People forget that we need mechanics and avionics specialists to ensure safety too… it was an electrical fire….and they’re damn lucky they were on the ground when the fire broke
This isn't from the FAA this is shit from plane companies cutting corners on their quality. Let's place the blame where it correctly belongs. Planes colliding: FAA. Planes catching on fire: Boeing.
Investors squeeze every dime out of the company! Recent SuperMax 8 problems = Skimp on plans to add bigger engines to old airframe. Bribe FAA Pay employees as little as possible, cut corners on materials & manufacturing. Hire cheap programmers for software. Refuse to retrain pilots on new software.
Boeing has not made any aircraft engines since the 1930s. The fire was caused by fuel leaking from the engine onto the landing gear brakes. The engines on this aircraft were made by CFM. The airline company is responsible for engine maintenance.
Thanks for the correction. That still agrees with my point that it's shit corporations cutting costs and corners making machines that put humans 30,000 feet airborne in tube's going hundreds of miles per hour thinking nothing bad would happen.
You are right. Fewer FAA inspections will allow the airlines to defer required/recommended maintenance. When an aircraft breaks at 30k feet, it can’t pull over and wait for a tow truck😳
Who needs the FAA? We must throw ourselves upon the mercy of the Lord. For lo, he shall take the aeroplanes in his arms and guide them down safely within his bosom. That is the President's intention. Have faith ye unbelievers !
That's just common sense George but people power mad and so rich they tell gov's to F off don't care "we in for a ride hang on lady!" - short round Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom
George, there are some factual problems with your posting. If you listen to the VASAviation recording, the plane landed normally. No emergency was declared. The plane was at the gate normally when something on the ground caught fire.
Passengers evacuated normally from the airway, and one rear slide
Why is it that no one can tell tell you the truth? they say the plane appeared to catch fire. I'm here to say it did catch fire; I can see it burning. our country is not appearing to catch fire, it's getting fired.
No they don’t care. They think free markets can sort out aviation safety. If an airline has too many crashes people will stop flying that airline. They dont give a shit about the people that will die along the way
At some point, you would think Delta, American Airlines, United, Jet Blue, Southwest, etc. would band together & use their collective influence against the orange clown. This is going to affect their bottom line eventually. A plane fire isn't the fault of the FAA but companies have agency here too.
I’m not planning to fly, but these events make it clear why I can’t. I can’t walk more than a few steps and I doubt there would be a wheelchair on board.
Flying was supposedly the safest way to travel. Here I am though in a car driving to and from Michigan and Florida. Atlanta sucks but I somehow feel safer.
No, this is what they want. To sell you a product with cut corners, including in places where corners shouldn't be cut like safety, and then when their product hurts or endangers people, give them like 5 dollars and zero legal recourse to get more.
Ive lost count of how many aircraft incidents have occurred already and God knows there will be more...trump is foul but not half as foul as the maggots that voted for this mess.
Isn't killing Americans the point? I mean the point of this new government? Look up and down its people and its policies, and that's what this is about.
But maybe they just didn’t hit the media as much? We are hyper focused right now on cuts in government agencies while not realizing these were happening before cuts to the FAA. Again, the FAA and ATC do not make planes “fall out of the sky”. They do oversee maintenance records of airlines tho.
Fair points. However, even small wrecks are not common at that airport. Not sure why you want to deny that the FAA federal funding freezes, staffing shortages and budget cuts are not likely to be a contributing factor.
Not denying that those agencies are important for safety, I’m just saying I don’t understand why people think the FAA or ATC had any connection to a small plane losing its engine and crashing. Please explain how they are the cause?? Now incidents at large airports are another story. ATC cuts bad!
Only if you care about safety. The current regime has signaled clearly they will gladly sacrifice lives for power. Power comes with cutting spending to justify favor for the rich and powerful.
I won't be flying until qualified people are back in charge. None of these kids that call themselves big balls trying to run departments they don't know shit about
Normally I'd appreciate memes and some humor, but those people are almost certainly traumatized. It's a matter of time before we see some (more) deaths as well from all this.
