hate towards anyone just a bit different. I'll take my orbit any day.
The video is telling. He knew exactly what he was doing. And getting called out forced him to run. Call them all out like this whenever they are in public.
Hello beautiful how are you doing ? Can we be friends, I have been depressed and going through a lot since I my wife, please let's be friends if you don’t mind ? 🥰🌹
"Trump's...technological imperialist/monarchist plans of Elon Musk’s Neo-Reactionary (NRx)...philosophy. NRx is a belief that democracy must be eliminated and the country run under a corporatist, technological dictatorship..."
What do these people gain by making what is obviously intended to hurt or embarrass another individual? Short term gratification at causing pain? An attaboy from other small minded people? Reminds me of Junior high school. Very petty little men. Go on home to your caves.
We're not going back.
Cruelty is the point for them, it always has been. Just ask the kids posing in lynching photos from Jim Crow era who are old people now. It’s always been the point.
what I don't get-- Republicans want to abolish pronouns, so why do they use the in Congress? Shouldn't they just call each other "Representative ________ " ???
Exactly. She used one word of his own medicine to make it clear she’d hear and noted the disrespect but made it clear her priorities lay with getting the job done.
He made it clear being able to misgender her publicly was more important to him than doing the job he was there to do by gaveling out.
Let state this clearly. Who I am is my identity. It is my speech indicating who I am. Gender identity is a right to speech, a right to identify who you are to others. These politicians are infringing on my rights by denying me my identity. Denying who I am. I am trans, and my identity matters.
1.7 percent of the US population is intersex. They can be born with ambiguous genitals, a combination of both male and female genitals, chromosomes that aren’t defined simply by XX and XY. 0.5 percent of the US population identifies as transgender. Can we please move on, eggs are expensive.
i feel like i wouldn’t have called him out. i would have just taken his lead and repeatedly called keith self mrs katrina self over and over again. mrs congresswoman self, can we please move along. mrs self, katrina, can we please move along. can the female congresswoman from… please calm down.
You know, this is gonna be crude, but it has to be. I would think a man with a vagina would horrify them far more than someone who looks like a woman, but here we are.
Unacceptable is right. How do we build business models that incentivize empathy & equity, not exploit vulnerability? What systemic changes foster #EquitableGrowth? What have you seen work?
Republicans like these sicken me.
They can't invent anything new, that's why they will blame, insult, lie, steal, imprison, exile and kill.
Putin's ru$$ia must be destroyed.
needs to lose their jobs in our Congess!!
Repeatedly when you use speed dial
Tell them you prefer
when they prostrate
themselves before
better look
and so much quicker...
when he sends Elon
over to ream them.
Take OUR jobs
OUR retirement.
Fuck their bullshit troll routine
Give em nothing but fang
Sarah McBride was giving Keith Self a taste of his own medicine (Self's own medicine). As I said, not as clear as it should've been, but not misgendering.
"Sarah McBride—the first openly transgender member of Congress—when McBride fired back with a taste of his (Self's) own medicine."
The "his" refers to Self. The writer also refers to McBride as "she" later on.
And then his male fragility on full display by crying and leaving. 🙄🖕
O ur
P roblems
and they are a damned virus
Jesus effing christ, this is the work they do? I’d be ashamed if that’s the effort I put forth in my work.
These ignorant clowns need to be shut down and corrected, EVERY TIME.
We're not going back.
Think. You can bridge “the gap” I know you can. :-)
He made it clear being able to misgender her publicly was more important to him than doing the job he was there to do by gaveling out.