He [Trump] didn't create the system, but he does have an opportunity to improve it. Hopefully, all this attention will bring to light how broken it is. ----- far out these people
Surprise. They have a quota. They aren't constrained by law. Anyone with a foreign accent, a Hispanic name, or dark skin is at risk. Just a matter of time before we all have to carry our birth certificate with us at all times.
This is who they are. They've wrapped up so much of their personalities into Trump being their savior, it would literally cause their fragile egos to collapse if they admitted how wrong they were.
And he may be YOUR VP, but he is NOT mine. My VP is Tim Walz, who would have won with the 4 million suppressed and illegally thrown out votes from Republican run swing states.
Interesting that he maintains that tRump isn't responsible because he didn't create the system & yet, tRump did. It is incredibly difficult to help someone leave a cult.
I didn't vote for the orange one, but decided to cancel my trip abroad. My husband and I planned this trip for over a year! I can't risk it because I'm a naturalized citizen and I'm too afraid to travel. So fucking insane, but felt necessary as I felt I'm risking my entire life.
Hope this wake up call to “MAGA” doesn’t provoke them to hit the snooze button once again or elicit more declarations of “this is just woke, liberal, extremist propaganda”.
Some advice for Camila Muñoz. Annulment, Sweetheart. This cretin you married is a piece of shit who has zero respect for people of your culture. He doesn’t even care how the monster he voted for has hurt YOU. He’d vote for him again even knowing this happened to you. That’s despicable!
He does not "regret" b/c in his mind he's more attached to maga-choice than his Peruvian "wife"; he repeats the "inefficient system" mantra to collect upward of 10k taxpayers' $ for a bond; "hau, hau!" - my dog smells of manipulation.
We were warned, but a majority of men in the US voted for it.
Michelle Obama: "The men of America seeing their daughters, wives, sisters and mothers put at risk because their rights have been stripped away. The men of America don't want this."
"And you have heard me say, I do believe Donald Trump to be an unserious man, but the consequences of him ever being president again are brutally serious, brutally serious."
Maybe the “king” of America( what t***p supporters think IT is), the genius who discovered “pizzagate”, the still living JFK and the “qanon shaman” can all come together to aid this man in his time of need. That’s what they all believe anyway. This is what this “man” wanted
Somehow deciding that needing to be a legal resident does not apply to you and going on vacation out of the country is just silly.
Sad part is that this sort of thing is what he voted for but did not think through.
There is no reason why he should be “stunned.” Or confused
or surprised
or annoyed
or angry
or anything other than absolutely delighted that the person he voted for
is doing exactly
what the person he voted for
said he’d do
exactly what he’s doing.
He could have voted for expanded healthcare access for his wife (during a pregnancy and for newborn), gov assistance buying a 1st time home for their family, and gov assist starting a new biz if he chose. But he voted to make sure that one trans female never played volleyball at SDSU again.
Boo hoo maybe you shouldn't have voted for a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist wannabe king habitual lying narcissist racist but you did got what you deserved
There's also the idea that nations have the government they deserve...well, the "supreme" Frankencourt provided legal cover for a convicted felon, and enough people voted to put a convicted felon back in office...and he and his Inner Circle brought a heart of darkness with them...
"He [Trump] didn't create the system, but he does have an opportunity to improve it. Hopefully, all this attention will bring to light how broken it is." Like all Trump voters, he's delusional. What's it going to take?!
As someone that was in a cult, this makes sense. Ppl underestimate the feeling of "just knowing" the "truth" that only you and a "select few" do. They even did brain scans, it essentially has the same effect on the brain as pcp
Unfortunately I do. The KGB did a psychology study where they subjected people to fear and gave them nothing but misinformation. After two months regardless of the facts presented still believed the misinformation because it became rooted in their fears. Fox News does this.
"He [Trump] didn't create the system, but he does have an opportunity to improve it. Hopefully, all this attention will bring to light how broken it is."
And this my friends is our problem. Even after being stung, this man is still in denial about his savior.
Yeah, sadly that's all too common. "I never expected the Leopards Eating People's Faces party to eat MY face!"
Maybe she thought he actually meant *criminals* when he talked about getting rid of all the criminals. Maybe she knew what he meant, but believed he wouldn't go after her, his supporter.
You got me all excited for nothing. Over stayed her visa and was detained trying to reenter the US. This has been going on for years. I thought they actually deported her. This is a lame example.
I have total sympathy for her, not him. Being a foreigner in another country and being detained must feel horrifying. And this guy cares more about the man who discriminates against his wife. I hope she makes it out of detention safely and gets away from that selfish pig. He doesn’t deserve her!
he says "this is an opportunity for Trump to revamp the process" and it's a flawed system but he still backs Trump. He says he might have to move to Peru to be with his wife, "but that will be hard on his son" fucking idiot. Her student Visa expired during Covid and she was trapped here that's why.
You SAW his first traitorous run as President. You HEARD our warnings of his goals and how little he cares for anyone but himself; yet you VOTED for him again.
I hope she is put in an El Salvadoran prison with the others.
I just can't, usually I respond with snark or try to find a little laugh somewhere in this shit. I just read about the parents of the girl that died of measles, and now this. Boiling down there "Complaints" to "He's not hurting the right people." + "Streamline the process and my exception please"
No hyperbole.
We. Warned. You.
out of
the country.
he's the threat,
not her
It’s kind of funny if it weren’t real people getting hurt.
can’t wait for MAGAts to justify that.
This is who they are. They've wrapped up so much of their personalities into Trump being their savior, it would literally cause their fragile egos to collapse if they admitted how wrong they were.
Hope this wake up call to “MAGA” doesn’t provoke them to hit the snooze button once again or elicit more declarations of “this is just woke, liberal, extremist propaganda”.
I fear it will just be more of the latter.
Donnie could spray runny Taco Bell shits directly into his mouth and he’d thank him while asking for more.
Move on he says, there's other chicks at the honky tonk! Just don't mess with my pResident!
If, he would smite us all. The ones for being stupid as fuck and the others out of compassion.
And then the cats take over and make everything better.😺
Advice from an old lady : Don't date a dumbarse
Michelle Obama: "The men of America seeing their daughters, wives, sisters and mothers put at risk because their rights have been stripped away. The men of America don't want this."
Sad part is that this sort of thing is what he voted for but did not think through.
You can't always get what you want
But if you vote sometimes you'll find
You get a free trip to El Salvador
Fuck him
(note: not ICE)
And say I have follow up questions
or surprised
or annoyed
or angry
or anything other than absolutely delighted that the person he voted for
is doing exactly
what the person he voted for
said he’d do
exactly what he’s doing.
Shed no sympathy here.
find out
stage of the
fuck around
That tells you all you need to know.
And this my friends is our problem. Even after being stung, this man is still in denial about his savior.
Enjoy "owning the libs"
How fucked in the head do you have to be to put your politics before the safety of the person you pledged your life to??
Hope she divorces that pond scum.
Maybe she thought he actually meant *criminals* when he talked about getting rid of all the criminals. Maybe she knew what he meant, but believed he wouldn't go after her, his supporter.
I hope she is put in an El Salvadoran prison with the others.