I don't fly much - but any impulse that I might have had to do so in the next... however long this administration lasts - has been well and truly quashed.
All those things Boeing was going to be prosecuted gone with wind. Airbus will soon be banned from the US so no competition. Not that you will soon be needing much aviation- n korea doesn't.
Keep deregulating and we won’t walk the street without falling in a sinkhole, won’t eat a chicken breast without catching ebola, won’t drink milk without salmonella poisoning, won’t fly without crashing, won’t drive across a bridge without it collapsing, won’t breathe without coughing
That doesn't really have anything to do with the FAA (not that I disagree with you in general), that's more a long-term issue with AA and poor aircraft maintenance.
I haven't seen statements from AA, Delta or United CEO's yet about their decreasing revenues, stock value, and FAA & air traffic controller safety issues for the flying public....?
That's fine, you jump down. I'll use the portable stairway the ground crew is quickly moving towards me, and run past you as you limp away slowly with a broken ankle...
It really seems like Trump hopes to eliminate a large part of our population. He doesn't want any of us to have health services of any kind, airplanes are crashing right and left, measles are breaking out, no one is allowed to speak of bird, flu any longer, etc etc.
Trump calls peaceful Tesla protesters ‘domestic terrorists’ & threatens them? You just lit a fire under this movement. It’s getting bigger, louder, & stronger. We won’t back down, & we won’t be silenced—you haven’t seen anything yet. #TeslaTakeDown
George, the FAA does not maintain American Airlines’ planes, and this was a successful event where the problem was identified ahead of time and handled appropriately by the pilots. There are so many real issues we can call out, but this isn’t one of them.
Unemployment at historic lows, growth was strong, economy the envy of the world...half of the country thought we were in a recession on election day. Bunch of idiots.
As if putin is running the USA government...
We are being taken over, and soon, there will be no hospitals, schools, libraries, public works, or jobs. Just, for profit prisons.
We need to get musk on one of his rockets with a stock Sinclair ZX81 with 1K for the flight systems. Love to see him look like Bill Paxton at the end of "True Lies".
Musk doesn't care. He's busy trying to secure the contract for his Safelink with the #FAA. Think he's purpose is to show air traffic controllers won't ne necessary in the future. The man who can't get his Space X rockets from exploding and Tesla cars killing people and having constant recalls
Its getting bad out there. I'm concering not taking another plane anywhere until something is done or found out. I'll take my chances driving to my destinations.
Cutting FAA funding risks safety & economic stability. Investing in infrastructure & skilled workers boosts long-term growth & resilience. How can we prioritize people and fiscal responsibility? #StakeholderCapitalism 🤝
So this one can't be blamed on FAA, I don't think. The plane diverted to Denver due to engine problems. A mechanical failure at this point wouldn't be FAA - no pilot is going to fly a plane without their own checks passing. Denver air traffic controllers safely landed this unscheduled flight.
Every airline has their own maintenance protocol. The FAA approves the protocol, they do not make it. None of the protocols at this point would be affected by the FAA firings.
No pilot will fly a plane they don't believe is safe. It's their own life at risk, too.
I totally agree! The ATC’s and FAA are getting blamed for incidents that are clearly not caused by anything other than mechanical failure. It happens. Small planes have crashed many times in the past d/t engine failure. As for commercial aircraft I mostly blame the airlines maintenance dept.
Of course not, but I think it's important *we* stick to the truth and facts. ATC already has enough pressure; in this case they saved lives despite all they're dealing with.
Well they didn't say that ONLY air traffic control were fired. I have read that the staff that was fired also contained maintenance workers. Have also heard a pilot refused to take off BECAUSE he didn't feel airplane was safe. I'd blame Trump and musk.
Maintenance workers are the airline, so blame them. FAA hires inspectors.
There are two pilots. If both feel its unsafe, they don't take off. Anyone who is saying this is spreading lies. The investigation is ongoing. Now THAT may end false because FAA does it but the BB recording will be public.
