"nazis did fascism & holocaust" is not slander, it's educational content. Disney's morally-justified propaganda films were the memes of their day. Also yet again the right finds a way to weaponize their own ignorance.
Yeah guys it wasn't the gas chambers , the death camps, and the all out war in Europe they caused. I was short films vilifying them. And if you are this stupid your hopeless.
democracy would work much better if people had to show they are informed about what they're about to vote on before voting.
This would be impossible in the US of course, because 99% are uninformed and there would never be consensus on the answers to the test, since politics matter more than science.
Imagine trying to be a History Revisionist in the Intormation Era 😂😂😂😂
All its gonna do is a make a bunch of brainless idiots know nothing about history... most of them never left their shitty town but if they do go abroad, they'll be the laughing stock if they bring it up 😂😂
I think these idiot posts are designed to be so stupid they generate lots of social media interaction...to make money. It's probably a bot account of some guy in China or India
Oh Jesus! These people voted for a self-centered, morally bankrupt, mentally impaired, totally compromised, emotionally vacuous fat troll who idolizes Hitler and would sell anyone out in less than a New York minute.
I once was in a conversation with some friends. One of their friends didn't know what nazis were and had never heard of them. She was home schooled by her ultra religious parents. She knew nothing about history but knew the bible inside and out. Not that that helped her ever ....
She still lived with her parents which definitely was part of her problems. I tried explaining the basics and she just shook her head and refused to listen.
My public US education covered the history of the America from the Mayflower though the Emancipation Proclamation.
In extreme detail, with live reenactors and pioneer fetishizing.
If I did not have access to books and radio, I could have gone all the way through school and not ever heard of WWII.
"history of the America" was a typo, but hey, it's a remarkably accurate description of a of history that focuses on Manifest Destiny and Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Go to the Walt Disney Family Museum at San Francisco Presdio and they have an exhibit showing films and posters made during WW2 which made fun of Hitler
All this
for your fellow
Democrats that
They quickly told you
that needs
WTF were they doing?
Mini elon
All good questions!
Why wasn't Obama quicker to react to 9-11?
Why was Biden nowhere to be found after Pearl Harbor?
Why have we never seen Hitler and Bill Clinton in the same room together?
Maybe we need a podcast to answer these questions!?!?
What next? "When I saw RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, I didn't realize those guys in the brown uniforms with the funny black spiders on them were bad German guys! I WAS LIED TO!"
Schindler's List! How was I supposed to know that Oscar Schindler wasn't the bad guy? He was obviously breaking the law. . . I feel lied to. *hands on hips.*
My American dad joined Canada during early WW2. My dad came home 3 years later 100% disabled. The Canadian Government took care of him the rest of his life and left money for my mom after dad died. Thank you Canada! You made my childhood so much better.
Canada was quite generous with our vets. My Mom's Dad fought, and had his left leg blown off at the hip; his injuries are what arguably led to his premature death in the late 50s. He was given a house, and an attached neighboring lot. Whole neighborhoods of houses for vets.
I was just reading about Brundibar and the whole Red Cross visit to Terezin about an hour ago and now seeing this. Not too similar. Misinformation and smoke and mirrors.
Anyone who had history classes before 1985 knows that all animation houses in the US worked with & produced propaganda for the war effort. The vilified all the Axis countries. Some of the tropes about the Japanese are still with us today.
She should check out the reality of the lemmings movie, where Disney film makers chucked lemmings off a cliff to support their thesis of them committing mass suicide.
If she's anything like the american idiots, she's already had 5 kids and plans on having another 5. Because american idiots all seem to want to produce as many spawn as possible so they can always have someone to talk down to even when they're wrong.
A few days ago I wondered what they actually see in him and why they continue to support his leadership. After a bit of searching I stumbled upon this absolute gem.
Joe McCarthy
Roy Cohn
Newt Gingrich
Mitch McConnell
Ron Paul
and others created MAGA,the dispossessed, Lied time and again,promising 'jam tomorrow' while stiffing their voters trump is the pied piper that MAGA have waited for, coincidentally he is the perfect patsy for The Heritage foundation
Misappropriation of the truth. That’s the thin veil papering over the wall of denial. They’re only a few that are this gaslit. Everybody else is willingly that stupid.
Our educational system at its finest. But now that tRUMP is dismantling it altogether, it's only going to get worse. Which is exactly what GOP wants. Ignorant people vote for MAGA.
FFS!! There were lots of cartoons and movies that vilified the Nazis. Even Sherlock Holmes movies with Basil Rathbone fought against the Nazis. https://youtu.be/NgBZzkJbCHo?si=AjwuC1FaBxWFWxL_
Or only when their side is totally ideologically pure. Like the Leftists who couldn't vote for Kamala over her qualified support for Israel, who now enabled Trump's support for war crimes and total ethnic cleansing of Gaza.
Oh God I agree with most of you 99% of the time but where Gazza is concerned I think you were lied to yes hamas committed horrible things but so did Israel ethnic cleansing didn't start with Trump.
