Does this green light Dems getting rid of some of the more troublesome Conservative judges once they get power back? Judge Aileen Cannon comes to mind.
What would not surprise me:
The money collected from DOGE go towards building a palace for Trump and musk like the palace of Versailles or the Trump Mahal.
I would also not be surprised if they razed the White House to do this.
It's the find out stage judge. You know the fuck around and find out thing?
You created this monster with all the back handers you were getting. Have you heard the saying Judge of locking the barn door after the horse has bolted? Or preventive detection huh?? Judge fuck head.
Makes this fool a king. scotus is a joke. They have zero authority. They are a rouge faction of the maga mob.
I will follow nothing They decide. They speak for the wealthy not the people. Resist
Then vs. now--I'd say don't conflate the two. I strongly believe Justice Roberts was wrong on Presidential Immunity but I will welcome any resistance we get from him vs the pending oligarchy.
For real. One of the things that I hope for is that after all of this is said and done John Roberts has a tarnished legacy. It was the last thing he wanted and I hope he gets it hard AF.
FCK him George
Justice Robert’s has shown the world he stands w/Putin also He’s just trying some damage control after the world heard tfg thanking a Supreme Court Justice for his corruption of the law
He FAFO... I can't help but wonder how Harlan Crow and some of those other billionaires are feeling about now with the stock market and the economy crashing.??? And Trump's coming for their Court!!!
Trump is so stupid he thinks the actual Declaration of Independence is hanging in the Oval office, even though it is printed on glaring white modern paper 🤦♀️
He’s going to have to start actually ruling in favor of the constitution for us to trust him again, not just commenting on it. That immunity ruling will be known for centuries as the biggest fumble the Supreme Court has ever made.
Exactly. WHEN the ROBERTS’ COURT did this, my FIRST thought was WTF are you guys thinking. IF THE Fascist trump ever became president again DEMOCRACY is SCREWED. 🤔APPEARS this “WOMAN” Was a lot SMARTER than the CHIEF JUSTICE. JACKASSES
And to think that these judges are highly educated yet paid no attention to history - which is now repeating itself.
After elected, Hitler, had no use for anyone that disagreed with him, and a paranoia that sent many of his minions to prison or death.
If this path continues, Trump will do the same.
He thought he could retain his current "status" when Trump became dictator. Unfortunately it will be too late for us when he finally reaches the point in the history books were the dictator quietly kills those who got him to power because they are the most dangerous to him maintaining said power.
These fascist judges may now began to see their mistake - a huge mistake that may also bite them in the ass! A criminal dictator has zero respect for the “law”!
SCROTUS Roberts didn't foresee the future of their creation! 🤬
The Judicial Branch will no longer exist if he doesn't fix it ASAP! The convicted 🍊💩felon already eviscerated the other branches of the government, the Judicial Branch is next. 🤬👿
Especially when you know that he was a guilty criminal. And you knew he was an insurrection leader. Trump has many crimes that you know of and yet, he’s the leader of the free? World.
If there's a road to redemption for Roberts, it starts with reversing the decision on presidential immunity. Until such time, and I say this with all sincerity, fuck Roberts.
Republicans only ever act when they, themselves feel the pain.
It’s what makes them able to turn a blind eye when bad shit happens to others.
Lack of empathy and human kindness. It’s why we are where we are. Republicans..
Too little, too late. Also, it's telling that he only seemed to care when Trump went after judges, but was fine with Trump going after everyone else. This is not a man of principle.
Just like everyone else they were fine with him until they started coming after themselves. There was no concern for Roberts, but now that Trump is going after judges there is an issue. It is so simple when making decisions in life; think outside of yourself and you generally cannot go wrong.
Well he didn’t exactly smack him down hard enough. The ROBERTS’ COURT is the reason we ARE HERE. IT WAS UNDER HIS “LEADERSHIP” that the Supreme Court gave presidents “immunity”. At the very LEAST a plurality of EVERYDAY AMERICAN CITIZENS KNEW trump would PUSH THAT VAGUELY WORDED ruling to the limit
Do you think he's figuring out how embarassingly stupid and self defeating it is for a supreme court to rule that someone is above the law... especially a wannabe dictator?!
He's a joke... he gave Trump immunity and look at the state of our country... he sold us out. Trump doesn't care what the #supremecourt says now.. he doesn't have to listen. #johnroberts is a fool.
Roberts' weak rebuke of dumpy pales in comparison to his decision giving him almost unlimited power to do whatever he wants as president and is just not enough. He, and the conservatives on the court, will always be remembered as corrupt and illegitimate.
True the responsibility lies with the Republicans for not impeaching and the corupt Supreme Court for ignoring the 14th and pritty much say he can be a king.
Justice Roberts is covering his *ss. He's a Judge and if other Judges can be impeachment, maybe he could too. Plus, it plays into the good guy/bad guy script courtesy of the McMahons.
