Alright Dems.Is this The hill We want to die on?We have BIGGER fish to fry.Hopefully we can take back the Senate and appoint Chris Murphy as the majority leader.He is AWESOME
It's fucking stupid. The GOP was prepared for a multimonth shutdown, and the courts were set to run out of funding in a few weeks. Chuck Schumer made the best of two terrible choices. Either Trump and Musk got to run around destroying the government unabated without the defense of the courts for/
/literal months, or taking the virtually as bad CR bill, that at least allowed the courts, the only area that's actually in a position to actually stop the worst parts of Trump's agenda and have, to remain functional.
Unfortunately, the typical voter is stupid, and those in the upper-middle-class/
And if he’d voted to shut down the gov? The courts shut down. And what is the ONLY entity telling little Donny no? The only entity keeping him in check? The courts. We needs them OPEN.
Schumer is toast. Any suggestions on his replacement for Minority Leader. Murphy from CT (fair notice, I live in CT) is about the only Democratic Senator who has put up any fight.
I'm confused: Schumer explained it thus: the budget deal was bad. But shutdown would put total government control into the hands of the Executive branch, i.e. Trump, Musk, Vance. The latter scares me FAR more than the former.
I wonder if it's because his plan to punt the problem to the courts was almost immediately destroyed.
Riddle me this, how do you stop a man who has the power to pardon any federal crime, and who the courts cannot touch. Oh and he can only be impeached by the party that controls Congress.
Not guts. Arrogance & desperation, he knows from the huge backlash, he signed his political death warrant and is doing damage control to try to save his career as a zionist power broker
He can forget about promoting that zionist propaganda book. Since when does the Holocaust excuse genocide anyway? Why is it that anytime someone defends a Palestinian’s right to live in their own homeland a zionist screams “anti-semite”? Palestinians didn’t kill 6 million jews did they.
Enough about Schumer, the real enemy is tRump and Muskrat. Let's focus on that. This said, Schumer needs to hide for a while, he has been in the news cycle way too long
The problem for me is... I don't know if Schumer was right, that allowing the shut-down plays into Trump/Musk's hand. Although, if that's true, why did Republicans in the House pass the bill? They could have enabled the shut down. I don't know whose judgement to trust and I'm no expert! 🤔
Schumer’s life was threatened. In private, and he folded like a craven worm. That’s what happened. That’s why he did a sudden 180. They targeted the most corrupt members of the Senate for a reason. Corruption is a good predictor of cowardice
It's because now they can let the idiots vilify Democrats for taking the literal definition of the lesser of two evils, which hurts Democrats going into the 2026 mid-terms. It's not a hard thing to figure out. They told Democrats how much worse a shutdown would be, removing the courts when they ran/
I feel the same way. Not sure if Schumer was right or wrong in his decision. We went through a short shut down a few years ago and there were a lot of people who were hurt by it. Unfortunately, Schumer's choice will take time to find out.
Except we don't. The GOP was prepared for a multimonth shutdown, and funding for the courts was going to run out in a few weeks. It was the better of two terrible options.
The republicans didn’t want to be the ones to shut down the government. They wanted the Democrats to do it for them, so they didn’t have to take the blame. But when the Democrats didn’t do it, the next best thing for the Republicans was to allow the bill to pass.
It was a damned if you do, damned if you don’t kind of thing. If the government had shut down, in essence that would’ve handed Trump and his minions even more power than they already had, because in a government shutdown the executive branch gets to make all choices about what to keep open.
Really? You’re watching trump dismantle the constitution? try to impeach judges that don’t agree with him? Openly ignore the law? Turning off funding without understanding what the funding is for? You don’t know whose judgement to trust?
I feel exactly like you do 😂 DOGE wants to fire everyone in the government and democrats are like well let’s shut the government down and layoff everyone right now. What a genius idea!!! The bill is a continuance of the original bill by guess who? Oh that’s right Nancy Pelosi 😂
At ~30% approval rating for democratic party, Schumer could seriously damage their prospects in the midterm election if he pulls a Biden and refuses to step down for new leadership. He's a political anchor to the party along with many of the over 65 year old senators hanging on.
We need upper age limits. This whole fiasco is being perpetrated by our oldest politicians. A start could be the DNC enacting internal policies until there is the capability to enact federal policy
Too bad you’re busy fighting each other rather than focusing on the real problems your country is facing. But sure attach Schumer while Trump and the rest of his cronies systematically dismantle the rights of people.
All the love to Sunny Hostin of #TheView. Even if America goes *tits-up*, she'll be regarded favorably for her courage, which is more than we can say for
Stop divide and conquer.Latest shiny outrage caused millions to skip voting or vote third party;gave us Trump TWICE!Voting to shut gov would have been very satisfying but it would have also given Trump quicker ability to undo gov’t without court roadblocks.No right answer.Unity against common enemy.
It’s all about his giant ego. He could easily appoint several Dem Senators to lead the charge and be out front in public and let them guide strategy while he focuses on the arcane rules and procedures. But he won’t because his big fucking ego won’t allow him.
He’ll be remembered as the flaccid Senator who placed an impending book tour over the importance of standing up for his country when the moment was at hand.
But if Shumer's RIGHT about how much worse things would be if the CR fails and causes a shutdown, instead of attacking him they should APOLOGIZE to him.
I agree. I’m always bitching about how dems are incapable of looking down the road to predict the worst possible outcome. Schumer did consider worst case scenario and acted accordingly. I’ve changed my mind and now believe he did the right thing.
_Personally, for the last 2+ decades , I have advocated for 1 or 2 things.
1. A multiparty system that should do much to curb one (or two) parties from gaining too damned much power.
2. No parties at ALL! You just vote for whomever looks good regardless of party. The same for politicians.
Let's get the younger Ds in that still have energy, and hope. And are willing to evolve with the changing political landscape. Americans have many people to turn to for leadership. Stop just letting the old boys club continue.
The AOC/Bernie tour is inspiring, there is energy out there.
And vice versa - CLEARLY!
May he earn all the things he has deserved.
all hypocrites
why was he even entertained as a guest
Right to redress etc.
Unfortunately, the typical voter is stupid, and those in the upper-middle-class/
Wake up ! Resist at every turn!
Riddle me this, how do you stop a man who has the power to pardon any federal crime, and who the courts cannot touch. Oh and he can only be impeached by the party that controls Congress.
That's not guts, that's cowardice, he expected to get nothing but adoration from the media.
Trump is the enemy. This is why Trump keeps winning.
Stop talking about this and get back to focusing on Trump.
The 9 Senate traitors who voted for the CR must be primaried, defunded, heckled, & embarrassed everywhere they appear. They must go, too.
They’re not leading, they’re surrendering to Trump.
We need true leaders. AOC, Bernie, Jasmine, Pritzker, Walz, Murphy are showing how
This is why America is screwed.
They had a BAD and WORSE choice as only options. They chose worse. Why?
Because the 4wk standing CR to negotiate was SHOT DOWN by Republicans!
"The operation you had where they removed your spine, was it painful or did they have you numbed up for it?"
Whatever cost it would entail in terms of burned bridges would totally be worth it. F*ck that guy!
IF he was right.
And, while I've been saying this for YEARS, rhe Democrats always seem to rely on the same failed strategy:
Vote fort us because the Republicans are so much WORSE than we are. Which might be true, it still doesn't explain much about what THEY'II do.
1. A multiparty system that should do much to curb one (or two) parties from gaining too damned much power.
2. No parties at ALL! You just vote for whomever looks good regardless of party. The same for politicians.
The AOC/Bernie tour is inspiring, there is energy out there.