Why is the conflict in Ukraine treated so differently please look at the total devastation of Gazza
Dear mr. Takei, serious question (no conspiracy theory) : Do you also have the feeling that mental capabilities of all mankind is decreasing since Covid-19?
I'm desperately looking for a medical reason for the overall stupidity of large part of the world.
Best regards from the Netherlands.
That fool needs to sit through some Leni Riefenstahl films to understand how devoted the Nazis were to propaganda. Sadly today's right wing learned their lessons, not Disney's lessons.
I used to ignore the trolls and bots…but now I see that many people believe their crap. ROSIE is dangerous, whoever/whatever it is, because fools follow its account. Ignore at your own risk. Better to attack and bury it in the backyard. 💜🇺🇸🇨🇦💜
Yes, they need to learn history, but that can only happen with competent history educators. And I know firsthand the weakness of history instruction. Couple that with the fact that people must want to be educated. A talk task on both points.
I keep saying that if you want to reach these people you have to do it at a 6th grade level because 54% of American adults are illiterate above the 6th grade.
Did someone explicitly go to him and say “oh hey btw, did you know during WWII, Disney definitely never made any videos critical of Germany”? Because that would be being lied to, and would also have been weird. Discovering new knowledge that hasn’t been highlighted for you before is not that.
One has to wonder what kind of character deprivation led to such people. I don’t think she ever watched Looney Tunes, because they too made propaganda cartoons to support the war effort (and also some extremely cringe Japanese stereotypes).
Actually I have those Disney propaganda shorts and they 𝘥𝘪𝘥 vilify Germany but, hey, fight fire with fire!
During WW II, my father listened to German propaganda on a shortwave.
Once a barrage balloon over the steel plant was lost during a thunder storm.
German radio aired the incident an hour later.
Correct, but one can only fit so much in a BlueSky post.
History shows that autocratic control takes only a small minority of a country's population too.
The Communist Party in China makes up less than 10% of China's population.
Calling themselves 'communist' is disingenuous, they're an autocracy.
It's time to take patriotism away from the maga crowd. We need to flood every space and outlet with Country first!!!! Now is the time to take the flag back.
There are so many books and articles about Nazis and their heinous actions in WW2 you would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to know what the Nazis did.
Start with the premise that white supremacy is the way, sprinkle in some hatred of anyone who doesn’t conform, stir up with 24/7 rage media and bake at 88 degrees until your “conservative base” are just frothing Nazis.
Created in 1941, Wonder Woman was anti Axis from the start. My question is why anyone would think it’s a bad thing for Disney or anyone else to fight Nazis?
"we've been lied to..." basically means I never learned how to do research. Maybe if we had something where we could type in a question and multiple responses would appear. Maybe.
This is a typical reply that misapprehends the original post. The op is fascist propaganda designed to lower resistance to fascism and further the notion that there's nothing wrong with aligning with Russia and that people who suggest it's wrong are just propagandizing us with hate.
Disney, Fleischer Studios and Paramount (Popeye, Superman), Warner Brothers and just about every animation/entertainment studio made propaganda films against the Axis powers during WWII, and some did that during the Cold War against the USSR as well.
Haven't these jelloheads ever heard of BOOKS?
There are far too many people that learn a single fact and don't bother to understand everything that led up to that fact, so they just jump to "It's a conspiracy!" instead.
Before WWII, there were many elected congressmen and senators who were being paid by Nazi Germany to spread Nazi propaganda, as well as a minister who had a national "Christian" broadcast.
Much as thats a nice fantasy, in the US currently such a test is likely to be "Is trump the god-emperor, yes/no" with "no" being the wrong answer and instant loss of voting rights.
I would add a few 'difficult' questions like 'you have 2 apples and you ate one, how many do you have left' or a really difficult one 'you can walk on water, what season is it'
The number of "truth seekers", who repeat the same talking points verbatim, has been a serious wake up call. Once I started to hear it in person, I realized it was time to do the up close push back. Disinformation for profit, has turned into a totally legal and lucrative business model.
IBM, the business that started in the US of A, made counting machines that counted, ordered and sorted people into concentration camps, even during times of sanctions and embargoes, the US kept supplying nazi germany with many resources, because money's louder than peoples' voices in the USA...
George, my 8 year old is half Chinese, in China. I don't talk down to him, I talk up to smart. I explained why I won't bring him here. He said, "That is so fucked up."
To be fair, the US dragged its feet feet for about a year while allies were being attacked and invaded, and didn't step up until they were attacked themselves.
Now, I should also include that they added a lot of needed help when they did join, and it probably wouldn't have been won without them.
That late join though. . .
Oh, come now. They couldn't just go fighting Nazi Germany all willy-nilly like that, it would've saddened or upset the folks who attended that rally in Madison Square Garden.
