Trump's unique focus is on his ego and his wallet. His ego is insatiable, and his wallet is full of ill-begotten riches.
His ultimate destination will be very hot.
The Tangerine Tyrant made the demand to be praised in exchange for lifesaving equipment…then gave the goods to Putin and left Illinois (and many other states) in the lurch.
Those in Illinois knew it and all he’s doing is commenting openly on a broader venue. He’s been one hell of a good governor and an actual Democrat (unlike Chuck). and show the Washington cowards how REAL leaders walk the talk! #moreplease
I remember that. He had Jared high jack supplies mid-delivery. Then a spate of Democratic Governors making statements of gratitude for Trump's great COVID work. It was blatantly obvious.
And that ignorance and arrogance spilled over here to the UK with so-called "britain trump" blojo the clown johnson, ignoring the potential for the pandemic, the repeated calls to restock PPE that hadn't been updated in over 10 years, and then partying during lockdowns as people died...
What do you all think about Democratic Governor Pritzker running for president? I think he'd be a good candidate. I'm sorry to think we need a white male, but the last few elections have shown that we do if we want to win.
unbelievable all of it is uneblievable and not in a good way - disgusting Trump is disgusting
also disgusting - where are our checks and balances - people with GOP lawmakers (& those with Dem lawmakers like me in NY) demand your reps STEP UP - NONE OF THEM ARE STEPPING UP with effective action
Megalomaniacal Diaper Donny proving once again an incessant need for external validation and so little self esteem he has to beg for it. He's a truly pathetic and despicable excuse for a human being.
I live in Chicago and remember when this happened. , as well as other local government agents, kept us alive during the worst of lockdown. It was bad, but because we had a governor who cared, we survived.
When he won the first time, I didn’t think he would accomplish much. I only half heartedly voted for him. He showed up during Covid and led us using science and data. Now I think he’s the best governor I’ve had in my 40+ years.
I think Newsom did basically the same thing. European leaders are saying it to Zelenskyy. Trudeau went along when it looked like all Don wanted was credit for something he didn't do.
Remember when some states, Colorado included, set up their own secretive supply channels for COVID supplies? It wasn't to be a dick, it was so that the trump administration didn't steal or destroy their own supplies. Now we get to live it all over again, except on steroids.
I don't think this should surprise anyone. I remember him saying something along the lines of "if they're [the governors] not nice to me, I don't call them back" I remember him taking resources slated for blue states and giving them to whoever kissed his ass.
I’m an Illinois resident, this isn’t really a revelation, I remember hearing about this in 2020. I thought trump should have been impeached for that alone. Trump is president of the red states, he doesn’t care about the rest.
Duty to Warn, a group of mental health professionals, tried to warn us in 2016 that Trump exhibits all the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a recognized mental illness. He is literally incapable of being a public servant and was never worthy to be called President.
I like your posts, George, but I wish you'd get some more reliable sources. Yours is easily batted away. Or are they a successful, dependable journalist org that I've never heard of. Guess I have to investigate.
#slavaukraini #thanksJB
His ultimate destination will be very hot.
PUTIN who Putin who
Covid what Covid
Bird Flu what Bird Flu
just in time for
Easter wtf is Easter
What a man.
also disgusting - where are our checks and balances - people with GOP lawmakers (& those with Dem lawmakers like me in NY) demand your reps STEP UP - NONE OF THEM ARE STEPPING UP with effective action
And grounds for impeachment.
Now? Fire & other disasters hit red states and all he can talk about is his self-proclaimed astonishing golf scores.
He doesn’t need ‘em anymore, ‘cept to buy cheap wares he shills.