It’s a game-Roberts is merely trying to protect his turf but will make sure Trump gets whatever he wants. Read the tea leaves -it’s just not that hard.
I think It was meant to cover for Trump’s personal “Thank you.Won’t forget it” comment at the SIU. Trump & Roberts played this dance in 2018 when he pushed back on the judge attacks & still gave him immunity. He will rule in his favor on major cases today shaping exec power & point to this pushback
Roberts showed no "energy". He made a small statement that means nothing. More BULLSHIT from Trump, and feigned nothingness from the "leader" of our SCOTUS.
Oh, suddenly Roberts sees the ire turned against his own branch and wants to get some gumption? Too little too late buddy. You created the circus AND the monkey. OWN it.
I wish my tender heart could bleed for him, but I love our country and our kids too much right now. I can't even find my tiny violin,!
Let the battle commence🤔
Sadly, this is undoubtedly a facade, the result being that he asked Trump to use the Appeals Process. When the Tantrum King gets to the SC, they’ll likely endorse anything he wants that does not remove the Supremacy of the SC. This is the Way!
That classic moment in every self-absorbed idiot's life when they finally realize "Oh crap, all of this sh!tty suff I have been enabling could affect ME!"
Agree, but now that he's seeing the consequences of this decision - let's see if he works to re-establish some balance. We need his help, and now is better than never.
I hope this is a +sign but let’s not forget how we got here. It was the SC that gave him immunity in the 1st place. Roberts letting everyone know that his court will overturn the judge(s) ruling(s) to align w/ the MAGA con unfolding in this country. He could be providing legitimacy to the insanity.
There was a time when a chief justice rebuking a president would have meant something. Some time BEFORE officials like Tom Homan started saying "I don't care what judges think."
He will be known for Citizens United and the immunity decision. He will go down in history as the Chief Justice who oversaw the destruction of democracy
It is the supreme court ruling that expanded presidential immunity, which has allowed Trump to disregard laws and due process, as well as disregarding constitutional rights to try to grab more power and further his insane agenda.
Ask again. This is what happens when a man of Roberts caliber chose politics over the law and accountability it comes right back to stir you in the face. Granting trump broad overreach of power including immunity etc what was he expecting? Judy nonsense.
The autocracy will not permit anyone questioning the supreme leader. Wait until your neighbours start snitching on you to the police for saying the wrong thing, and you get detained under the mental health act. They can hold you under that for life, without trial.
Another Republican that was fine with it hurting only Democrats and apparently those who are not judges. Did you think you could stop him after you gave him immunity? You over rated your own intelligence.
The money collected from DOGE go towards building a palace for Trump and musk like the palace of Versailles or the Trump Mahal.
I would also not be surprised if they razed the White House to do this.
Roberts says, "impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision,"
explaining, "The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose."
If the case ends up in the Supreme Court, Roberts may overturn it there.
oh i cant wait for the show.
You created this monster with all the back handers you were getting. Have you heard the saying Judge of locking the barn door after the horse has bolted? Or preventive detection huh?? Judge fuck head.
No Immunity.
I will follow nothing They decide. They speak for the wealthy not the people. Resist
Justice Robert’s has shown the world he stands w/Putin also He’s just trying some damage control after the world heard tfg thanking a Supreme Court Justice for his corruption of the law
But it gave free reign to presidents wishing to break the law, as if that was needed.
Roberts is a poor judge of character of the man who would take that inch and run a million miles with it.
Justice Roberts, what is wrong with your head?
After elected, Hitler, had no use for anyone that disagreed with him, and a paranoia that sent many of his minions to prison or death.
If this path continues, Trump will do the same.
Hypocrisy at its finest
Not sure why we think any one of this Christian Nationalists would stand up
Great Job scotus 😖
SCOTUS can undo Supreme Court decisions.
Time for them to see the light before it is too late !
The Judicial Branch will no longer exist if he doesn't fix it ASAP! The convicted 🍊💩felon already eviscerated the other branches of the government, the Judicial Branch is next. 🤬👿
You already earned your place in perpetual infamy.
It’s what makes them able to turn a blind eye when bad shit happens to others.
Lack of empathy and human kindness. It’s why we are where we are. Republicans..
More leopard face eating.
The Supreme Court of Clerics will not fail their God: money.
Oh, did we ever find out who paid Kavanaugh's debt and country club dues?
It was fine until he started targeting judges.
Sadly, this is undoubtedly a facade, the result being that he asked Trump to use the Appeals Process. When the Tantrum King gets to the SC, they’ll likely endorse anything he wants that does not remove the Supremacy of the SC. This is the Way!
Welcome to the party, pal!
The minute Roberts saw the writing on the wall that he could be next, all of a sudden he’s got a voice.
His court is a fucking disgrace and so is he. History will not be kind.
This isn't an attack of conscience: his ego and legacy are being threatened.
Making Merca great again!