I don't give a fuck!!! I am BLAMING the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION!!! The same way they're STILL blaming BIDEN, AND OBAMA for everything happening now!!!! Don't be such a SCHUMER!
Wow, ok. I thought we were smarter than them but I guess we're just doing the same thing. How dare I bring in facts just because they dont support my political affiliation.
I respect your facts. I am still saying that Trump is going to own it. Regardless of the facts. Period. Sometimes it's okay to go low, just like they do. Maybe it's time to start fighting fire with fire!
The FAA has “maintenance techs” but they don’t work on airline fleets. FAA techs keep air traffic control on the air, make sure ground navigation equipment is working and certified like radar, ILS, radio, telecom and weather obs. I think those techs may have been targeted.
But when there is cuts to support positions(add possible termination/pressure to resign etc) to already overworked controllers; we’re asking them to handle these kind of emergencies under even more stress with less - without fail.
But the job cuts have nothing to do with THIS incident. Pilots/maintenance crew do plane checks, not FAA or ATC. FAA approves maintenance protocols but none of that would be affected yet. We've actually had less accidents so far.
No, facts. If you’re blaming this on Trump, you’re as stupid as the right. Airplanes break. Happened during Biden’s administration, happened during Obama’s administration, happened during Clinton’s administration. Corellation doesn’t imply causation.
The FAA doesn’t maintain American Airlines aircraft. American Airlines does. Stop acting like a whackadoodle Republican. Airplanes have moving parts. Moving parts break.
It is up to tRump to ensure that these moving parts don’t break. And yes, it is all trumps fault. If you don’t like this, go fly the Trump shuttle, or Trump airlines..
FAA has their Aircraft Maintenance Division to ensure the airworthiness of civil aircraft. When you let airlines cut back on maintenance to save costs, you put passengers at risk. FAA owns this, and that landing gear incident in Canada.
Dude, I’ve been flying airplanes longer than you’ve been alive. I know how it works. Airplanes are made up of moving parts. Shit breaks. Shit that has nothing to do with the FAA.
No worries! Elmo's splicing SpaceX & Xitter software into the old "air controller" systems. There may be a few bugs, but you can report them as you experience them - if you live.
As someone in the aviation industry, this isn't entirely on the FAA. This is more indicative of maintenance. Most companies submit manuals to the FAA stating what their processes are, which the FAA reviews and approves (or requests changes).
Thinking their strategy is to make cuts in so many places that when they go for the big things – like Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security – they figure people will be used to it or choosing the better of two evils. It's time for #GoodTrouble
Why aren’t democrats doing that??
Passengers evacuated normally from the airway, and one rear slide
- King Donny Thin Skin, probably
Now we have to read and memorize them.
I wonder if they should give us a quiz when we board, just in case.
Work wanted me to go to Georgia. “Nope!”
I'll be driving, thanks.

Okay! Media is soft.
Raskin urges public submit FOIA request to DOGE. Links to form/template letter, mailing address here:
Ben Wikler on People V Musk to combat Elon:
Killing Americans.
On Putin's command.
The American public need to get rid of this regime, and fast.
wing-gripping shoes
for deplaning.
Sorry on a bit of a mission at the moment for equality of access to content.
I think it's going to be that way with plane crashes within a year.
Yeah, I miss those days.
We are being taken over, and soon, there will be no hospitals, schools, libraries, public works, or jobs. Just, for profit prisons.
color me "not surprised."
I guess this is where we are in the news media
Nothing is a fact any more
Maybe they elected a new Pope on that flight?
- parroting this one:
(an oldie and still not a goodie)
They've been the busiest people in government the last 2 months.
No pilot will fly a plane they don't believe is safe. It's their own life at risk, too.
There are two pilots. If both feel its unsafe, they don't take off. Anyone who is saying this is spreading lies. The investigation is ongoing. Now THAT may end false because FAA does it but the BB recording will be public.
What happens /next/ is going to be up to the FAA.