Lil Marco is a sad example of a little boy who wants more. Only way to get more, tho, is to sell his soul. His choice, but choices have consequences. How his family will deal with his disgrace will be interesting.
What would you do in the Administration? I need people on TV, and I need it now. The administion will be contracted with Public Broadcasting Network (PBS). I love the company. It will serve as a powerful channel like it was in tbe 80s. Let me know!
America is a declining empire. The Trump administration is accelerating that decline. Trump is alienating all his allies and there is no worst enemy than a betrayed friend.
Rubio is such a cuck and shill. “He is a con artist," Rubio said. "He runs on this idea he is fighting for the little guy, but he has spent his entire career sticking it to the little guy — his entire career."
The only thing funny about this is that they put the least threatening, most milquetoast, unintimidating, flaccid, weak, spineless, impotent, unconvincing fucking bucket of cuckit to do tough guy work. How us any leader supposed to take him? They’d be better off using Dora’s Diego to do this.
Yup. Freedom Index is great for shutting down American propaganda about how they're so great. Some won't even believe me after links are provided, so I don't expect much... the " did my own research" crowd needs to learn how to ACTUALLY do research.
In the EU, "organic" means having a certification for sustainable, ecological farming. In this case, it refers to the Canadian CA-ORG-006 certificate issued by Ecocert Canada, which is recognized in the EU.
It never ceases to amaze me how these Trumpy pieces of shit can wake up in the morning and think of new ways to be an even shittier piece of shit than the day before.
These fucking cowards, like Rubio, wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes in a fire fight in Vietnam or any war we Americans have fought! The people that originally elected these miscreants deserve what they get. It’s unfortunate that the rest of us that didn’t, have to endure this fucking shit show!
When he used the phrase "Ukrainesplain" I found myself wondering if he knows anything at all about the history of conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the last 100 years. Prolly not. I'm confident he knows nothing about the Holodomor or how many millions of people died from forced starvation.
If we get that far! I fear that maga will be destroy democracy in quick order here and we'll be under fascists rulers for some time. Thanks Chuck and the do nothing dems.
We should start a new party that fights back instead of caving all the time.
Lets swim in the non-sense. The left would win all elections moving forward if Canada was ONE state - the reps alone would outweigh California. They would demand and get universal healthcare and the left would become the majority in both houses in 2026.
I must say that rubio is not a flip-flopper, seeing that you would need to have standards and principles in order to reverse course on an opinion or position that you had previously held - therefore spineless worm is most apropos
Marco shut the fuck up you are out of your element ya spineless turd burger.
I feel confident that many of my fellow Canadians agree ,even the ones that don't like cussing...
Yes, they totally want to go from sleeping peacefully, knowing they have health care, to tossing and turning wondering if they can find and afford treatment as part of the US.
This is what bullies do. Push and push for what they want until either their victim folds or retaliates. Canada will retaliate. It won’t be pretty for old diaper Donny.
I mean, I think RFK Jr. Is the wormiest. But Lil' Marco certainly lacks a spine. There are jellyfish floating around the Pacific that would be better equipped to stand up for themselves and their kind.
Trump's "argument" is wishy washy. He wants what Canada has, so he is trying to create this false narrative that "many Canadians" want to join the US. I'm Canadian. I know many Canadians. I don't know one that thinks merging with the US would be good for Canada. Fuck Trump. Fuck Rubio.
Time to use the proper words. Its not annexation, forced to join, or any other word than invasion and act of war, period.
The US is talking about starting a war with one of its closest allies.
Rubio really understood respect. Did he still play the game… yes. But not like everybody else. Thus I will always have a special place in my heart for Rubio.
He thinks if he is loyal he will be next inline for the MAGA presidency.
The flaw in this plan
A no one votes for a worm
B Donald will destroy the GOP
C He is not crazy enough, everyone can see he is faking it
America is that ugly drunk guy trying to pick up beautiful countries but clearly doesn't get what consent is. We said no. We meant no. What's the global equivalent of throwing a drink in America's face? Cause that's what we'd like to do
I hate to say this, but _technically_ he's not lying. His most bigliest dear leader _has_ made his argument. I'm not saying it's a good argument. In fact it's an argument that more or less proves he is a blithering idiot that shouldn't be allowed access to sharp objects, but he _has_ made it.
This is just the kind of human-centipede-levels of arse-kissing, weaselly non-statement we can expect from collaborators and enablers who also want to cover their own arses from the fallout from when the regime inevitably implodes under the weight of it's own weapons-grade stupidity.
Oh no another one who’s head is so far up his arse he is able clean his teeth, where do you Americans pick them up from, another dick you voted into office
Lindsey is not the least bit consequential. The point being made is that Rubio is running for president when this is over. Lindsey is not running for president or anything else.
In Florida, Rubio is known as “El Gusanito”, the little worm. He has never done a day’s honest work in his life and never will. His two greatest qualities are that he is unprincipled and easily seduced by power.
I cannot comprehend why Republicans choose to be metaphorically castrated by their mango Mussolini. For all their claims of individualistic freedom they only bow down at every opportunity.
I believe every Democrat Senator voted for Rubio. The bulk of the democrats are fine with this hostile takeover and seem more annoyed by the resistance than supportive.
The only reason the movement is even acknowledged by them is they think it may lead to campaign donations in 26/28.
I’m ready for Canada to threaten sanctions if Vonshitzhispants or any of his minions mention this 51st state shit again. It’s an act of war and should be treated as such.
Between 2012 and 2022, untouched Teslas have had 232 confirmed cases of fires and 83 fatalities worldwide.
New markets awaits! Now go, and make my beloved siroup not so freakishly expansive here, in EU 😉
We are looking to strengthen trade with the EU (have been for years).
In researching, Poland has a small Ample Syrup production as well.
and "VACANT"
because they were "done by Autopen."
Trump’s unconscious “Projections”
Trump’s mass-psychosis
Make short work of him!
We should start a new party that fights back instead of caving all the time.
This is so stupid, and yet here we are.
Get that guy 34 waters and he'll wake up.
But it's not.
Trump is an accurate reflection of what much of the US has become. This is not temporary; this is reality.
but i do agree that a lot of people just act as if this will sponteniusly fix itself in an clean timeskip
Donny Bingbong must have some serious dirt on him.
I feel confident that many of my fellow Canadians agree ,even the ones that don't like cussing...
It blows the mind.
Bernie, WTF!?
The US is talking about starting a war with one of its closest allies.
The flaw in this plan
A no one votes for a worm
B Donald will destroy the GOP
C He is not crazy enough, everyone can see he is faking it
There’s a lot of competition for main worm
(I’d wish for certain parts of his anatomy to shrivel up and fall off, but I fear that’s probably already happened)
Seriously? Canada join the US? What the actual fuck crackpot thought this up?
The only reason the movement is even acknowledged by them is they think it may lead to campaign donations in 26/28.
Rubio: It's not stealing if you force them to give it to you (sex, your country, minerals..)