Yes, the Bund. Couldn't upset them. But it wasn't just the openly fascist folks; a lot of the capitalists, despite perhaps being pro-democracy in practice and principle, were giving the Third Reich the 'lebensraum' they wanted, as long as the profits were good.
Just a reminder, USA did not declare war on Nazi Germany, it was the other way around that brought USA into WWII when the Nazis declared war on the USA
We covered this in class: The US Congress & about half the population were isolationists influenced by Nazis. FDR wanted US involvement MUCH earlier but politically couldn't do anything until after Pearl Harbor when Congress declared war. #highschoolhistory #payattention
It should be remembered that the USA didn't declare war on Nazi Germany.
Nazi Germany declared war on the USA a few days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Too mean? Ha. Talk to me again after our country completely collapses.
So I guess you now know the truth that Oliver Wendell Douglass couldn't really talk to Arnold Ziffell.
This would be impossible in the US of course, because 99% are uninformed and there would never be consensus on the answers to the test, since politics matter more than science.
A warning about fascism.
"DONT BE A MUGGA". Please somebody use AI to update this.
All its gonna do is a make a bunch of brainless idiots know nothing about history... most of them never left their shitty town but if they do go abroad, they'll be the laughing stock if they bring it up 😂😂
We have our share of dipshits, too.
I learned about this multiple times in school starting in elementary.
Pretty sure it’s in the Canadian curriculum when learning history and propaganda.
I just don’t know how she could not learn this when she was young, if she was enrolled in the school districts.
I’m severely ADHD and had no support for it till a lot later.
That’s how often they talked about it!
But thanks - the idea that I could be even perceived as someone who paid attention back then is a huge compliment. 😂
In extreme detail, with live reenactors and pioneer fetishizing.
If I did not have access to books and radio, I could have gone all the way through school and not ever heard of WWII.
for your fellow
Democrats that
They quickly told you
that needs
WTF were they doing?
Mini elon
Why wasn't Obama quicker to react to 9-11?
Why was Biden nowhere to be found after Pearl Harbor?
Why have we never seen Hitler and Bill Clinton in the same room together?
Maybe we need a podcast to answer these questions!?!?
I'm just saying...
Should we tell the red-hat guy? George W Obama was reading to a kindergarten class in that day.
The US didn't get involved in WWII until the end of 1941. Our comic books were fighting nazis before the US was.
I was young and naïve.
Note to the OP
Find a dictionary
Look up the word
''Propaganda ''
( It's in the section for words beginning with 'P' )
Roy Cohn
Newt Gingrich
Mitch McConnell
Ron Paul
and others created MAGA,the dispossessed, Lied time and again,promising 'jam tomorrow' while stiffing their voters trump is the pied piper that MAGA have waited for, coincidentally he is the perfect patsy for The Heritage foundation
MAGA is just 15% of the population.
We can beat them.
But it's important to remember that death and destruction is their goal.
1) You Nazty Spy
2) I'll Never Heil Again
I can suggest a few books if you are interested.
Happy to receive your book suggestions to expand my own knowledge 👍🏽
These people faced attacks by their countrymen and even the authorities for their work and now idiots are demonizing them
Only a national General Strike may get us out of this without a bloody civil war and world war.
Why is the conflict in Ukraine treated so differently please look at the total devastation of Gazza
I'm desperately looking for a medical reason for the overall stupidity of large part of the world.
Best regards from the Netherlands.
@support.bsky.team, thank you 🙏🫡
**stupid people are EVERYWHERE..
there's no regional or national connection to it. It's called #willfulignorance with a large side of arrogance
During WW II, my father listened to German propaganda on a shortwave.
Once a barrage balloon over the steel plant was lost during a thunder storm.
German radio aired the incident an hour later.
History shows that autocratic control takes only a small minority of a country's population too.
The Communist Party in China makes up less than 10% of China's population.
Calling themselves 'communist' is disingenuous, they're an autocracy.
Can't see it now, that's a good thing
What a time!
A 1942 MGM anti-fascist propaganda cartoon starring the 3 Little Pigs & directed by the great Tex Avery, now at the Internet Archive @archive.org
Haven't these jelloheads ever heard of BOOKS?
Don’t be fooled by the goofy thumbnail. This Disney short is a serious piece.
Sorry to tell the producers and writers of Zero Day, but this isn't "polarization," and it's not going to be fixed.
Probably 80% will fail.
Jesus season.
Buildings that they would then call witches & set on fire.
[Disclaimer: yes, I know what libraries are. Point is, they obviously don't]
Unless Americans do something about it.
they take to social media to strut their arrogance, while fluxing their ignorance.
It’s even more hilarious how they enjoy attacking people stating facts,instead of investing in improving their knowledge! 🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
I am in day 2 of wacko attacks for pointing out USA immigration law & process.
Also- Those films were classics. Who the fuck doesn't love the Three Caballeros? One of the best Disney films of all time.
That late join though. . .
Nazi Germany declared war on the USA a few days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
You libtards are so sensitive 🙄
It’s hard to relay sarcasm through the internet